Friday 25 April 2014



Creed and Identity in Nairobi/Kenya today:

Those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi today, might just have a big problem in all, and as with regards to living out life and on a daily basis in Kenya/Nairobi today, and as it does all even speak of finding ones Place and in life that is. That in all, this does not speak of finding the Job with the Highest pay for instance, but one in all again, and that will afford one in all, all sorts or kinds even, and of Conveniences too that is.

In all again, and in helping those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi find their place in Nairobi today, is to perhaps speak even of the known popular symbol even, and of the White Dove, and as part of religion in Nairobi in all [and as versus Kenya as a whole too perhaps], and which in all again, did very much go along and with speak even and of the Church in Kenya and as very much a part of Kenya's Political History [and further speak even and of the building of Nairobi in all], but that in all ways even and as with regards to those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, it does speak even of the sacrament of Confirmation in all, and as the key Identity in all again, and that one should ascribe to and in Kenya today, and as with regards to not only finding ones Place, but in all ways even speak of being simply Happy in all that is.