Friday 30 May 2014

In Retrospect

In Retrospect.

Retrospection in all, and as with speak even and of the Day & Night, and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too that is.

Thursday 29 May 2014

The Movie Pack

The Movie Pack.




'Nairo' & the Celebration:

To speak of the term Reverberations, is to in all ways even refer to it all, and as an Acoustics term perhaps, and that does speak even, and of the Interpretation, and of Sound after Sound too that is. To speak of it all, and from a Spiritual perspective on the otherhand, is to perhaps in all again, associate it all, and with many an Awakening even [and of possible Realities too], and as said in all again, and to basically speak even and of Arousals in all, and further speak too perhaps, and of the very unleashing of the Potential in all, and of said Dormant genes too, and as found within our Bodies too that is.

To speak of it all though, and from a Religious perspective, is to in all ways even, speak of Media and 'Nairo', and as with it all even speaking of a Private Media Collection too, and that does speak even of piecing together many a Memory in all, and as having to speak of Sound and Media too (and as very much even appealing to one that is), and which in all again, does in all perhaps, come to very much define what some do term the Existential that is [and further speak too even, and of Paul Tillich's 'The Courage to Be' that is].

Wednesday 28 May 2014



Political Autonomy and Modern Kenya:

To speak of Serikali, is to in many a way even, speak of Kenya in all, and its History, and from the perspective of Philosophy, and as with it even said African, but in all ways even, speak of Philosophy and as the Church in all, would define it that is. 

To understand all this better, is to perhaps, divide the Kenyan Government, and into two parts, and as with the first in all, speaking of Serikali [or truly even in all again, the said History of 'Britain in Kenya'], and with the other speaking of National Government [or speak even and of British History in Kenya too that is].

In many a way though, National Government does attempt to define Kenya, and as with it said even, and to speak of Pre-Independence and Post-Independence Kenya too that is. On the otherhand, speak even and of Serikali, does in all speak even and of attempting to define Kenya, and from speak too and of Pre-Colonial/Colonial and Post-Colonial Kenya too that is.

National Government in many a way, does arise in all, and with speak even and of the BEAC (British East African Company), and as with further speak even and of its attempts in all, and to somewhat profit in all again perhaps, and from a Mercantile Trade System, and that did comprise in all, and of the so termed British Empire that is [and the further belief that, the Sun never does set and on the British Empire too that is]. In all, National Government, and as best in all again perhaps, associated and with an Educational System, and that does speak even of Economies in all, and as perceived in all again, and in speak of Prosperity too that is [or truly even speak of, and of coming together in all, and in making in all again, any said or believed Good Idea that is, a reality in all actually][but with such Ideas in all again, very much lacking, and as with speak even and of the history of Mijengo in Kenya/Nairobi too that is].

To speak though of Serikali, is to in all ways even not only speak and of what they do term Political Leadership in Kenya [and as with it said even not hidden and hidden too], and which does in all ways even speak of Kenyan History, and as not said Segregate in all, but in all ways even, and as said Civil and Uncivil too that is [and as with it said referring even, and to speak of ones Mastery in all perhaps, and of the English Language too that is].

To better understand all this though, is to speak of just how Kenyan society did arise [and speak even and of the building of Nairobi, or even the Holy Family Basilica too], and that in all ways even, viewing Kenyan History and from a British perspective, does speak of it and as said White and Non-White too (and as with those said Non-White, said in all again, poor speakers in all, and the English Language too that is), while viewing it all and from speak even of Serikali, does speak even and of it basically said Victorian/Swahili, and speak even and of those not Victorian in all that is [and the very birth too in all again, and of Anglaise (Link) that is].

Just whom though, are/is Serikali? In all, it does speak even and of a Political Structure, and that did not define Kenya in all truly, and from speak of society that is, but in all ways even, and as with it even said a Homeland that is. To speak of this furtherly in all, is to in all again associate Kenya, and with speak of the Pre-Colonial/Colonial and Post-Colonial Kenya too that is, but that in all ways even, it does basically speak and of creating a Classification System of Kenya, and as based around speak of Language, Communications and even (Political) Strategy too, but with it all even, speaking of simply attempting to define Kenyan Identity, and as based around speak of what does constitute in all perhaps, and for Kenyan Wealth, Kenyan Property/culture, and even Kenyan Status/Success too that is. In all again, it all even referring and to the unknown History of Knowledge Production in all, and in speak of Kenya's past too [and as Kenia that is], and which at the very least does speak even and of Publishing and in Victorian styled English n all, and which in many a way too, does speak even and of the very works of Anthony Trollope for instance [and as with they even actually of Kenyan origins in all, and as with regards even and to speak of Indigenous forms of English too, and as with speak even in all again, and of the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta's Facing Mt. Kenya that is].

