Friday 16 January 2015

American Art

American Art.

American Art, and as with it all now asking of us, what it is, we do care to know of, or understand too, and in speak too now, and of our being perceived as Selfish that is. However, another view of American Art, does ask of us, whom/who in all we are, and as said Unrepentant/Perverted too that is. There is another held view though, that does in all say, American Art, does in all even refer, and to speak of Remonstrance in itself, and as with it all even now referring, and to speak of Evolutionary Psychology/Theory, and as said American too that is [and speak too of those, who do in all question, where the Future does lie, and in speak of Evolution, and not in speak specifically of Political life, and as said culminating and in speak of History in itself that is]. Finally, American Art, and as now asking of us, and of what we do believe to speak of the hopeless, useless or boring, and in Experience too (African talk here), or speak too and of what is said to constitute and for the General, Average or Typical, and in Experience too, but further speak too, and of the Display in itself, and in speak now and of what does constitute for Human Expression/Behaviour, and as very much associated, and with speak of the Exhibition in all, and in further speak here perhaps, and of American Culture in all again, and as now coming to influence most of the World, and in speak of the very manner/way we do choose in all, and in Expressing ourselves, and as said to speak of the Exhibition, and not, the Showcase truly either (and as seen/found in the most of the World that is)].

In all and finally though, American Art, and as simply asking of us to ponder, and in speak too now and of the defining of Success, and as said to refer and to speak of Relationships, History, War, etc., just whom/who in all we are, and with Exertion in itself that is.

(Madonna - Ghost town)