Wednesday 27 August 2014



Sobriety & 'Nairo':

This entry in many a way, will attempt to introduce those in 'Nairo', and to speak of History in itself, and as going along and with speak of Private Correspondence too that is [and as with it in all even, said to speak of the Emissary too for instance]. In all, speak of a figure, and as with he in all even, and as said going along, and with speak and of the purportedly said Hidden or Secret History of the World, said to possess 'Egyptian Lore/Wisdom' to him perhaps, and as with it in all even perhaps, going along too, and with the unexplainable rise, and of a Royal Dynasty too for instance. In many a way too, this History can be said African, and from speak too, and of an African Theosophy that is [or speak even and of Italian Myth, and as said African too that is].

In all, speak of History in itself, and as said going along and with speak of Convention, in that, it does speak of life in all, and as said very much Proverbial too, and as versus speak of life in all again, and as said and to speak of the Societal in itself that is.

In all, when those those in 'Nairo' do think of life, and as truly said Proverbial and at every minute to it too, then they in all ways should basically perhaps (and as in speak of the Modern Times too), view themselves and as Consultants of a kind too (highly paid too perhaps), but that in all ways even, the very world of the Consultant or the Proverbial truly, does go along in all, and with speak of possessing certain Knowledge Bodies, and which and in the very least in many a way, does speak of Diplomacy in itself [and as perceived in all, and from speak of Intensive Research in itself, and further speak too, and of Research Centers in themselves that is]. That in all again, the very world of Research, does not speak of Academic scholarship (and as versus Academia too that is), but in all perhaps, can be said even, and to speak and of the possessing of Knowledge Bodies in themselves, and as often said Unconventional too, and as they do in all go along, and in/with speak and of a Group Mind or Higher Mind too that is.

In helping those in 'Nairo' truly understand perhaps, how many a Civilization in all, and in the old World too, is said to rise, is to not only speak and of Myth in itself [and something too, most probably don't associate in all, and with speak and of the rise of the Western World that is][and Myth too, and as said British that is], but that speak of olden Civilization in itself, does present for us in all, a manner of Storing Knowledge (Knowledge Storage Systems - KSS) and speak too of Knowledge Retrieval (KR), and that does speak in all, and of everything in society, and as perceived and from speak of the Enconding/Decoding of Knowledge in itself, and as going along too, and with speak of Viruses/Genomes for instance [and speak too, and of Medicine in many a way, and as often touted the most respected of Sciences/Institutions, and in the old World too that is]. To speak of the Modern/Western World in all, is to perhaps best associate speak of KSS/KR, and with speak of Direction in itself that is [Link] [and further speak too perhaps, and of the Tracker Archetype for instance, and as with he even said Coyote, and in North America too that is].

The old World though, does truly still remain potent in its ways, and in speak even in all, and of its said societies, pretty much defined and in speak of life and as lived and in the very form of the Proverbial too (or speak too, and of life and as going along in all, and with the Title of the King that is), while life and as lived today, does speak of the Societal in all that is [and further speak too, and of one and as always having poverty in all, and as said the major worry in all perhaps, and in ones Subconscious Mind too that is].

In all, when one does think of life and as lived around the Encoding/Decoding of Knowledge (and as versus that which does speak of Direction - Link), then one in many a way, is working in all, and from the very perspective and of possessing Knowledge, and that does speak even, and of the Conundrum in itself (and as with it even said a Mystery too) [Link], and as versus speak of Direction in all, and which does speak in all, and of the Puzzle for instance.

In all, the Encoding/Decoding of Knowledge, and from an Italian perspective too perhaps, speaking of the following four:

1. Oracle.
2. Media
3. Artefacts

4. Mythos

That Mythos in all, and as believed to lie and at the very center and of the above three mentioned (and as with they taking a Triangular formation too), is said Egyptian, and in speak of what some do term Casting (Lots), or Greek too, and in speak of Odu, or Italian in many a way , and in speak of what some do term the Canon that is. 

In all, those in 'Nairo', cannot be said to be possessing in all, and of the above Knowledge Bodies to them (and unless they do want to personally contact the Vatican and in one manner or another that is, and as with regards to all this said and written), but that in all ways even, the very world of Direction and the Knowledge produced by it, does speak in all even, and of Local Identities that is, or truly in many a way, speak of Nationalism/National Identities (and as said a concrete Philosophy too, and as said in all again, having certain forms of Technology, and as associated in all and with speak of Nationalism only), but speak too in all, and of Transnationalism in itself that is. That though, Knowledge that is, and that does speak of Encoding/Decoding Knowledge, does in all ways even speak of freeing oneself and from all Restriction perhaps, and as in speak truly even, and of living anywhere, and anyhow too that is [but with Direction in all, said to speak of the History of London for instance, but with life in Paris, lived in many a way, and in speak truly, and of the Proverbial that is][Link1, Link2]. In all again, the Encoding/Decoding of Knowledge, and as said in all perhaps, and to speak of the Voice, and as said a basic form of Technology in itself that is.

In all, when those in 'Nairo' do think of the Proverbial in all again, there does exist a manner and of defining oneself as such, and that does speak even, and of Bodily Health, and Bodily Intelligence too, and as said to be at the very core, and of Intelligence in itself that is. That in all, the very associating of oneself and with certain Health products, does in all speak of raising oneself in all, and not in Acumen or Intelligence truly either, but in all ways even, and in speak of Bodily Awareness, Bodily Conscious States (and speak here and of Microbes for instance), or even Bodily Consciousness too that is [and speak here and of Bodily Mechanisms that is].

In all, when those in 'Nairo' do think of themselves and as Intelligent Beings and from the manner described above, then let them think the following four:

1. Herbs/Herbals
2. Crop/Veggies (and not Vegetables either)
3. Berries/Fruit

4. Nuts/Kernel/Root (Link).

That in all, there does exist a certain Knowledge Divide in the World, and as with regards and to speak and of those who do in all live life, and as they truly want too, and that in all again, the above forms of Diet in all perhaps, should not be taken literally, and as they do in all go along, and with speak of Preparation in itself that is [and as said even, highly Ritualized in all actually].