Saturday 9 August 2014



When most do talk of Kenya in all, and in a Historical fashion too, they often in all, don't pay heed and to what does constitute and for Kenyan life that is, and in speak and of their associating in all, change in Kenya, and with Development, or Advancement too, and not Progress in itself either [that Kenyan society, and from the Pre-Colonial Times in themselves, has always changed in all, and in speak of Progress, and not Development or Advancement either, but that in all ways even, Kenya, and as said today, to hold Economic promise in all, does speak of it, and as said Progressing, and not Developing or Advancing either][that Development and Kenya in all, is often said to speak of its Road Networks/systems, while Advancement in all, is often associated and with its Financial Systems, and when in reality, and with the previous mentioned said failed Philosophies in all, Progress and Kenya, does in all ways even, speak of its Telecommunications/Communications Systems/Networks (M-Pesa) and in many a way too, speak even and of Electricity Generation that is].

In all, in knowing change in Kenya, to be somewhat stagnant in its ways (Link), is to promote in many a way, the very view that, speak of Advancement (and as with it all even going along and with speak of Monetary Remissions and from Kenyans and as said living outside Kenya too), or even speak of Development (and as with it all even said to go along and with Foreign Business Ownership in Kenya), is said in all, something not worthwhile and in engaging in, and in speak of Change too, but that in all ways even, those said Successful and in Kenya, do in all ways even, view Kenya in all, and from speak of Progress that is [or speak too perhaps, and of Business Ownership, and as going along and with speak of Business Networks that is (Link)].

In all though, what does constitute and for Progress, and in Kenya too in all? In many a way, it does speak in all, and of the very growth of many a said Kenyan Industry (and as going along too, and with Government Ownership) [Link], but that in all ways even, these Industries in all, are actually more or less simple in their ways, and as they do in all, actually speak of Production/'Manufacturing' Plants, and not Facilities either, in that, Production Plants in all, are capable of being owned in all again, and under many a said Tendering Process in all (or speak too and of Government for instance, and their search for competent Minds, and in helping run their 'Businesses' that is), and as compared to speak of Manufacturing Facilities in all, and which do go along and with many a Copyright issue or matter that is.

In all though, what does stand for Progress, and in the above mentioned Industries in Kenya too? It in all, does at the very least speak of Communications and Order in itself, and with speak of Communications here, speaking in all, and of Communications too, and as defined and in speak of approach, expression and comms./explanation, and with Order on the otherhand, speaking of Practise in itself that is [that speak of Kenya in all, and as with regards and to what does constitute and for Reality in itself, does very much go along and with speak and of how we do define Political/Religious Practises, and as with they in all even said grounded, and in speak of Medical/Health Practises that is].

In having said the above, is to then perhaps speak and of the very fact that, grounding Kenyan life, and in a certain said Industry [and as with it all even, said to speak of Kenyan Identity], does speak and of certain said Industries and in Kenya in all, and as coming to define Kenyan Identity, and from speak of Communications and Order (and as defined above in all), and that does see in all again, Kenya, and as said to go along in all, and with speak of certain said Political/Regional Blocs that is.

Take for instance, the Agricultural Industry in all, and speak too, and of many a said Health, Education & Law Initiative in all, and as associated with it, does in all even, speak of Communications (approach, expression, comms./explanations), and Order (Practises), and that do in all see Kenya, and as very much said East African to that is [that Agriculture in Kenya in all, is pretty much said East African actually]. 

You do also have, the Mining/Minerals Industry, and which in many a way and surprisingly enough, is said to truly speak even, and of the Horn of Africa in all, in that, it is an Industry, and as associated in all even, and with speak of Law, Education and Health, and as going along in all and with speak of Kenya and Somalia, and as said one, and in Communications and Order too that is [and speak too and of Somali like Violence, and as spreading into Kenya that is][and with this Industry in all, associated and with Kenya's Ranching, Game/Travel and Cattle Holding industries that is].

To speak of the so called Manufacturing Industry/sector (but with Kenya's Food Processing Industry, said to fall under Kenya's Agricultural Industries), and as with it all even said Formal and Informal, is to speak of it and as said possessing Communications and Order, and that does speak and of Kenya in all, and as very much said a part of the Middle East, and also speak and of the rest of Africa too and as a whole that is [and speak in all, and of this Industry/sector, and as falsely said British too that is].

To speak of the Energy Industry, and as going along and with Communications and Order, and that do in all even speak of many a Health, Law and Education service/product that is, and as targeted towards those in Kenya in all, and who do actually Communicate or have Order to themselves, and that does go along and with Power structures, associated with the Energy Industry, is to in all ways even speak of Kenya, and as said in all, very much a part, and of the Great Lakes Region of Africa that is [or speak too perhaps, and of Kenya in all, and as now possessing a Congolese Identity, and speak too in all perhaps, and of the known reform, and of Kenyan Television for instance].

To speak of Tourism in all, is to speak of Kenya in all again, and as defined and in speak of Communications and Order, and that do in all even speak of Kenya, and as said Western / South African too that is [or speak in all even, and of Corruption and Bribery in Kenya, Ethnic/Racial strife and as seen in South Africa and the Western World too, or speak in all, and of Government, and as said needing many a Reform to it (and from the very perspective of Incompetence), and as Government in Kenya, does seem to ground its Identity in all, and in this Industry/sector that is].

In finality though, is to speak of the Forestry/Agro-Forestry and Fishing Industries, and whose Identity in all, does speak of Education, Health and Law, and as referring and to the late Professor Waangari Maathai for instance, but that it does in all, speak of Kenyan Identity, and as referring in all and to Communications and Order, and that does speak of Kenyans in all, and as simply said Philanthropists (and along the lines of the late Elspeth Huxley for instance), and that does in all ways even, speak of Kenya, and as once said prosperous in its ways, in that, it does speak of the very birth of Government in Kenya, Religious Diversity in Kenya (and the Kenyan State too [and as with it all even, going along and with Cultural Diversity in Kenya, and as said to speak of Africa, the Victorian, the American, Euro culture or even Independent Religion/Sects/Cults too that is], the Kenyan Militaries, Kenyan Art & Architecture, and even Kenyan Research in itself too that is.