Friday 2 May 2014



As above, so below....As below, so above.

Many have heard of the above saying in all, and as believed even Egyptian in origins that is. It in many a way though, can be said and to speak and of just whom in all, we are, and in these Modern Times we live in. That the Modern Times have come in many a way and to be heavily defined even and by speak of the Clockwork in all, and as compared to past Times in all again, and where in all again life was very much defined, and by speak of Cycles in themselves actually. 

In all, when one does think of life and as defined and by the Clockwork, one is then in many a way led and in believing and in a World, one said Heavenly too, and where in all again, Time in all, is very much kept in similar ways, and to the present World/Reality we live in that is. In all, a Heavenly Realm perhaps, and where just about all Time related problems, and as originating in the Clockwork, have very much been resolved actually.

In all though, all this does speak even and of the very world in all, and of Seraphs too, and as perhaps exposing such Heavenly existences in all again and via Art too, and as in speak even perhaps and of the so termed in all again, Palliser Novels, and by Anthony Trollope too that is.

The Clockwork:

(Leona Lewis - Better in Time)