Friday 7 March 2014



Those in 'Nairo' might have heard of the term 'Kitenzi'. It in all ways even and surprisingly enough, does refer and to the kind of Kiswahili in all, and that has been taught in many a Kenyan High School too that is. Surprisingly enough, most Kenyans in all, don't actually Speak Kitenzi, but are actually only capable of Saying it that is [and as with truly wondering even, just how most Kenyan Students, do pass their 'Inshas' that is] [and as with most Kenyans in all, truly speaking other kinds of Kiswahili, and as with speak even of the work Kusadikika, and as carrying another form of Kiswahili, only spoken in Tanzania too that is].

In all Kitenzi, and as with basic speak even and of just whom those in 'Nairo' are and as Indigenes in Kenya too that is, and as Kitenzi in all is similar to Indigenous Languages seen in Kenya, but that in all ways even, knowing or speaking Kitenzi, does make one truly a part even, and of Swahili Culture somewhat that is.

In all ways even Kitenzi, and as seen in the work 'Masaibu ya Ndugu Jero' too actually.