Saturday 13 September 2014

National Defense

National Defense.

National Defense, and as with it in all even, going along in all, and with speak of defining Kenyan society, and as found in Nairobi in the very least too, and along the lines in all again, and of one and as said possessing a Laissez Faire attitude and to just about everything too that is [and speak too and of Kenya, and as not only perceived and in speak of the Sun, Greenery or even Conscience too (and as with it even said local, regional, historical or even truly cultural that is), but in all ways even, speak in all, and of Kenyan Policy, and as said truly going along in all, and with speak of Private Property in itself (and its accumulation that is), and Private Property too and as said defined in all, and in speak of Knowledge Bodies / Institutes / Private Clubs, and as versus speak of Kenya in all, and as defined and in speak of Public Property too, and in many a way too, Kenyan now, and as now said readily or heavily stratified, and in speak of Identity, and as said African, Un-African and Non-African too that is].