Sunday 19 January 2014

The Regale

The Regale.

Those in 'Nairo' in all, might be unaware of somewhat in all, that they actually do truly live on the African Continent that is. This in many a way, might very well have to do, and with speak even of Kenyan Public society, and as very much in all, having many a European, American or Victorian element to it that is [and as with speak even, and of a total lack in all, and of African Dress, and in Kenya too that is].

In many a way, this post, very much has to do, and with what does constitute of a concrete African Identity, and as with saying even that, African Identities, have traditionally been formed, and as based around Ancestor Worship and Veneration too that is. To understand this all better, is to perhaps understand in many a way, and of what has come to constitute Family in all, and in Kenya too that is. That most don't create Family based Identities in all, and as based around Blood too, but that Family in Kenya in all, has come to be created and as based around not only Lingua, but in many a way too, as based around ones Contacts [and Connections too that is]. 

The end result in all, and of creating Family as such [Lingua, Contacts and Connections], has been a Kenya in all again, filled with many an Individual, and who is not Unique in their ways [and as with this in many a way, being the main problem many a Youth in Kenya might face: attempting to be Unique that is]. To understand being Unique and in Kenya, calls for knowing in all that, creating Family and as based around Lingua, Contacts and Connections, has led to a general culture of Suppression, Repression and Oppression too, and as with regards to ones Free Thinking that is [that in all, and in Kenya too, the ability to think Freely, does not exist in all, and due to the very manner most do create Family that is]. That for many a Kenyan and unknown too, their greatest wish or desire in all, and unknown to them too, would be to learn how to be Free Thinking in all, and as truly freeing one in all again, and from Suppression, Repression and Oppression too,and as with regards to thought/Thinking, and that this in all, also does speak of being Unique actually [thinking as you will, believing in yourself as such, and no matter what anyone in the World does actually think that is].

In all again, it is a belief that this is what Kenya in many a way [or even Kenia too perhaps], is all about: being Unique in thought/Thinking, and that the only way to achieve or attain all this, is via Ancestor Worship and Veneration too actually [and as with all this even culminating, and in what some do term the Regale actually, a Celebration in all again, and for those Unique in 'Nairo', and as with this all this even, Free Thinking and being Unique, speaking of having the 'Mind' of God in all that is].