Sunday 29 June 2014



Epigenetics and 'Nairo':

To speak of Epigenetics, is to perhaps even speak of Opening up and to Life as it is [and further speak too even, and of enjoying every minute of it]. To understand this and from a perspective that those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi do recognize, is to in all ways even speak of a Staple/Traditional Diet, and that does speak even and of Honey, Milk, Coffees, Teas, Pumpkins, Cookies, Watermelons, Cheese, Nuts, Oats etc., and which in all again does actually speak of the Epigenetic (and alongside speak even of Brian Jacques too for instance), and which in many a way too, does speak of life in all, and as truly experienced and from an Ancestral/Oral tradition perspective that is [and further speak too, and of adaptability in itself, and the Past, Present and Future and as truly distinct that is].