Friday 7 September 2012

Legitimacy (0)

Legitimacy (0).

The question of Legitimacy today, has very much fallen to truly defining even, what does constitute modern city life in itself actually. That while in the past, Legitimacy truly had to do, and with defining Man in himself, and as with regards truly even, to issues having to do with Genealogy & Descent too, Legitimacy today though, has truly fallen and to levels in all again, truly speaking of Lawfulness and Legalization in all, and as with this truly even, and as with speak of modern Authority too, speaking in all again, and of just whom in all, has a Defendable Right in all truly even (and not truly constitutional either), and in truly belonging in all, and to any said Entity (mainly Political) too, and as with speak too even, of Membership in itself that is.

To perhaps attempt to make all this much clearer, is to in all again speak of the very fact that, most today, do associate surviving in all again, and in the World today, and with living, and in a modern city too that is. That in all, while the past/olden Worlds in all again, did very much see life in all, and as truly based around Towns and Communal/Community life too (and with Cities in the past too, in all truly even, associated with all forms of Political Gatherings actually), the modern World has very much seen to it, the very extinction too, and of Nature oriented Communities/Communals in all, and as based around Towns too, and all in favour, and of highly congested modern cities too that is.

To fully understand this much better, is to best in all again truly see, Political Organization, and as it did very much happen too, and in the past/olden Worlds that is, and as compared in all too even, and to the Modern World too that is. That in all, Political Organization in all again (and speak too even of all other forms of Entity creation too), could be reduced and to just four things actually (and as with they even, highly Individual in their natures that is) {and as with this referring in all too even, and to Self-Reliance & Self-Independence in themselves actually}: Religious Affidavits, Social Mandates, Political Manifestos and Economic Statutes. That these four, were all that were required (and in a basic sense too), and for one in all again, to be truly able, to conquer just about any known/unknown Territory too, and deemed rather inhabitable and by Man too that is.

All the above though (Self-Reliance & Self-Independence too that is), has in all ways truly even, been put aside, and in favour of a way of surviving on Earth, and believed in all again, as having its roots or origins too, and in South America that is {and a way of surviving too, and that does in all again, associate Political Organization, and with the following four: Urbanization, Modernization, Westernization, and even Industrialization too}.

Urbanization in many a way, today poorly believed to speak of the building in all, and of Urban centers or Urban communities too, actually does speak in all truly even, and of Design & Architecture in themselves, and when it does come to the designing of modern cities too that is {and that in all, most out there, don't truly know what an Urban center or an Urban community truly actually is: it being in all again, not a true Community, Communal or even a Town either that is, but in all ways truly even, a kind of Village, and akin to that seen in Africa in all truly even}. That in all again, and unknown to most too, most modern cities in all, do take to the planning, and of an African Village too actually, and as its basic Design that is, and in all ways truly even, attempting to build on it all, and by bringing all such basic Designs (or Urban centers and Urban communities too), together that is {and along the lines even, and of Security Measures too actually}.

Modernization on the otherhand, does speak in all truly even, and of many a modern city today too, being swamped all over, and by new arrivals and of all kinds too that is, and who in all again, are truly supposed to find ways or means even, and of surviving, and with as little help as possible that is. In all, Modernization does speak in all truly even, and of what one could call a Standard Identity (it in all again, used to define Individuality and in past Societies too that is), and as with it truly speaking even of, and of a person too, highly defined only, and by ones Personal Preferences, Personal Choices & Personal Wishes too that is {and with Modernization in all again, attempting to define equality and fairness/justice in all, and by truly speaking of limited Resources in all again, and when it does come to ones Standard Identity that is} {that in all, and in modern cities filled to the brim even, and with all forms of migrants to it too, one has to create fair and equal environments for all, and by speaking truly even perhaps, and of Standardization, and as with it too, the attempt in all again, to define those who do live in a city perhaps, and via certain said Standard Identities too, and in many a way even, creating Class Hierarchies in all, that can truly be said to be the most discriminative, racist and even sexist, and of all other hierarchies in all again, to be seen in History in itself too that is: and as with this even, speaking of life in the Modern World, highly taking a militaristic/militant component to it all, and as with regards truly even, to daily survival that is}.

