Friday 2 October 2015

MTV Base

MTV Base.

In saying that, this very Blog, can be said condensed in all, and into speak and of what African Spaces (Link), are in all even said to be all about, is to now too, add the said element in all, and of MTV Base Africa, and as said too, providing Content, Music Videos, and that does too speak and of African Spaces, and if not of the Mirror Image in itself, and in said comparison, and to speak and of that of the Saint too that is.

In now asking or pondering, why the Music Video format in all, might be said important that is, and in regard and to speak and of this very Blog, is to now too say that, of all said Mediums that is, and that can too be used to represent, said even Daily African life that is, that of the Music Video, has in all even proven to be rather powerful in its ways, and in its said even, Profiling, and of said even African Identity that is [that the Music Video, African, is in all even said more powerful in its ways, and in simply representing Africa, and in speak of Profiles too, and in said comparison, and to speak of the Movie/Film format in itself, African that is].

In conclusion though, is to now too say that, MTV Base Africa, and in said speak here too, and of its said helping define African Spaces that is, can too, be said to in all even, present, or represent Africa in all, and in speak and of what does pass for, 'a Pace of life' (Link), 'Ease of life' (Link), and if not of the Quality of life (Link) in itself too that is.