Thursday 26 December 2013



Many in 'Nairo', do somewhat know and accept even, that we live in a World, dominated in all, and by 'White people' too, and as with speak even, and of most respected or sought out Media out there too actually. 

To make the above clearer in all, and as with speak even of a contextual analysis too, is to state that, one does find in all that, while living in Africa, that, it does appear in all again that, it is White Americans (Men), who are often highly esteemed, and when in all again, one is asked to judge in all, White populations and as residing in Africa too that is. That White American Men in all, are believed perfect in their ways, and anything that does go along with them in all again, and as with speak of Media too, is often sought out in all. To disappoint many and who do love Americans in all again, is to perhaps say that, their world of Media, can be somewhat racist even, prejudiced and even discriminatory too [and as with regards even, and to speak of White Women for instance].

It is however though, believed, a much better world in all, does exist, and when it does come to Media today, and as with it prevalently White, and in influence too. This world in all again, does actually speak of Spaniard Men in all, and a world too it is believed, does have abundant Wine flowing to it, lots of Money too, and supposedly even, rather many Beautiful Women in it, White too, and for those who do wish to play these kind of (Social) Games that is.


'Ali Baba'