Sunday 2 November 2014

St. Valentine

St. Valentine

All in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, have heard of St. Valentines Day. It in all ways though, is often misrepresented, and as it has in all even, truly been said a Feast of a kind. A Feast too, and that does in all even speak of Purpose in itself, and as in truly asking or pondering, why we do care to do, just about anything that is.

This entry though, is in many a way too, dedicated, and to one Father Rui, and who in many a way was a Spiritual Guardian in all, and at the Hodari Boys Club (Link) and which is in all even attached, and to Strathmore School and in Nairobi, Kenya too, and who in all here is perhaps, called upon once more, and in the name of Guidance too, and in helping truly make "Nairo' real that is [and with 'Nairo' here too, simply said a (Fat) Bank Account of a kind that is].

In helping make all this understandable, the (Fat) Bank Account and Father Rui 'with' it too perhaps, and as said overseeing it all too, is to perhaps now associate those in 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, and with the Media Business in all that is. That in all again, what is been said here is that, most Media sold in Africa, does not in all, truly appease or satisfy their customers it is believed, in that, it is believed here in all again that, most truly don't simply know, what African Media, is truly all about.

That African Media, and as said even authentic or genuine in its ways, is often associated and with speak of African Languages/Tongues, but further speak too, and of African English that is, but that in all ways even, most in Africa perhaps, are yet to truly know what does stand for a General Theme, and when it does come to developing Media, and as said suitable or appropriate and for all Africans that is. That in all again, the very best of general Themes, and for African Media, does in all even speak of Injury that is [and as with it even said a wound, a great insult, or speak even and of what some do term a spiritual wound and as said Mortal too, and with Injury in itself, often believed said, and to speak and of what it does mean to be truly fully Human, and as Injury in all, is often truly associated, and with speak of Death, and from an Evolutionary perspective that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, and to Father Rui too (and as in asking him to simply attach 'Nairo' in all, and to the Hodari Boys Club too), that those in 'Nairo' and even Anatolian Nairobi in all again, are believed said Knowledgeable in all, and in developing Media for Africa, and with Injury as its main/general Theme that is, but that in all ways even, speak of Media too, and as said to speak of Religion, Education, Health, Law, History etc., but that unknown to most, it is believed here that, Africans in all and as compared to many another people and as found/seen outside Africa that is, do in all even respond highly, and to speak of Media driven Initiatives, and as including those having to do with Schooling, and the very development in all even, and of African Private Schooling that is [or speak too and of those bold enough, and in perceiving their World differently, and from what is often said the norm that is].

In all again, speak here even, and of the said unknown 'fact' that, the building in all, and of the Pyramids in Egypt, is believed said associated in all, and not with speak of Egyptian Philosophy in itself, but with speak in all again, and of Egyptian Media (and alongside speak even and of Papyrus too), and as it is in all even believed that, Egyptian Media, did in all rival, the very world of the Egyptian Philosophers, and as it does in all even speak of and generically too, speak of perhaps, and of 18th Dynasty Egypt, and which is one of the more or less accepted, greater, of the Egyptian Dynasties that is.