Friday 13 December 2013

Game Design

Game Design.

Africa in many a way, is a rather unique even, Continent, and from the rest seen out there too actually. This in many a way, does very much have to do, and with African Knowledge Systems in all. That in other parts of the World, Knowledge in its most basic forms, does take the very form of the so termed Hindu-Arabic Numerical system. While this Knowledge and as based or derived from the Hindu-Arabic Numerical system does work in Africa, Africa in many a way though, is known to have its very own forms of Knowledge actually. In many a way, these African Knowledge Systems, are in most ways even (if not all), based around Design actually (African too), and as with speak even, of African Counting systems, and also the belief by many an African that, Magic, is actually real [and as with Magic too, not something only known, and to Arabs that is].

In many a way, while Magic in Kenya/Kenia, and even in Ethiopia and Somalia too, can be said to take the form of the Short-cut for instance [and as with Short-cuts even, rather well known and to many a Kenyan too for instance], those in 'Nairo', and who do wish to dabble in African Knowledge Systems in all, and as based around Design too actually, should in all ways even seek to engage in all again, and in Game Design actually [and as the form of Design too, best truly suited, and for those in 'Nairo' too that is].