Monday 1 October 2012

Logical Frameworks

Logical Frameworks.

Logical Frameworks does hereby refer to actually, and to a simple mere existential form, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and that can very well serve as a form of Government, Administration and even Bureaucracy too (or Cultural Identity too that is). In many a way really, it does speak of how one in all again, does perceive Time and Space in themselves actually {and as with this referring even, to general problem solving in all, Design/Status issues, or even Security issues in themselves too that is}.

In helping define such a Logical Framework in all, and for those in 'Nairo' too, is to perhaps best in all again, divide it into three main sections:
  • Warehouses
  • Private Clubs
  • Cultural Formations
Warehouses here, does not actually only refer, and to Storage Facilities in themselves actually, but in many a way too, to various forms of technology and such as Data Warehousing in itself too perhaps, but also, and in many a way truly, to it all as a form of Government, and as with speak truly even, and of Data Management in itself, and as associated in all again, and with Warehouses in all, and as a form of Local Government too that is.

Private Clubs in many a way, does speak of not only Administration in itself, but in many a way truly, speaking of general problems solving in all, Status issues, and even Security issues in themselves too that is. In all, speak too even, and of making real in many a way, all of what has been discussed or written about, and in this Blog 'Nairo' too that is.

Cultural Formations, and as with reminding those in 'Nairo' in all that, Culture in 'Nairo' in general, Anatolian Nairobi, or even the Horn of Africa too {Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia}, is not truly European in its ways, Western/Modern in all, or American truly either, but in many a way truly even, somewhat Victorian in all again, somewhat Brit too, but in many a way truly, coming to take its very own form, and in the very form too, and of what they do term Media Studies, Cultural Studies and even Communication Studies too that is.