Tuesday 5 August 2014



What exactly is U-Kanisa? It in many a way, can simply be said, to speak of the Church (and as often said Greek, Italian or European too), and as very much said African [or Egyptian too that is]. What in all though, does this actually refer to? It in all ways even, and at the very least, does speak of the Development of the Church in Kenya, and as said African too, and as going along and with the very Building and/or Erecting in all, and of Nairobi that is [that the Building of the Holy Family Basilica, is very much said, somewhat, a part in all, and of Coptic Egyptian History too that is].

To understand the above better, is to perhaps best speak and of just what U-Kanisa, truly is that is. That U-Kanisa, is simply said a Structure, and one not Political truly either (and as with the case of having a Papal figure for instance), but that in all ways even, does speak and of what some do term Tradition, and as with it all even going along and with speak of Taboo, and Segregative/Separatists mindsets that is [and from those simply said, 'nigger-like', and in their ways too that is].

In speaking of U-Kanisa and Tradition, is to perhaps associate Tradition in all, and with not only 'Common Law' perhaps, but in many a way truly, and with Intellect too that is. That U-Kanisa, is a Structure in all, and that does arise somewhat in all, and with speak of the Coptic Church in Egypt, and as somewhat well said truly Greek/'African' too, in that, it does lead and to a way of life, and that does lead and to those now following this Tradition, and as living life in the Mediterranean world, and as now classified in status/race, and as Maure/Moor, or even Ethiope too that is. A History, and that does see those said to be African looking but Egyptian too in all, now truly become entangled, and in Maritime/Seafaring History, and speak in all too, and of the unknown History of the Seas in all, and as going along, and with speak of Moors and Africans/Egyptians, and as very much helping give birth and to the History of Sailing in itself that is.

In all, the Moor, while associated and with European History, and as going along and with speak of the Virtuoso/Artist, or speak in all again, and of the History of Southern Spain, is in many a way too, said to very much go along and with speak of Italian History, for it is the Moor in many a way, and who does in all, come to truly define Italys' Poetic tradition that is [and as with it all even said Poetry, very much appearing African/Egyptian too that is].

In having said the above, and in now speaking of the Swahili Coast, is to also present the very History in all, and of the Moor and Ethiope, and as now making their way and into Kenya, and as first settling and on the Swahili Coast [and after the so termed 'Fall of Europe', and speak too and of European life, and as going along and with Tradition, and that does speak even, and of the Moor, and further speak in all and racist sentiments and as targeted towards those said Moor or Ethiope, and as spreading outside Europe in itself, and seeing many a Moor and Ethiope in all, leave Europe and the Mediterranean world, and in favour of settlement in Africa, and as speaking of the Swahili Coast too that is][and further speak too, and of the History of Abyssinia and Prester John that is][Link]. From that very point or place in all, the Swahili Coast, Moor and Ethiope in all, do in all arrive in Nairobi too perhaps, and speak in all, and of the very birth of the Church (and as said African/Egyptian too, or U-Kanisa that is), and in the hope, and of giving birth and to a whole new society, and in the place that is.

It is here though, and just where Moor and Ethiope, now become entangled, and in the said hopeless world, and of African Siasa/Politicking, and as said Swahili too that is. That the Moor and Ethiope too, pick up and on a sentiment and by the Swahili, and that does in all say that, society and as now believed said arising in Kenya/Nairobi, should be inclusive of all that is [and speak too, and of Swahili History, and as said African, Asian, Omani, and even speak of Islam in Africa too that is]. While Kenyan society in many a way, does develop and in a complicated fashion, and as with it even said to speak of Government (and Kenyan society and as perceived Colonial, but in Aesthetic, said appearing in all, truly Victorian), but that in all again, a parallel society does develop, and that does go along and with speak of U-Kanisa, and as a Political Structure too, and that does in all even speak of the known term Serikali, and whom/who in Aesthetic, are somewhat truly said similar and to speak of the history of the Kenyan/African Armed Forces that is. 

In all, the Swahili world, and as believed even, and to be the very source, and of Racial animosity and that does spring up in Pre-Colonial/Colonial Kenya, and that does go in all, and with many a segregative attitude, in that, the "Swahili World", does wish to be involved in Kenya's Victorian styled society, and as it is society in all, and that does define in itself, and in speak of Aesthetic and Art too [and as with it all going along and with the Fairmount Mt. Kenya Safari Club too for instance], while U-Kanisa in all, does attempt to create society, and that does in all speak of Taboo that is [and further speak in all, and of English/'Kenyan English' and Swahili too, and as  now said, the Official Languages, and of Kenya in all that is, and from speak too, and of Kenyan Citizenship and in itself actually]. In all, the unknown History, and of many a person, said African too, and as having Passage and into Colonial Kenya, and as coming in from the Middle East, the Sudan and even Asia too and it is often said/mentioned, and with the very basic belief that, they in all, will find suitable work, and as with they in all said obsessed, and with Kenya's Colonial Victorian styled society too that is. In all, the very belief that, violence in Kenya, Colonial too, does go along and with speak of Swahili Identity in Kenya, Indigenous Kenyan Identity, Victorian Aesthetics (and segregative mentalities), and further speak in all, and of Law in Kenya, and as said mitigating, violence, or even and as supporting it in all, going along and with speak of British Government in Kenya, and that said U-Kanisa too (or Serikali), but further speak in all, and of Religion in Kenya, and as said U-Kanisa/'Christian', Christianity/Victorian, or even Indigenous/Animist, or truly in all again, Ethnic/Fetishist that is.

