Monday 18 August 2014

to Brian K.

to Brian K.

Dear BiK,

Word has reached me, and that does say, I am actually not truly of a 'sound mind' that is. That in all, BiK, to put it as shortly as I can, that in all, you are actually said, and Currently I must add, and not Presently either, said to be residing, and in the UK too. All this Time, I thought you were tucked away somewhere safe and warm in Nairobi, doing nothing much either (and as knowing in all, nothing much of interest does happen in Kenya), and probably happy with yourself, knowing in all that, you do live in a World, that of the Oxymoron too, and just where in all, everything said or done, will be deciphered, and from a Time perspective, and that does speak of Yesterday, and not Tomorrow either [what I am trying to say BiK, is that, we all know you are Loaded somewhat, and in speak of Mali too, and not just Wealth in itself, such that, you do pity many a person, said not knowledgeable in Wisdom, but believing in all, Money to be everything that is].

Many out there though, often do talk of the trappings of Money/Wealth, and something I have never truly understood, and other than speak of what they do term Rationing, and as God said passing Judgment, and on such Folk that is, but that in many a way too, I have often believed that, and as I probably presume you do to, that, the trappings of Wisdom in itself, do speak of one, and as truly enraged in personality, and on having someone make Close Associations, and that are not simply congruent in their ways that is [the very belief that, the Dismissal in all, does truly make, and for what is said Real or not Real, and as pertaining in all even, and to speak of God in him/her-self that is].

Bik, remember Vic? Victor Okello!! Hopefully, he is still around with us, and probably in Nairobi too, and as when I did begin writing this Blog in all, I was of the very belief that, you were both still in Nairobi, and with nothing much going on, and simply waiting for many a lost soul, and who did once choose to escape Kenya in all, to very much return, and in speak of Defeat, Loss, or even the Macabre too that is [what I am trying to say here is that, Bik, this sentiment expressed, and that you do believe to be truly representative, and of Kenya and in Identity too, is actually not truly real anymore, and that Kenya has simply changed in its ways and in many a way too]. So now what (so to speak)? And of you that is, in far-a-way England, and apparently holding the position of Senior Business Analyst, and that does require one in all, and to simply master, many a said Business Software Package (and whether they be real or not) [and as they in all perhaps, are not actually said Commercial Packages truly either], but that in all even, knowing you to think and of Kenya, and from speak of a Sentiment too, and that does speak of you, and as living in a Mental Prison of a kind (we are talking Ngugi wa Thiong'o here), and as with it all even perhaps, simply speaking, and of 'What could have Been' that is.

Thats probably Kenya, and in speak of Heredity, and if not Illness, Psycho-somatic too, and as going along and with speak of 'What could have Been'. I was never the one to truly engage in 'What could have Been' Kenya in all, and other than speak perhaps, BiK, and of my actually going out occasionally and in Kenya too, and to Carni/Carnivore, and there in said presence, a Hot Chicka BiK, and she in all too, actually awaiting for my making of a move that is [and as with my knowing myself, uselessly bespectacled actually]. So you left Kenya, and in speak of 'What could have Been', and to a place in all, believed just where in all again, England that is, God in himself, does actually dare, and to intervene and in Human Affairs too [probably something in all, you did not know of England, but with me on the otherhand so to speak, thinking America, to deliver on the promises of life, and as having to do and with annoyances (and as my defining 'What could have Been' Kenya as such), and annoyances too, and that does speak of my having my foot, first in, and in just about any favoured situation that is].

'What could have Been' Kenya. And as with it all even, not only speaking of Political sentiment, and as often expressed and in speak of many a Kenyan Human Rights Activist, and who in all does believe that, there are those in all, actually attempting to Taint Kenya in Memory, and not simply have many in Kenya, and as said Destitute too that is. We though, are of the 'What could have Been' Kenya, and that does speak of the Now or Future, and of Kenyans in all, and as simply said Fools and at every occasion or moment, such that, every moment lived or wasted away, does speak in all, and of a Spirituality, and that does speak, and of Recompense/Recompensation in itself that is, and from God too in all [the very belief by every Kenyan that, that God in all, is simply said to hold sway in all again, and in ones life too, such that, Kenyans in all, are the kind to believe in anything said, and when God is simply said 'not Cool enough', and in speak perhaps, and of just what does constitute and for a Reality of Introspect that is][that Kenyans in all, are truly obsessed, and with simply feeling Ill perhaps, and other than hear speak, and of God and as said 'Holding sway', and in ones life that is].

With God said not to be accepting of us all (and as I do privately believe that is), then whom in all, are you, and with Introspect, and in Far-away England, and as knowing it all, a Psychology, and that does simply wait, and for the inexplicable, and in Right or Wrong, and as happening, and just to feel vindicated in all, that, people, are simply said evil in all, and even when Good does comes ones way, Introspect, and speak of 'What could have Been', simply holding one back, and in achieving, the slightest of goals that is [meaning in all that, Kenya, and as said the most marvelous of places by some, does speak even, and of Introspect, and as not believed said truly vindicative in all, and as seen in many another part of the World that is, but could be].

BiK, I don't truly believe you did make it in life, Senior Business Analyst that is, but that once back in Kenya, we can simply work the 'Feel Good' factor in all, and as said truly representing Maturity in itself, and as Maturity out there and in Far-a-way England too that is, and as truly said defining Success, does speak of the Commitment, and one too, and that does carry an English, European or Western Disposition to it that is [that in all, BiK, 'What could have Been' England, is simply said, inexistent, or non-existent truly either that is].

In all, Just come back Home BiK, and just be whom we are [and that's it].




Who is this??!!