In all again, Serikali, and as having/finding a Home even, and in the Muthaiga/Windsor Golf & Country Club too for instance, but what in all again is not known to most Kenyans perhaps, is the storage in all, and in Kenya too, and of a Body of Knowledge, and as not made available to the Public, and as with it all even under Serikali and not National Government either [and speak even and of the very birth of Kenya's Industries too in all], or even speak of the very fact that Kenya s capable of manufacturing its own Weaponry [Link], or further speak even and of Kenya's exploits and in Plant and Animal Genetic Engineering too, and as Serikali in all, does view Kenya's populaces, and from speak of Civility too, and not from speak of Education either, and as with Civility here even, said at the very least to refer and to most Kenyans in all, and as very much even said speaking Anglaise that is [and not the Popular English seen in Kenya today, Australian like in its ways, and which does speak of Ignorance in itself actually].

Tuesday 27 May 2014



Marehemu, and as with it even speaking of the very world of social contact in all, and as compared to the very worlds we live in today, and which do speak even and of (social) connections in all again, and which do dictate our life experiences (and as with connections here, speaking even and of strongly identifying and with figures in the Media too), but that in all ways even, Marehemu in all, does speak even and of Conscious States, and as generated even, and as with regards in all again, and to speak of anything said Unconventional too that is. In all again, the very world of (social) connections and as said rather troubling in all, and as it does involve even, speak of making a Pact, and with God, or even the Devil in himself too that is.

Sunday 25 May 2014



Recantations, and as one goes through Life in all, and as with it even said basic in its ways/manners too, and for those in 'Nairo' too that is.

Wasted Time

Wasted Time.

For those living in 'Nairo', or even Anatolian Nairobi too perhaps, the greatest problem faced and as with regards to living out life, does speak even and of Wasted Time too that is. Wasted Time in all again, and as with further speak even here, and of just how in all we do perceive/define the Oblivious in all again, and as with speak even and of one and as said not being able to fit and into just about any situation or scenario, and in life too, and as having to go in all even perhaps, and with speak too and of ones history that is, and as with regards even, and to our perceptions and of the Unoblivious that is. In all, Wasted Time too, and as the very key even and of helping one open up, and as with regards in all again, and to speak of Ancestral/Epigenetic memory in all that is [and further speak too, and as with a Calender here and there, and of our Perceptions of Time in itself that is, and as with Time here too, said to speak in all, and of Time Series, and Time and as perceived even and in speak of Time Frames, Time Segments, Time Fragments, Time Periods etc., and as with it all Time even said grounded in all, and in speak and of many an Historical in all, Structure or Artifact too that is].

'the Bible Collector'

Saturday 24 May 2014

the Body Consciousness

the Body Consciousness.

- and further speak even, and of the Swahili term, of, Chanuka.

Thursday 22 May 2014


of Anglaise.

Anglaise, or speak too even, and of the very world of Kenyan English that is [and as with it even said to speak of Hybrid/complex speech in all actually].

Sunday 18 May 2014

The Bequeathed

The Bequeathed.

The Bequeathed, and as with it even speaking of Evolution and as perceived even and from speak of 'Levels of Awareness' too [and a manner of evolving in all, and as Ideal too, and for those in 'Nairo' that is].

Friday 16 May 2014



Those in 'Nairo' in all, might have truly pondered in all again, what is said believed, to be truly inside in all agian, or to truly represent in all, life, and within the Human Body/Being that is. An Age old question some would say, but for those in "Nairo', it does all go along, and with speak even and of Silence [and as an Internal State too that is].

Thursday 15 May 2014



For those in 'Nairo' in all, or even Anatolian Nairobi too, Honey in all again, and as believed even and to go along and with Natural states of Behaviour, and those too, deemed appropriate in all, and for Kenya and Africa in general that is [and as with Honey in Kenya, going along and with speak of Nyuki, or African (Killer) Bee's too, and not other kinds of Bee's, and which are said believed in all, true Bee's that is]. 

