Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Persona

The Persona.

Persona Develoment & 'Nairo':

Those living in Nairobi as a whole, might be in many a way even, aware that, there does exist even, a serious Character formation problem in the place. That in many a way even, Nairobi as a free place, does speak in all ways even, and of the rather many differing Social Images and that are acceptable to most that is, it though, is highly restrictive in all again, Nairobi as a whole that is, and when it does come, to Personality formation {that in all, the steady decline perhaps, and of Nairobi and from past Decades too, does very much have to do, and with the lack of freedom in all, and as with regards, to expressing oneself freely, and when it does come, to ones Personality that is}.

However though, Nairobi's biggest problem, does truly lie even, and with the issue of Character development in all. That in all again, those in Nairobi, are actually ready to accept any kind of Character in all, and into their social circles too, and as with this even, referring to Thieves and Robbers in all again, steadily even, interacting, and with the most prominent of peoples too {and as with saying that, those in Nairobi in all again, appear to have no known mechanism in all, and on just how perhaps, to go about judging the kinds of Characters in all, they do come across that is (and as with many even, deemed in all again, rather legit in their ways, and as with they perhaps even, fitting in many a way, and into the Designs perhaps, and of the place too, Nairobi, that is}.

In all, is the promoting of the above work 'The Handmaids Tale' and by Margaret Atwood too, and as with it even, believed to have rather good standing Social Images, Personalities and Characters too, and that many in all, could very well take even, and as a standard too of a sort, and for Nairobi as a whole that is {that in all, it is best perhaps to treat this work, and as a kind of a Security defense mechanism in all, and as with it even, speaking in general, and of what is acceptable and what is not, and when it does come to Social Images, general Personalities and Characters too in all, and as a work too and in many a way even, highly believed suited for a Nairobi as a whole, and as with the attempt even, to turn into a World City too that is}.
