Tuesday 30 July 2013

the Politic

The Politic.

The Politic & 'Nairo':

The term the Politic, readily even, does differ from what they do call Politics. For while Politics in many a way, does refer to Situational Analysis, the Politic on the otherhand, does refer to what they do term a 'means of existence' (meaning in all again, speak of everyday interactions, dealings, associations, interplay etc., and amongst different peoples in all too).

To speak of the Politic and Nairobi today, is to in many a way state that, daily interactions or associations in themselves too, often take the very form of corruption and bribery, or in many a way even, can be openly rather rude or hostile in their ways actually.

In many a way too, when it does come to the Politic, many in Nairobi and Kenya too today, are often Proselytes in their ways (meaning in all that, they believe in 'Freedom of Speech', and when it does come to everyday dealings or interactions with others, but in many a way too, and this especially amongst Kenyan Women too, this proselytizing in all, often taking rude and hostile dimensions to it all actually).

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, when it does come to the Politic in all, and in their daily lives too, they in all again, should consider themselves as Patriots (meaning again, not lovers of their homeland truly that is, but lovers of Independence in all, and in all its forms and ways too actually). In many a way too, this does refer to viewing others, and from the very perspective too, of the chaos in all, they do tend to create in society (that in all again, Independence here, is best defined as being free from the Chaotic and Madness in itself too actually). In many a way too, while dealing with those in 'Nairo' and via Patriotism too, those in 'Nairo' in all again, should view those outside 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, and from the very perspective of Chauvinism (see the 'Recording Artist' entry) (and with Chauvinism too, merely in all again, a part of Patriotism actually).

In all, those in 'Nairo' and when perceiving themselves from the perspective of others, should forego viewing themselves in all and from the perspective of Nationalism too (and speak of Wealth accumulation that is) and instead judge others from the perspective of how Independent they are in their ways actually (meaning in all again that, speak of their masterly in all, and of Victorian English too that is) (meaning in all again that, poor speakers of Victorian English in all, should be considered fools of a kind actually).

In many a way, the book posted above 'A Course in Miracles', and that below too, 'Ivanhoe', can in many a way, teach one about Patriotism, and with the former book too, an ancient text of Egyptian (Thebes Egypt) origins, and one in many a way too, written in an eclectic manner such that, it is not one to be readily understood in all, but a book/work that one instead, should choose to comprehend (or what some do refer to as 'getting' the meaning of something that is). In all, a Miracle in all again, and as best perceived, as being a form of Independence too that is.