Monday 24 March 2014



Those in 'Nairo', have truly even heard, and of the term Industry. It in many a way though, is something in all complicated in its ways. For in the past, Industry in all went along and with speak of Philosophy in itself, and as with regards even to attempting to understand in all, and as with speak of Lifestyles too, what did make and for Satisfaction in itself that is.

Modern Industry though, does not take Philosophy into account, and as with regards even to gaining Satisfaction, but that in all ways even, it does operate in all, and in speak of the Masses, and as with it all even perhaps, very much guided and by speak of Mass Psychology too that is.

Those in 'Nairo' though, can in many a way help re-invent Industry in Kenya in all again (and as with speak even of the collapsing in all, and of the Industrial Area in Nairobi too), and via in all again attempting to bring back Philosophy into Industry (and via speak even of correcting many a Product Design for instance), and as with furtherly stating that, learning how to correct things in all, does go along even and with speak of Bio-Physics in itself that is.