Wednesday 14 May 2014



The Swahili term Ng'ambo, is probably very well known perhaps, and to many a person in 'Nairo' in all that is. It in all again, does differ and from associating life in all, and with speak even and of the Swahili term Dunia too, and as it was the Greeks in all, and who did actually invent Dunia, and speak even perhaps and of living out life, and alongside the attending of many a Concert in all perhaps, and in a famed Concert Hall too for instance.

While Dunia today, is often associated in all and with a thrift culture even, and of Discrimination that is [and speak even and of the Psychological barrier too], Ng'ambo on the otherhand, is deemed of far more interest and for those living in 'Nairo', and as with regards even and to the attaining of satisfaction, and as with regards to speak of a life well lived out that is.