In all, what exactly is U-Kanisa? It is at the very least, a Body of Knowledge, and that could expose to one, that the Swahili in all for instance, do possess a Body of Knowledge, and that does in all even, speak of the Title of Sultan that is [and further speak and of the Swahili, and as a Maritime/Mercantile people that is][and all this too, and as versus speak of the Western tradition, and which places an emphasis and on Technological background in all, and speak too and of those allowed Access, and to Technology in itself, and as versus speak and of the attempt in all perhaps, and in helping define Humanity anew for instance]. 

In helping in all though, solidify the History of U-Kanisa and in Kenya too [and as with it even distinct but not, and from speak of Religion in Kenya, and as said Missionary/'NGO', Catholic/'East Africa', or even Protestant/'Swahili' too], is to first present just how U-Kanisa, has come in all, and to define Kenyan life that is. That the very obsession and by Kenyans, and with speak of Guardian Spirits/Ancestors (spirits), and as going along and with speak of Kenyan life and as associated with Parentage (and not Parenting either), does in all arise with U-Kanisa, but that in all ways even, it all and in all again, appearing and to speak of so said Powerful Ruling Families [and as somewhat even supported and by U-Kanisa in Philosophy, and as said U-Serikali too], and in Kenya that is.

In all though, Tradition and as going along and with U-Kanisa, and as said stemmed in all, and in speak of Taboo [and as perhaps defined and in an Egyptian sense, and as in speaking here, and of just what (Physical) Views in all, we do hold and of life that is], but that the History of U-Kanisa, and as exposing perhaps, the said highly uncivil manner or way, and of the Tribalist African too, and as with it all even going along, and with the History of figures and such as David Livingstone or even Mungo Park too for instance, and as with they in all even, speaking of Africa, and from the very perspective of of African Law, and as supported and by U-Kanisa too that is.

However though, it still does remain and on our part in all, just how in all again, to go best speaking of U-Kanisa, and as supporting Tradition in Kenya, and as based on speak of Taboo that is. To understand this better, is to first state off and in all that, U-Kanisa, is truly many a thing that is. That in all, Kenya's Religious problems and as going along and with speak of U-Serikali, does in all best go along and with speak of Taboo, and not Acculturation truly either that is. In all, the below does speak in all, and of just how best to perceive Kenya in all again, and from the very simple perspective, and of speak of Guardian Spirits/Ancestors that is:

1. The Politic: U-Kanisa in all, and as defining Religion in Kenya, and in speak of Taboo/civility, and as said Protestant, Catholic, Missionary, Ethnic, Indigenous and even U-Serikali/U-Kanisa/Ruling Families that is]. In all though, the Politic here, and as truly referring, and to just what is truly possible, and as said happening in Kenya for instance, and as with U-Kanisa, supporting the view and in all that, Miracles, are truly said real that is [Link].

2. The African Mass: And speak too in all, and of Guardian Spirits/Ancestors, and as going along and with basic speak of African Hymnals/'Church Music' that is [and as with they in all, best said to be and of the Coptic variety that is][and all this too, and as said to best define what a general Kenyan Mood for instance, does feel like][Link].

3. The African Feast: And as with it all even speaking of what does constitute and for African Diets, and from speak of U-Kanisa, and speak even and of African Identity, and as going along and with primary speak and of Somasis too that is [or speak too, and of one and as said becoming 'Jesus'/'Amun' in all that is][Link].

4. Maandishi: Speak in all, and of the Literary/Art tradition, and as going along and with speak of U-Kanisa in all, and that does in all again, associate U-Kanisa, and with speak of African Religion, and as said IFA too perhaps [Link]. In all, the very origins and of Kenya/Nairobi (and in Name too), and as going along and with speak of Taboo and from the very perspective of Maandishi too, and that does speak even, and of an unknown Kenyan Literary tradition, and which does in all even, see, the Lord of the Rings, and by 'Tolkien' too, and as arising and with U-Kanisa that is [and as with it all even written, and in a similar Prose, and to that seen in this entry that is].

5. Common Law: Tradition in all, and as said U-Kanisa, and that does in all perhaps, speak and of just whom/who in all, the Kikuyu people in Kenya are [and further speak too and of GEMA], but further speak in all, and of those in Kenya/Nairobi, and as said in Tongue/Language, very much 'Anglaise' (Link) and as subscribing to Common Law in all, and as said in all even, and to speak of the Immaculate/Sacred Heart for instance [Link].

6. African Media: And speak of Tradition, and Taboo in all, and that does propose that, Kenyan society in all, does best develop/proceed, and in speak of Media/Communications, and as said to speak of the Missal/Epistle, and as seen in all perhaps, and in the Egyptian Coptic Church too [and further speak too, and of the very world of Egyptian Sculpture that is; and as said to speak of Communications in all actually][Missal/Epistle].

In all, the above and as said to speak in many a way, and of the few believed said Traditions, and as found in U-Kanisa, and Tradition too, and that does in all even, speak of the Scientific Tradition and as arising and with U-Kanisa, and in Greece/Italy too, but that it does in all ways even, refer and to Myth in all, and as said going along, and with the Pyramid Builders of Egypt too that is [Link].