In all again, the History of such Natural Remedies and Medicants, and as known in all, and to go along and with Ritual & Worship, and as seen in all for instance, and in the Egyptian Coptic Church that is.

Wednesday 14 May 2014



The Swahili term Ng'ambo, is probably very well known perhaps, and to many a person in 'Nairo' in all that is. It in all again, does differ and from associating life in all, and with speak even and of the Swahili term Dunia too, and as it was the Greeks in all, and who did actually invent Dunia, and speak even perhaps and of living out life, and alongside the attending of many a Concert in all perhaps, and in a famed Concert Hall too for instance.

While Dunia today, is often associated in all and with a thrift culture even, and of Discrimination that is [and speak even and of the Psychological barrier too], Ng'ambo on the otherhand, is deemed of far more interest and for those living in 'Nairo', and as with regards even and to the attaining of satisfaction, and as with regards to speak of a life well lived out that is.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Rote Memorization/Learning

Rote Memorization/Learning.

Rote Memorization/Learning in all, and for those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, and as with it even truly believed, the most fundamental of ways, and of creating Concrete Identity [and as with further speak even and of what some do term Birthrights in all], and in Kenya/Africa too that is.

Thursday 8 May 2014



Crete, the very Ancestral Home and of the Moor/'Maure' [and in Sacrifice, Sacrament and Sacrilege too][Link].

(Pergolesi: Quando Corpus Morietur)

Boolean Logic

Boolean Logic.

Boolean Logic, and as with it often truly associated and with speak even of Computer Systems in all, but in many a way a truly, and as with regards even and to speak of Human Affairs in all again, it all going along and with speak even of Shame, Guilt or Embarrassment too, and as with it all perceived even and in speak of Identity too, and as based around or speak even and of it in all and as grounded in many a way, and in speak of Accompaniment too [or furtherly in all again, someone trusted and as a companion of a kind, and as with regards even and to speak of walking through life in itself actually].

Wednesday 7 May 2014


of YouTube.

Those in 'Nairo' or even Anatolian Nairobi too, have probably in all truly even, simply heard of YouTube that is. While YouTube in many a way can be simply said an Archiving system of a kind so to speak, to speak of it all though, and in a more or less complex fashion that is, is to associate it in all again, and with speak even of Monetization that is [or further speak even and of YouTube and the quick sale too that is].

For those in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too though, is to in all ways even tell them that, YouTube in all and as said even rather influential in its ways [and as with regards even and to its simply in all readily affecting in all too perhaps, our realities], that it does in all speak truly even, and of just whom or who in all again, those in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, are, and as with regards to what some do in all call/term the "Window View" too that is, of Apertures, of Eyes, of Dimensions, of Fixed Dimensions.

'Nairo' and the Window View:

(Michael & Janet Jackson - Scream)

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Hammer - Pray

Hammer - Pray.

self/Self-Effacing Behaviour and for those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too that is.

Monday 5 May 2014

the Inheritance

The Inheritance.

The Inheritance [and in Name and Memory too], and for those in 'Nairo' in all [and as with further speak even and of the Elevating of Consciousness in all, and as believed even prime in all again, and in the creation or formation of Identity, and in these Times we live in, and for those in 'Nairo' too that is].

Friday 2 May 2014



As above, so below....As below, so above.

Many have heard of the above saying in all, and as believed even Egyptian in origins that is. It in many a way though, can be said and to speak and of just whom in all, we are, and in these Modern Times we live in. That the Modern Times have come in many a way and to be heavily defined even and by speak of the Clockwork in all, and as compared to past Times in all again, and where in all again life was very much defined, and by speak of Cycles in themselves actually. 

In all, when one does think of life and as defined and by the Clockwork, one is then in many a way led and in believing and in a World, one said Heavenly too, and where in all again, Time in all, is very much kept in similar ways, and to the present World/Reality we live in that is. In all, a Heavenly Realm perhaps, and where just about all Time related problems, and as originating in the Clockwork, have very much been resolved actually.

In all though, all this does speak even and of the very world in all, and of Seraphs too, and as perhaps exposing such Heavenly existences in all again and via Art too, and as in speak even perhaps and of the so termed in all again, Palliser Novels, and by Anthony Trollope too that is.

