Thursday 27 September 2012

Social Games

Social Games.

Game Theory & 'Nairo':

Does anything of interest, ever truly happen out there anymore? Many a person buying into Media today, might be fooled into believing it as such, that something of great interest actually does go on, and when in reality, a good way to judge all this, is from the very perspective too, and of the Social Games in all, one might very well observe taking place, and just about anywhere out there too that is. In all, is to first tell those in 'Nairo' that, Anatolian Nairobi in all, will not be defined and by the oft known cliches of Shopping, Entertainment stops, or even City Economics too, but in all ways truly even, by what they do term Social Games in all {and as with the three aforementioned aspects in all again, Shopping etc., to be born of Social Games too that is}.

In all ways even, the very belief that nothing does go on out there, does very much have to do, and with the low or poor quality even, and of Social Games too, played all over that is. That in all, the Western/Modern World in all, has seen to it that, a fall in all forms of Social interactions in all {and as replaced too by violence, crime and addictions of all kinds too}, has actually taken place, and that in all again, those in Anatolian Nairobi, and as in helping simply make the place truly interesting perhaps, should in all ways even, study Social Games, and from the very perspective too, and of the Social Contract, and also Game Theory in itself too that is {that Social Games in all, are the most base of civilized existences, and that in all again, the very World today, does see to it having Social Games in all again, and more or less of the Ghetto, Elitist or even the Mad Villageman variety too, and that in all again, this does speak of civilization in all, and today too that is, at probably its lowest levels in all, and as seen throughout History too that is}.