Thursday 5 July 2012



Everyone truly knows what Secularism in all, actually truly means. A way of life in all, that has very much come to define the Modern World, and Humanity as seen today too actually, it in all again though does speak of a life truly lived, and rather safely in all, with no bets, gambles or guesses even, and to it all, but instead, life very much lived around actually playing it safe and all the time too that is. In all ways though is to compare this to the past, and where Secularism in all, was highly associated with Totemism, but in all again is to associate Secularism in 'Nairo', and at its very worst too, and with Donald Duck actually {and as with this even, showing a huge distaste in all, and for the very conceptual idea too, and of Secularism that is} {it known too even, to lack religion, discipline, faith, hope, or just about anything good, that the Egyptians, Greeks or the Italians in all too really, did ever envision actually (and other than Totemism)}.