Monday 5 August 2013


'Nairo' & Islam:

Many living in 'Nairo', might probably perceive that, they probably do have problems in all, knowing just how to go about, recognizing, figuring out, or 'making out' each other too. In all, just how to go about in all again, creating bonds with each other, such that, one in many a way, can depend on them, and  in good times, or bad times too.

How really in all, to go about creating friendships in all again, and with no serious attachments to each other, such that, those in 'Nairo' in all again (or even Anatolian Nairobi too), can be perceived, as being more sophisticated, refined and even adventurous, and than the 'average joe' out there too.

What is been said is that, many in all, do spend a lot of time and energy, attempting to create bonds with each other, and such that, they in all again, will be able to live life to the max, and be as successful too, and as they truly wish they could be.

What this post is all about, is in many a way too, all about in all again, speeding up this process. That one can in many a way, come up with the craziest of ideas perhaps, wild in its ways, and wonder truly, if anyone is courageous enough, to support them. This in many a way, is what the book posted above 'Key to the Treasures of Jannah', can be said in many a way too, to be all about. That it in all, can help one become such a person in all again, courageous and trustworthy in all too, and when it does come, to attempting to succeed, and in just about anything too (meaning again, they in all, are willing to support another even, and in the name of Justice/remorse too, and as in recognizing in all too really, what an appeal of any kind truly means or is).

In many a way too though, what the book can help one with, is teach one on the average, just how to become an Independent Worker, learn how to create Group formations in all, and in many a way too, teach one, what it means to be Solo (i.e. not caring to know anyone, or anything too, and in a discriminatory/pejorative manner too that is).

In many a way too though, a text too, to refer to, and when one thinks of just how to create disciplined and Intellectual bonds with each other (and as including Family too) (and as with this work even, to be best perceived in all again, and as ones connection in all, and to the Jamia Mosque in Nairobi too, and as a Help Center of a kind too that is).

In finality in all again, a book to be considered very much similar to the Catechism in that, it is a work, to be in many a way memorized, and not simply understood perhaps, and one too in all again, that will at the very least transform those in 'Nairo', into what they do call a Paladin (or truly even that is, a deeply Courageous being of a kind too that is).