Friday 30 August 2013

The French Flag

- the French Flag, and as with it even having origins, and with the French Republic and speak of Revolutionary France too, but now, the Unofficial Flag, and of Anatolian Nairobi too that is.

Monday 26 August 2013

Jimi Hendrix

The very heights of Alternative Grunge and 'Nairo' too (and speak too of Altered States of Consciousness and Belief Systems too)

Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Feminine

Feminity, Chicks, Synchronicity/Familiarity & 'Nairo'.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Money Economy

The Money Economy & 'Nairo':

There is probably many a person in 'Nairo' today, without a good understanding in all, and of just how Money in society today, does truly function like. For most out there, thoughts of Money, do deal in all, and as with it all too, used to pay for Food, Shelter and Clothing that is (or speak of the so called Basic Needs of Man).

Most though, don't truly know how Money does circulate in all, and in todays Modern or Westernized societies too. First off for instance, is to say that, Money in general, is obtained via Employment, Self-Employment, Business (New products/services in all) and even Investments too [and the very world too, of Robert Kiyosaki that is]. However though, most might not perhaps know just how in all, Money in itself, does actually circulate. That in all, in Western/Modern societies that is, Money does circulate, and in the form of currencies, credit, and also grants too (and as in the case of a School Bursary too perhaps).

Even more interesting perhaps, is just how Money in all again, is actually stored. That in todays Western/Modern societies, Money is often stored, and in the form of Property, Knowledge Systems (meaning in all, Knowledge that is, and that is actually used to solve problems directly too), and even Sexuality (that in Western/Modern societies, it is those deemed attractive in one way or another, and as perhaps possessing Caucasoid features, straight hair or even white skin too, that do have Money in all, made readily available to them).

In 'Nairo' though, we do wish in all again, to separate ourselves, and from the Modern/Western World too that is. In many a way too, this does speak of creating an Independent Money Economy in all, and as with this too, speaking of just how to have Money in all again, easily flowing and through society too (that in all again perhaps, the ability to easily tap into many a Money source too, leaves one in all again, free in all, to do as they please and with their lives in general too that is).

In many a way too in all, this does speak of viewing Money in all again, and in the following 9 forms: Bounty, Treasure, Fortune, Riches, wealth, Capital, Estate, Inheritance, Remunerations.

To fully understand perhaps, what these 9 forms of Money in all, do truly mean (as with speak even, of creating economic opportunity), is to associate these forms of Money, and with various virtuous states too that is.

For instance, Bounty in all, does actually speak of exchanges (that in all again, possessing anything in all, and that one can easily exchange for something else, or even hard cash too for instance). Treasure in many a way, does speak of deals in all (and something in all again that is, that one can very much use, and as security too, and when making a deal with another for instance). Fortune in many a way, does speak of making a promise to another, and fulfilling it too (and in many a way too, being rewarded with something in all again, and as with this even, referring to offering excellent service to another that is). Riches in many a way too, does speak of performing a favour for another (and as with even surprising another, and by promptly even, solving all their problems too that is). wealth in many a way (and as with a small 'w' too that is), does speak of support (meaning in many a way that is, anything associated with everyday survival too that is, and as with this even, referring to putting up a friend, and in ones home too that is). Capital in many a way, does speak of the ability, to please another (and as with this even, speaking of manifesting order in many a way too that is). Estate in all, does speak of convenience that is (and as with the ability even, to do just about anything, and in the shortest time too). Inheritance in all again, speaks of sustaining oneself (and as with this referring even, and to physical, mental and emotional health too that is). Finally, Remunerations in all, does speak of gratifying oneself (or even, simply pleasuring oneself too, and as with the case of a soft drink perhaps, or even speak of a simple toy too).

In all again really, the above speaks of what they do term a Money Economy in all, and not an Economy in itself too (that in all, it is all about attempting to make Money readily available in all again, and to all in 'Nairo' too, in that, it does speak of not only making a large amount of Money in all again, and in the shortest time period too that is, but in many a way too, a general way of how to think of creating Products & Services in all again, and for any Market too, and as including those outside 'Nairo' too that is).

