Wednesday 26 March 2014



Many out there do often engage and in a contest in all, and that does go along and with speak of Comparisons between differing peoples, and as with regards even and to speak of Civility that is. In many a way, it does speak even and of judging others and from speak of Behaviour too (and popular speak even and of who is Lazy or slow-minded that is), and as with further speak even of Racial Classification in itself actually. 

The first of these known, does speak even of so termed Abrahamic Thought, and which in all ways even does judge others racially too, and from speak even and of Egypt and as viewed, and as an Ancient Land, and as with the Egyptians too, said to be perfect in all and from speak of Behaviour too for instance. You do also have what they do term Orthodoxy, and which did or does view Greece, and as an Ancient Land, and one filled with peoples in all, and with perfect Behaviour too. There is also Occidentalism, and which does go along and with Arab Thought, and which does view Iraq, and as an Ancient Land in all, and one which in many a way does speak even and of the ancient City of Baghdad, and as filled even and with the most perfect of peoples. You also have Germanic Thought, and which in many a way even does go and with speak even and of Continental Identities in all, and does in all again view Italy, and as an Ancient Land too that is [and with those termed Celt too, said the most perfect of peoples that is] [The Germanic]. You also do have Islamic Thought, and speak in all again of Jewish religion, Christianity and even Islamic beliefs, and which in all ways even does view Israel/Palestine and as an Ancient Land too. There is also the Vedic, and which does also view India, and as an Ancient Land too that is.

This post though, does deal in all, and with speak even of Pakistan, and as with it all even speaking of Indo-Persia too, and speak furtherly even and of Pakistan and as Ancient Land, and which does even speak of the Hasidic (and as with speak even of Martin Buber for instance), the Shanameh or even Amir Hamza too, and which in all ways even, is an interesting way of categorizing peoples all over, and as with it perceived even, one of the most civil in all, and of all the above Categorization Systems that is [but further speak though perhaps, and of the Baltic States too for instance].


(Wet Wet Wet - Love is All Around)