Monday 29 July 2013


'The Secret' & Nairo:

For many living in Nairobi today, many do know that life in Nairobi in general, is rather stressful. We are not talking of Traffic Jams here only, but the very fact that, doing just about anything in Nairobi (and including shopping in itself too), can require the usage of lots of energy, effort, and time in itself too actually. In many a way, living in Nairobi today, can have even, a rather huge and negative impact on ones Emotional Health, and due to the stressful conditions (and partially due to the city being overpopulated too), that one finds in the place actually.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, there is a way to beat all this such that, with time, one does not find themselves Emotionally Ill, or Ailing too that is. The solution in all, lies in what they do term, Physicality.

Physicality differs from Strength, Fitness, Athleticism or even being Sportive in that, the latter four mentioned, are highly based around what they do call Body Dynamics (and Physical Health too), while Physicality in all, does speak of Emotional Health actually.

While Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting speak of Strength too, and Aerobics, Running or even the Combat Sports speak of Fitness, one dos find though that, Athletics and even the Martial Arts, mainly speak of Athleticism, while most Sports out there too, do speak in all, of one being Sportive. Physicality though, can be developed by engaging in Long Distance Walking (30km - 50 km), Swimming, Martial Art Weapons, Tennis, Skipping, and even Waltz Dance too.


What Physicality will do for you though, is primarily three things. First off, it can teach you about the secondary virtues and such as patience, loyalty, generosity, honour, integrity etc., such that, not only will knowing these virtues teach one how to deal with problems in ones life in all, but understanding them too and from a time perspective that is, can help one develop daily routines by which to live by (all this for those in 'Nairo', and who just don't know how to plan out their daily lives that is). Second off, developing Physicality can help one deal with issues pertaining to the Fear of Success (or even Anxiety too that is), the Fear of Trying (or a Nervous Breakdown too), and even the Fear of Failure (Panic attacks). Thirdly and as mentioned before too, Physicality deals with Emotional Health (and Psychiatry too, and not Psychology either), and that developing perfect even, Emotional Health, does directly even, impact ones Mental and Physical Health too (although one can develop Mental Health too, and by reading alot that is).

In finality though, is to somewhat remind those in 'Nairo' that, developing Physicality in all, can be perceived even, as the key, to what some do term 'the Secret'. That in many a way, developing Physicality, will makes one life easier such that, any form of what they do call Torment (and which is rather common in Nairobi as a whole), will dissipate in time actually (as Tormenting thoughts, appear to be at the very heart even, of why Nairobi today, is in a general chaotic mess all over) (Tormented people that is, and with no clue too, and of just how to deal with all this torment).