Wednesday 17 December 2014

the Technology Hub

the Technology Hub.

What in all, does constitute for a Technology Hub that is? It in all again, is simply said a Research Facility of a kind, and just where in all again, some form or kind of Basic Research for instance, and in speak too of Design, is simply said carried out, and in the name of Intellectual Property (IP) creation that is. That the Technology Hub in all it is believed here, simply does very much have the goal in all again, and of simply coming up with many a Design, that they very well could sell/lease, and to a Technology Manufacturer of a kind that is.

What in all is been said here is that, Technology in all, has very much come to be enmeshed or truly associated, and with notions of Empowerment in all that is. Perhaps in all again, this did not make for too much sense, but it does in all even speak, and of what is believed to constitute, and for a Worker Identity, and in the World we live in today, in that, Empowerment now, does speak of whom/who in all we are, and with speak of Totality too for instance, and not Wholeness either, and as Totality in all, does speak even of utmost Satisfaction, and when having completed a Task for instance, and at Work too, and as in all even speaking of the very reason why one would want to Work, and in a World too perhaps, where Success now, and in Lifestyles too, is probably in all again, associated in Image, and with speak too complicatedly enough, and of something along the lines in all, and of a TV Show, and such as Fashion TV that is [Link][that in all again, the very defining of Success in itself, complicatedly enough, and in speak too of owning the best of Homes today, does in all even speak of an Image in all, and that does speak even of Fashion TV for instance, and speak too even, and of a real 'Cool' home, and somewhere in Sunny California for instance][Link].

In having said this, is to now in all even broach in all, the very topic and of simply how best to think of Technology in all, and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and as in speak even, and of what does constitute and for the African Start-Up for instance. That in all, why would one struggle, and in Africa too, and in very much running a Small Start-Up Business of a kind, and in a place, Africa, where most in all and of help needed, and in running such an operation for instance, is simply said not forthcoming in most ways that is. That in all, those wishing to very much start up, a Business Start-Up of a kind, and in Africa too, simply don't truly know, just what Image in all, does very much represent for Empowerment, Satisfaction and even speak of Totality/Oneness that is. That in all, this does speak even of thinking up, or Designing truly, Technology for instance, and alongside speak even of what some do term FURPS (Link) that is, and as with it in all even speaking of what an African Technology/Business Start-Up (and not that simply termed Kenyan either), is simply said all about, and in speak of an Employee base too, and that is simply said African, but that in all ways even, the very Image and that is said associated here, and with speak too of Empowerment, Satisfaction and Totality too, is not actually known of, but speak here in all again, and of the very belief here that, Africa's Powerhouse in all, and as with regards to speak of all this, Image and in Success, African, does in all even speak of Nigeria, and not South Africa either, but speak too of Kenya too in all [and with Egypt here too, simply believed, and to be dealing and with many an Identity problem, and as with regards to defining Success, and from a said Historical manner/perspective that is (Link)].

In all, a probable Image of Success, and as speaking of the above and FURPS too, does in all probably speak here and of African Fashion TV (Link), Sports TV (Link1, Link2), VH1 (Link), the History Channel (Link), or speak in all and of anything else one might find to be of interest, and in speak even and of associating Success, and in Image, and with a Private Collection of a kind that is [Link][Pat, are you with me?].

In all though, what we are trying to say here is that, the Technology Hub in all again, should be said even a Hub in itself, and as in now associating Design, and as a Field of Speciality/Specialization, and in just about any Field, Subject or Area of Study too that is, and with the Stratocaster in itself, and as said even a Design, basic too, 'Nairo', or even Artifact in itself that is [that in all, if one does decide to enter the Design Business in all, simply think Stratocaster in many a way, and not in all again, and of many a thing said too deep that is].

The Stratocaster in Design: