Sunday 29 September 2013

Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York.

Those in 'Nairo' in all, might have in many a way, a problem in all, and of just how to Present oneself (and even in Documentation too), and to just about anyone that is. In Nairobi today though, one does find in all, that the Kikuyu peoples of Kenya, have come to dominate in many a way, just how the average person in Nairobi in all, should Present themselves actually. For the rest of those in Nairobi, and who are not Kikuyu in all, one does find an attempt in all again, to basically Present themselves, and as they were in many a way taught in Secondary/High School, and even University oriented education too that is.

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with speak even of creating Intimate relationships with another, is to in general present a way of generally Presenting oneself, and as with speak of a general Aesthetic for 'Nairo' too, very much along the lines of Presentation formats, and Aesthetics too, and as seen in the movie 'Gangs of New York' that is.

Gangs of New York (and Espanole too):

The Soul

The Soul.

St. Andrew, and as very much representing the Soul, and as with speak of the general spirit of the average person too, and in 'Nairo' that is.

Friday 20 September 2013

The Temporal

The Temporal.

While the Secular and 'Nairo' in all, does speak of the 'Moors Last Sigh', and the Sedentary too, and in 'Nairo' that is, does speak even and of Lionel Richie too, the Temporal on the otherhand, and in Anatolian Nairobi / 'Nairo' too, and as with this referring and to a state of Ennui in all too really, and as with lacking the interest and in doing anything that is, can be said in many a way to be defined, and by the song 'Rock Steady' and by the Whispers too.

St. Ursula

St. Ursula.

Mother figures and 'Nairo'.

Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen.

For those in 'Nairo' (and Anatolian Nairobi too), is to first of all remind them that everyday life in 'Nairo' in all, is not lived around gaining Rhythm to life that is (and as with maintaining a certain Beat, Tempo or Flow too), but in all ways even, is all about gaining Sanctity to life actually. 

However though, is to also speak of an everyday problem, and one that might plague those in 'Nairo' in all. It all has to do with attempting to been in synch in all again, and with others, and ones environments too [in all, creating Peaceful, Loving and Harmonious moments in all again, and with others and ones environments too that is]. In many a way, the Saintly musical works, and of Hildegard of Bingen, not only do serve for this purpose, but in many a way too, do also serve and as an inspiration and for a general way of thinking, and for those in 'Nairo' too [and as with mastery in thinking even, going along, and with mastering the Frederick Noad / Arab style of playing Guitar that is].

The Novena

The Novena.

The Novena, or its Anti-thesis really (and as with speak of whom those in 'Nairo' truly are, and on a daily basis too, and when simply trudging along, and no longer do believe in just about anything too).

The Novena & Alternative Grunge:

Prince - One of Us

Thursday 19 September 2013

da Vinci

da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci, the Biography of a Saint.

Alternative Grunge

Alternative Grunge.

Gwendolyn Stefani and No Doubt.

St. John

St. John

Authority and 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi.



- and as with Rites simply referring to generally introducing oneself and to others in Anatolian Nairobi as a whole (and as with speak of 'Nairo' even), general communications too, and also putting an end to things in general too.



For those in 'Nairo' in all, is to alert them perhaps, and of just whom they are, and when they are Losers in all too that is. That in all again, speak of 'Loserdom' and in 'Nairo' too, does in all ways even speak of Dearth, and in all ways too, speaks of Thomas de Quincey in all too really.




For those in Anatolian Nairobi (and 'Nairo' in particular too), is to perhaps introduce them, and to the very topic of Death too that is. That for most in the World, Death is merely a Rite of Passage [that one day in all, we shall all die, all of us, and it is best in general, to think of life and live it out in such a manner]. For others, Death is actually an Experience [and as with in many a way, associating it all even, and with issues of Failure, a Fear of Trying, or even Success (and as with this speaking of Death in Identity too actually)]. In Anatolian Nairobi though (and 'Nairo' in particular), is to very well tell one that, when they do think of Death, they should very well envision it, and from the perspective of the Mystery [that in many a way, Death is never truly far away, and in all ways even is an occurrence in itself, and one that happens for no known reason too, and the goal is attempt in all, to truly find the real reason, and as with regards to anything that does happen and which in all again does not actually result in a re-birth of Identity in all, or even an altering in the way one Feels in all again, but in all ways even, a shift even, and in just how one does Remember things in all, or in many a way even, a shift in just how one does Perceive Reality actually, and as with even noticing things one never did notice before that is].

In all ways, for those in Anatolian Nairobi / 'Nairo' is to also tell them, when they do think of Death as such, and as mentioned above that is, then the Victorian works of Miss Jeffries in all, could be of help, but in many a way too, praying to St. Stephen, could also very much be what one is truly seeking out actually.

Social Cohesion

Social Cohesion.

Social Cohesion & 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Anatolian Nairobi

Anatolian Nairobi.

- and as with Anatolian Nairobi too, distinct in all, and not only from 'Nairo' (and as with it representing Brown skinned peoples living in Nairobi), but also from Anatolia in itself too actually. In all, the general Spirit, and of Anatolian Nairobi too that is.