Wednesday 12 November 2014



This post in all, will attempt to awaken one, and of the probable possibilities in all, and as with they even said to truly define what life in Kenya, and as it said at its very best too, is all about [and as with all this even, speaking of truly pondering just where in all again, Kenya is headed, and in speak of society in Kenya too, and as now said having many a 'Fool' to it, and as wallowing in 'pity/hate' that is].

In helping understand the above better, is to first pronounce to those in 'Nairo' that, the promise of Kenya and as it currently, and as with it even said a truly uncultured place in all, and with the exception of the Government in Kenya and not Private Establishments either, and as very much attempting to promote a National Ethic in all (Link), does in all even now, speak truly and of Ukoloni that is [Link].

In all, what we are trying to get to here, is speak in all, and of just how best to live life in Kenya today, and as with it even said taking into account, speak in all even, and of whom or who in all, we are with Evolutionary Theory/Psychology, or speak even, and of Family rearing, breeding and reproduction that is [in all again, whom/who in all we are, and when we do think of life, and as said continuing or proceeding in all, and in speak of Re-incarnation too, and the troubling view in all that, and of pondering, just how many of 'us' are there, and when do think Re-Incarnation that is][in all, why plan for future Generations in all actually].

In many a way, the answer to the above, does speak in all that is, and of living life at this very moment, and as taking into account in all, future Generations that is, and that does in all even speak of something in all again, mentioned in a previous post: Link [that being 'Ori' in all].

That in all again, life in Africa (and as with Kenya, simply said in Africa too that is) [and in speak in all again, and of those who do associate Kenya, and with its said even Conventional, Diplomatic Identity that is], can be said by some, and to speak even of Psycho-Somatic/Somasis Identity in all, and as with it all even simply going along in all, and with speak of what does constitute for African Friendships, or even African Manners & Etiquette that is [and speak in all, and of African Hospitality/Humour, and its most basic sense, said rivaling that to be seen in many a part of the World that is]. What though of the African Psyche, and as speaking in all even and of the very belief that, African Myth/Mythos in all, does rival that to be seen around the World, and in referring in all even, and to the name Horus too, and as speaking in all and of Africa in Egypt too that is [and speak too in all, and of the term 'Morale' that is].

The above manners though, and of attempting to define society in Kenya or Africa too in all, has failed, and as Africa in all today, has in all become truly associated and as with regards to the above, and with the History of Slavery, Colonialism and even Apartheid too, and such that, Africans in all and as including Kenyans, are no longer believers of themselves and as simply expressed above, and other than mimic Western stereotypical behaviour in all, and in the attempt to make themselves feel good and in more or less in speak of the Present in all, and not the Future truly either.

In all though, is to now formally introduce the Spiritual Concept in all, that of 'Ori that is, very much Knowledgeable in Africa, but remains more or less relegated to the back, and as Africans in all don't think of their societies in all again, and as operating from it all that is: that unknown to most, 'Ori', simply said even Egyptian, does actually speak of Africa in Egypt, in that, Egyptian Spirituality and as said in all even truly Egyptian, does speak in all, and of not 'Ori' in itself actually (and further speak of 'Halos' too), but that in all again, and Conceptually speaking too, Egyptian Spirituality, and as associated in all even and with speak of the 'Kingdom of God' and as said Within one for instance, and speak too and of Egyptian Blood, and as said directly even connected to Egyptian Soil, but with Egyptian Genes, speaking in all even and of the Neter, while speak of the Egyptian races in all, does speak even and of the Egyptian Gods/Goddesses that is. In all, speak here and in a Mythic sense, and of the Egyptians, and in Genes too, and as said opening up in all, and to the Neter in themselves, and as with it all even speaking and of the reknowed term/Title in all that is, and of 'Pharaoh'.

In all  though, what we are trying to say here is that, 'Ori', is actually found in the very world of Egyptian Spirituality, but with it in all even defined and in its most basic/base of senses in all perhaps, and in speak of Conscience too that is [and Conscience too, and that does in all even take 'spirit possession' into account, and in speak generically even, and of Ancestral spirits, but that in all ways even, Conscience developed and as in speak of Hierarchies in society, and that does take into account, every form of consciousness to be seen, and as including speak even of Nature, Religious or Political sentiment, Family Responsibilities, Roles or Duties, but speak in all again, and of one too, and as developing a Local, Regional, Global, International, Worldly, Historic etc. consciousness in all that is]. In all, the above manner of speaking of 'Ori', found in all and in the rest of the World and as including Africa too, but believed in all even and in a Historical fashion in all, most developed in Egypt, and in speak of the 'Political' Title of 'Pharaoh' that is.

In many a way though, 'Ori', and as said African too, does speak even and of the Coptic Church in Egypt, and as with reminding one here too that, Ori in all, is believed said the most basic or innate of Intelligences, and as passed on from Parent to Child [and in the name of Reproduction too], and as compared in all and to speak of Psycho-Somatic Identity, and which does speak even of a Group Conscience in all perhaps, or speak even of the Psyche, and which is in all even said Individual in its ways that is.

In all though, 'Ori', and as said speaking of Africa in Egypt, and as with regards to speak of the Coptic Church, now does take whole new dimensions to it (and as in speak of the rise of the 'Jesus/Horus' Cult that is), and which in all now, does speak even and of 'Ori', and as truly associated and not with speak of Intellect or Intuition either, but in many a way truly, and in speak of Access that is [that in all, it does even speak of the phrase in all perhaps, 'Modus Operandi', and as associated in all again, and not with one and as said Intuitive that is, but in all ways even, and with one and as truly Pondering many a thing, and in speak of Intellectualism in itself, and as going along in all and with the moment / 'spur of the moment' too that is].

However though, 'Ori', and as now truly becoming a core part in all, and of Worship and in the Egyptian Coptic Church that is, and Worship too, and as finding its way, and in the Roman World for instance, and in speak too of Roman Christianity that is, and that does in all even speak of the Beatitudes for instance [that in many a way in all, just about everything around one, can be said interpreted, and in a Positive manner too, and such that, Positivism/'Joy' and in Time too, does become ones constant Reality that is]. In Africa though, and in speak of Horus and the so termed in all even 'Eye of Horus' too, one does find what some do call the Iponri / 'Higher Self', and as found in Nigerian Religious Belief in all, and as said truly even to speak of Awareness in itself, and as said in all even perhaps, countering in many a way, Group Awareness that is][another view in all, does associate Iponri, and with speak of Escapism, or speak even of incessant Daydreaming for instance].

In all, the above manners of defining 'Ori', can be said somewhat in all, a failure perhaps, and in Kenyan society too [and as in attempting to tell one that, Kenyan society is believed highly problematic, but with it all too, widely accepted in all, and in speak and of its having better Infrastructure, and than most of Africa too that is]. In all, the very belief here that, 'Ori' in Kenya, is perhaps in all again, best envisioned and in speak of Orison that is (Link), and as with it all even said to refer and to the 'saying' in all, 'Laughter is the best Medicine', but speak in all again and of the Novena too for instance, and in many a way too, speak in all and of a society and just where in all again, Guidance, is said of prime consideration in all even, and in speak even of Access and in Kenya today, and as said speaking of Corruption, Bribery, Indecency or even speak of Hatred/Anger/Animosity, and as said even perpetual in its ways/manners that is [and further speak too in all, and of the very belief here that, Kenya's Slum Dwellings or Squatter Camp problems in all, does arise in all again, and with many a serious Trust issues/matter, and as arising in all, and with the defining of Family and in Kenya too that is].