Tuesday 10 June 2014

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper.

Protectionist Mentalities and Kenya:

To speak of Protectionist Mentalities and Kenya, is to speak in all even, and of the very fear of Losing oneself that is. This in many a way, does speak even and of what does constitute and for Cultured Personas, and in Kenya too, and as with it all going even, and with speak of Humour in itself actually. That in many a way, this does speak even and of what some do term Colonialist mentalities/mindsets and as to be seen in Kenya too, and as with they in all, speaking of possessing Humour, and that does take three main forms actually; the first of these, does speak even and of those in Kenya and who do in all interact in a manner, and that does speak of Somalia too, and speak even of one, and as said a Tease too that is. There are those on the otherhand, and who do interact with others and in a manner that does speak of Ethiopia too, and speak even and of Humour, and as going along and with speak of Pretentiousness too that is.

It is however, those who can be said to be genuinely Kenyan, and who do in all ways even, basically interact with others in all, and in a manner in all again, and that does speak even and of Humouring in all actually [and something known to be characteristically Kenyan too actually].

In all, the above forms of Humour in all again, and as going along in all, and with just whom those in Kenya are, and as said rather Civil in their ways too, and as with regards to speak of Protectionists Mentalities that is.