Friday 25 May 2012



For those living in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be specific somewhat), is to attempt in all again, to speak and explain of an issue in all, that they might very well face, and in their daily lives too. This issue or matter at hand even, might very well be said, to be all about Sanctity. That for those in 'Nairo' in all, living in the place, can bring about daily struggles in all too even, and having to do, with not only freedom of expression, but in many ways too, with a general (or great even), fear, and of exposure too that is {that in all, for those in 'Nairo' and in many ways, issues pertaining to expression and a general fear even, of exposure, seem to be seen or found, and in just about anything, having to do with living life in itself that is}.

In all, all this does speak even, of learning in all again, how to go about truly freely even, expressing oneself (and as with speak too even, of a general fear of exposure that is), and such that, one can generally feel well (and as with speak of Sanctity in itself), and about oneself too that is.

In helping spearhead such a movement in all (and in free expression and the fighting the fear of exposure), below, I do present a work of my own doing, a poem three, and while written before with someone else specific in mind, of Kira, [Link], Forster, and of Alecia, Pink, Beth Moore, it has now been re-written, and in a form too, that very well speaks of the Mass, prayer, and finally even, freedom of expression and the fear of exposure in themselves actually. So, without much further ado, wait or delay even, I do present it here for ones screening, and as in saying that, it is me, open, and as with respect to you even, and in all too that, I am giving it my all in some ways, to expose myself as such (willful and spirited even), and with no fear in all, of a restitution of any kind too actually. So, once more, here it is, and, hopefully too, you will be inspired to do very same, and in your daily lives, or a Blog somewhere, or even upon coming across me somewhere too actually. Let us now begin, and without much further speak too.........

On this very day.

Dear Beloved; so Precious,

Just wanted to speak; of something denied; my heart,
of how I yearn to be with you so much,
and on this very day.
I feel you deeply; moreso than you would or do imagine,
and the only wish I do have,
and of the millions of (desperate) wishes; and that do live out there too,
is to be with you (on this very day); even if for a single moment.
My soul; I believe,
is whole and pure and in time,
I know, Mary, Queen of Heaven, will grant me my only wish.
Ever dreaming of you,
and hope that at the very least,
I do in all account for a said tiny part of your future,
and as you do in all even so see it.

Hearts (Red; nor Pink), lots of them, and more than you can in all imagine

Merci beaucoup