Saturday 10 August 2013


Contemporary life & 'Nairo':

Most in 'Nairo' in all, might be unaware of just how important Drama in all again, is to our lives. That it in many a way, is whom we are, when we are simply planning or plotting for anything, or even, when we are simply socializing with each other too. That in many a way too, many have been taught, that life, is all about making as much money as one can get, having a beautiful spouse too perhaps, and finally in all again, a home of a kind too. Many though, who do seek to live life as such will eventually come to discover though, how boring and meaningless life in all is, as they will also discover too, that they have no good reason really, for anything they do (they simply do things that is, because society or 'News Media' too, expects them to do as such).

This is where in all again, Drama that is, comes in. If you live in 'Nairo', and believe your everyday life in all, has no meaning to it, is simply boring, or there seems to be no good reason to doing anything, then simply know, its because one does not know anything much, and about Drama too. For that is Drama, in a simple sense: religion, meaning and even organized thought too (or simply in all again, how to plan or plot for things that is).

In conclusion though, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, it is American styled Drama (and not European either), that is in many a way, well suited for Anatolian Nairobi in general (and not 'Nairo' in particular too).