The Clockwork:

(Leona Lewis - Better in Time)


of Olorun.

The Passage/Passing of Time:

Those in 'Nairo', or even Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, it is believed in all, do not in many a way truly even, think of themselves in all again, and from the very perspective of the Passage/Passing of Time [and other than speak perhaps, and of the End of the Year, and as slowly encroaching too]. In all ways though, the Passing/Passage of Time, does speak even and of our perceptions and of Evolution in itself, and as with regards to not only Re-incarnation in itself too, but in many a way truly, the very belief that, each Year in all perhaps, does come in all again, and with differing (Mood) Swings and (Temporal) Cycles too that is. 

However though, for those in 'Nairo', a serious consideration in all that life on this Earth, does not speak of it all and as perceived even and from speak of 'the Ends of Time', but in all ways even and from speak of the Passing/Passage of Time, and as with this referring even, and to the very belief that, those in 'Nairo' in all that is, will not be here and to the very 'Ends of Time' actually [and as with it all even truly speaking of just how in all, we do perceive Re-incarnation in itself actually].

To speak of the Passing/Passage of Time though, is to in many a way even speak of life in all, Everyday too, and as said basically even defined and by speak of (Religious) Realities, (Social) Realms, (Political) Spheres and even (Economic) Settings too that is. Life in Kenya though, does differ and from many another place in the World in that, while many another place is primarily even defined and by speak of (Economic) Settings in all, Kenyan life on the otherhand, is primarily in many a way even defined and by (Social) Realms that is. Having said all this though, is the further belief that, life and as it gets better or varies in its ways, does have in all and to do, and with ones Realities, Realms, Spheres and Settings in all, and as simply getting better in their ways or manners that is. However though, there is a different way of looking at this, and that does speak specifically and of the Passage of Time in itself [and not the Passing either that is], and as with the Passage of Time here in all, speaking of life in all again, and as enclosing truly, and in Experience too, and to speak of more or less truly, and of (Ritualized) Spaces that is. In all again, all this and as referring to a Space in all that is, Ritualized too, and where life in all again, is experienced at its very heights, and as with regards perhaps, and to speak of Emotions, Sounds, Pleasures or even Fears ('the lack of') in all that is [and as with this not specifically referring and to just whom we are and as Interactive beings too, but in all ways truly even, speak of just how we do define Chaos & Disorder and in our lives, and as with all this even referring and to the term 'the Politic' (and as with it speaking in all, and of getting rid in all again, and of all kinds of Chaos & Disorder and in our lives too that is)]. 

In all again, and as with speak even of the Passage of Time, and life even and as lived in all and in a manner or way and that does suggest or speak of (Ritualized) Spaces and as mentioned above, is to perhaps then attempt to make one aware and of such as Space, and as said even called Olorun in itself actually [that in all, once Olorun is achieved on Earth, life on it for one, is in many a way truly over that is] [Olorun??]

In all ways though is to perhaps speak in all even and of Olorun, and as said speaking even and of life and as Experienced, and at its most 'Truthful' heights/levels that is (and as with this even speaking of the 'Moment of Truth' for instance), and as with it all even perceived and as a Politic too, and one so grand or majestic in its ways, and as with perhaps in all again attempting in all to give an example of all this, it all speaking of the work 'The Poe Shadow' and by Mathew Pearl too, and as a Politic in all, very much average in its ways actually [and as with regards to the 'Moment of Truth' that is].

In all though, life and as experienced in Nairobi or 'Nairo' today, very much speaking even and of its heights and as perceived even and in speak of Sound too in all, in that, what is been said here is that, the very Sounds that one in all again does associate or even acquaint oneself with, are the very ones in all, and that do follow one through life that is, and as with they said even to differ in all perhaps, and in Tempo, Flow and Beat too, but with they all even, truly associated in all again, and with the most Beautiful of Sounds that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of Subconscious Programming for instance, and from a 'Nairo'/Kenyan perspective, and the very belief that, it all does speak even and of what one could term 'The Sounds of Success', and as with they said even and to go along in all, and with speak of Alternative Grunge for instance (or Segovia truly in all actually and for those in 'Nairo' specifically that is)].

The Road to Olorun??