Friday 13 December 2013



Dance in many a way, appears even, to be an important if not fundamental even, part of creating African Identities in all. At the very least, this does speak even, and of the creating, and of not only African Personas in all, but also, speak of African Magico-Religious beliefs too [and the attempt by some even, to create Culture from them too, and as with speak even of Malandragem, and as seen in Capoeira too for instance] [and speak even of many a good practitioner and of Capoeira too, appearing enigmatic in their ways that is] [and as with all this too, Magico-Religious beliefs that is, and the creating of Culture from it all, said even to have been a part of the very history even, and of the Moors in Spain too that is (and very much as Knightly figures actually)].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and who do wish to engage in Dance, is to first mention that, the only Dance that does seem available or suitable, is Improv. Dance actually. However, Dance in 'Nairo', can be said to take rather Individual formations actually. For those in all again, and in 'Nairo' too, and who do wish, to engage in Dance, it Spiritual even, and also as offering Magico-Religious beliefs and as part of it all too, then let it all be inspired in many a way even, and by the Story of St. Joan of Arc actually [and as with somewhat wanting to express oneself, and as she very much did that is] [and all this too, speaking of Individual creativity in all, and even Individual beliefs too actually].