Westernization in all ways truly even, does actually speak of modern city life in all {and in all again, what are the true benefits, and to be obtained truly even, and from living in a modern city that is, and as compared in all again, and to living in just about any other form of Political existence that is}. In many a way, one does find that, the solution to all this, what Westernization truly is, does probably truly lie with the very belief that, Media, and as seen in modern cities too, is far more exciting perhaps, and as compared to that seen too, and in just about any other place/existence that is {and as with this even, not truly true today, and as with saying that, many an Internet Forum or Blog even, Communal too, does offer far more exciting possibilities and to life in itself, and as compared to what one could truly refer to as Western, Modern, Urban or White/Nationalist Media too that is} {and as with White/Nationalist Media too, truly speaking even of whiteskinned peoples in all again, and as coming to strongly define or set the standards in all, and for Media too, highly having to do with Nationalist Identities that is} {and as with all this even, modern city oriented Media in all, coming to truly define, Citizenship, and in many a place too that is}.

Industrialization and in the Modern World in all, is highly an exaggerated term, and for what truly does go on, and as with regards to most Industry seen out there actually. That in all, Industrialization today, does speak even of Commercialization in itself actually, and as with this referring even, to the producing or manufacturing too, and of just about anything and that does fall under mass consumption too, and as with this truly referring even, to not only qualitative products or services in all again, but in all ways truly even, and to basic even, Necessities and Amenities that is {and something in all again, and as with traditional Ironworking techniques too, produced in all, and on a local level too, and not, on an International level even, and as with speak too, and of Manufacturing today that is} {and with Production today, regional in its ways even and as with speak even of a Country too, but with Manufacturing, rather International in its ways actually (and as with Kenya today too, an International Exporter even, and of good quality food products, but as Amenities too that is)}.

In all, what the above four Urbanization, Modernization, Westernization and even (modern) Industrialization/Commercialization too, has truly resulted in (and as with its impact on Man too that is), has been the Displacing and of Man, and from himself too that is. That in all, Man and in his Modern World too, has very much seen parts of himself (and as with speak too even of his Soul perhaps), become part of his everyday environments (or Materiality too), and as with the Car (or Car Engine too), coming in all again, to truly even, defines ones Soul that is {and as with its dynamics and thought systems in all, the Human Soul that is, very much a part of the dynamics and thought systems too, and of the Car and Car Engine that is}.

As a finality, is to in all again even, speak of Legitimacy and in 'Nairo' too, and as with this referring even, and to turning 'Nairo', and into a true Home and for those who do choose to live in it, and on a full-time basis too that is {and as with this furtherly speaking even of, truly defining ones Rights in the place, and along the lines of Validity, Efficacy, Cogency and even Potency too} {and as with this referring even, and not to Monetary issues in themselves, but in all truly again, to Productivity issues in themselves actually (and as with Productivity here too, referring in all again and to Generative abilities that is, and of all kinds too, and as including even, the ability in all again, to truly generate a Happy atmosphere in all, and for everyone in a room too for example)}. In all, is to remind the reader that Religious Affidavits, Social Mandates, Political Manifestos and even Economic Statutes too, do in all ways truly even, speak of a basic and primary way too, and of understanding Life in itself, how to live it or what specifically even, to actually do with it that is, and in many a way even, does in all again speak of someone and with a deep understanding of life in itself, and who in all again, does choose even, to live frugally perhaps, and simply in all again, enjoy life even, and in its most basic sense too that is {and as with this speaking even of, and of a life spent in service too, and towards a certain cause too that is}.

'Nairo' & Legitimacy: