Saturday 29 November 2014

Physicality (3)

Physicality (3).

Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, might be the kind, to be enamored in all, and by Modern societies that is. That the promise in all, and of Modernizing, does not in all even now speak of society and as said defined by Technological prowess in itself, and as Modern society in all (and not that said Western truly either), does in all again attempt to define, what does stand for or represent for in all again, and for Convenience or Inconvenience too that is. That the Modern World, is born in all, and in search for Convenience, and that does speak in all again, and of it all even and as perceived, and away from speak of Religion in itself that is [Link].

In having defined Modern society as above, and distinct in many a way, and from that said Western too, and which in all, is often said Global or International in its ways too (Link), is to in all even now, speak of the fallacy of Modern lifestyles / life in all, and as with it in all even grounded, and in speak of the false belief that, Modern society in all, is truly defined by the Break-through, and from a Historical perspective too that is [and as with it all even too, said to speak of Convenience that is].

To understand better, what we are trying to get at, is to in all even now, speak of Conveniences and in Modern society, and as now very much in all too, coming to be associated, and not with speak of Pleasure/Comfort in itself (and in speak too of the rise of Modern society), but in all ways even, and in speak of Health in itself [and as said Emotional, Physical, Mental or even Spiritual too]. That this in all, does speak even and of the very belief that, possessing a Healthy Body and as in speak of a Modern Gym too, is required and to succeed in life, and in speak of what does stand for a Pain Barrier in society today, often associated and with speak of Convenience, and as said in all even indoctrinated, and into those said Modern in their ways that is. 

In having said all this, and in speak too of attempting to make it all too clear, is to in all even say that the very advent of Modern society, does still very much have Humans, and as said possessing truly Healthy in all, Bodies that is, but in all again, speak now of the Modern World, and as arising and in speak of Convenience, and as associated and with the search for Pleasure/Comfort, and for all that is. That this History, and as unknown to most, can be best associated and with speak of Dickens England/London, and from whereupon in many a way, the Modern Mindset is said to arise, and before it is truly in all again, simply said/branded American that is.

In speaking of Physicality though (Link1, Link2), and as with regards to speak of Modern Identity, is to in all even now speak and of the very manner or way, we do define Convenience, and from more or less a Physical Stance that is. That most in all, do very much perceive whom or who in all they are, and in Physical Image, and as said even representing Success too, and from the very perspective of Convenience, and as now in all even said tied down, and to speak of Borders, Ownership and Rights too that is. In all, Physical Images and that do speak of Success, and from a Convenience/Inconvenience Stance, do in all even go along and with speak of the Physical Body, and as primarily defined, and in speak of Body Expressionisms too [and as with it all even said to speak of just whom/who in all, the Nazis in all, were said to be that is]. That Nazi Identity, is often poorly perceived by many, and if not out-rightly misrepresented too, and as the Nazi's and in Germany/France, were falsely taken to be a highly charged Political group, when Nazi Organization in all, is actually known, to have been Cultural that is [that the Nazi's in all, did in all attempt to develop in some ways, a Modern Identity and for Germany too, and as Germany today and as said prosperous in all, is still very much Nazi in its ways, and in speak too of Nazi Occultism that is, and as with it even said Celt too in all].

In all, what we are trying to get to here is that, Modern Physical Images of Success, and as often associated with Bodybuilding for instance, does now speak of defining Convenience and Inconvenience, and from speak of a Pain Barrier, often associated and with speak of what some do term the Shadow Archetype that is [or speak even of loneliness in itself, or even envy and jealousy too]. Those though who do seek to define themselves and in Physical Image, and from a Martial Arts perspective, or the Fighting Arts too, and as with they in all even said Modern in all (Link), do in all even now define Convenience and Inconvenience, and in speak too of Setbacks in themselves, and as said signifying the Pain Barrier that is. 

Hopefully, what is been said here is clear, and as in telling one that, the very world of Physicality, and as often associated with Convenience and Inconvenience in all, is known Historically to exist, and in speak of Yoga that is, and which minimally in all, does attempt to define us and in speak of Convenience and Inconvenience (or the very manner or way, we do define Pleasure/Comfort that is), but that in attempting to make all the above truly clear, Physical Images, and as now truly associated, and with speak of Success, Modern, and as now defined and in speak of Obligation in itself, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Composure (and Kenya too), or speak even of many another such Marker or Identifier of Success, and as now in all even associated, and with speak of Wonder in itself that is.