In finality, while the average Materiality in 'Nairo' is Geek, the above in all again, does speak of what they do term Affluence actually (and as with this referring even, and to materiality in all, and that does change with periodic time too that is) [in many a way too, this speaking even of, innovation in all, and as with making changes to a product or service too, and as time passes by too that is].

In all and in finality again, the attempt, to free those in 'Nairo', and from wasting their lives chasing Money (and in the form of employment too perhaps), and by attempting to perhaps say in all that, Money is many a thing, and is not something in all again, that is simply accumulated via work, and then spent wisely too perhaps.

Saturday 10 August 2013


Contemporary life & 'Nairo':

Most in 'Nairo' in all, might be unaware of just how important Drama in all again, is to our lives. That it in many a way, is whom we are, when we are simply planning or plotting for anything, or even, when we are simply socializing with each other too. That in many a way too, many have been taught, that life, is all about making as much money as one can get, having a beautiful spouse too perhaps, and finally in all again, a home of a kind too. Many though, who do seek to live life as such will eventually come to discover though, how boring and meaningless life in all is, as they will also discover too, that they have no good reason really, for anything they do (they simply do things that is, because society or 'News Media' too, expects them to do as such).

This is where in all again, Drama that is, comes in. If you live in 'Nairo', and believe your everyday life in all, has no meaning to it, is simply boring, or there seems to be no good reason to doing anything, then simply know, its because one does not know anything much, and about Drama too. For that is Drama, in a simple sense: religion, meaning and even organized thought too (or simply in all again, how to plan or plot for things that is).

In conclusion though, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, it is American styled Drama (and not European either), that is in many a way, well suited for Anatolian Nairobi in general (and not 'Nairo' in particular too).

Monday 5 August 2013

The Paladin

Eminem, and as featuring Robyn Rihanna "RiRi' Fenty.


'Nairo' & Islam:

Many living in 'Nairo', might probably perceive that, they probably do have problems in all, knowing just how to go about, recognizing, figuring out, or 'making out' each other too. In all, just how to go about in all again, creating bonds with each other, such that, one in many a way, can depend on them, and  in good times, or bad times too.

How really in all, to go about creating friendships in all again, and with no serious attachments to each other, such that, those in 'Nairo' in all again (or even Anatolian Nairobi too), can be perceived, as being more sophisticated, refined and even adventurous, and than the 'average joe' out there too.

What is been said is that, many in all, do spend a lot of time and energy, attempting to create bonds with each other, and such that, they in all again, will be able to live life to the max, and be as successful too, and as they truly wish they could be.

What this post is all about, is in many a way too, all about in all again, speeding up this process. That one can in many a way, come up with the craziest of ideas perhaps, wild in its ways, and wonder truly, if anyone is courageous enough, to support them. This in many a way, is what the book posted above 'Key to the Treasures of Jannah', can be said in many a way too, to be all about. That it in all, can help one become such a person in all again, courageous and trustworthy in all too, and when it does come, to attempting to succeed, and in just about anything too (meaning again, they in all, are willing to support another even, and in the name of Justice/remorse too, and as in recognizing in all too really, what an appeal of any kind truly means or is).

In many a way too though, what the book can help one with, is teach one on the average, just how to become an Independent Worker, learn how to create Group formations in all, and in many a way too, teach one, what it means to be Solo (i.e. not caring to know anyone, or anything too, and in a discriminatory/pejorative manner too that is).

In many a way too though, a text too, to refer to, and when one thinks of just how to create disciplined and Intellectual bonds with each other (and as including Family too) (and as with this work even, to be best perceived in all again, and as ones connection in all, and to the Jamia Mosque in Nairobi too, and as a Help Center of a kind too that is).

In finality in all again, a book to be considered very much similar to the Catechism in that, it is a work, to be in many a way memorized, and not simply understood perhaps, and one too in all again, that will at the very least transform those in 'Nairo', into what they do call a Paladin (or truly even that is, a deeply Courageous being of a kind too that is).

Thursday 1 August 2013


For those in 'Nairo', who truly wonder whom just, are the peoples of America like (and as speaking too of 'real-deal' Bostonian like Americans and as versus Immigrants too), then truly know that, they are not truly like Br'er Rabbit, or even those seen in many a Hollywood Movie or an American Magazine too, but instead, are very much like 'Fantastic Mr. Fox'.