Saturday 2 August 2014



To speak of the Kenyan Ismaili/Ishmaili Community in all, is to in all again, speak and of what does constitute, and for a Genuine Kenyan Heritage that is. That Kenya, and when it does come and to speak of Heritage, does speak of it all, and from the very perspective of Authenticity [and as with it all even said to speak of Kenyan History in itself, and as said Indigenous too], but that speak in all, and of a Genuine Kenyan Heritage, does in all refer, and to speak of the Kenyan Psyche [and as with it all even, going along and with speak of Heredity (Genetic/Community Makeup), but speak too in all, and of Ideals in Kenya (and as referring and to Religious divisions in all), and also, Kenyan Standards too (and as said referring and to speak of Independent Mindsets/Mentalities that is)].