Friday 30 January 2015

Henry George

Henry George.

For most living in Kenya/Nairobi, and as said in all even aspiring for a Corporate styled Profile in all (and as with it all often even said and to speak of a Banking Career and in Kenya too), and in now perhaps, having those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, aspire, and as said involved and in Industry too, and that does even speak too, and of the Industrial Area and in Nairobi too that is, then interestingly enough, and in speak too of those, who do believe a Job at the UN, or speak too and of an American Corporate Job, to be the best of things, one then, can perhaps and in all truly find an inspiration, and as with regards to being self-employed, and as said Independent too, and if not widely acknowledged too perhaps, and in Success too that is, and by studying in all, what does constitute, and for a Californian Office/Work Space/Environment that is.

Cloud 9

Cloud 9.

It can be said here that, that despite whatever Success those in 'Nairo' might garner, and as with it all even said to speak and of Levels, Grades, Floors, Stages, Grounds or speak even and of Platforms too (Link) (and in referring here, and to both Sir. Victor and Lord Bryan too), nothing out there, can truly be said to beat Cloud 9 that is.

Monday 26 January 2015



Many in Kenya, have heard of the term Harambee. For many though, it does in all even lead to speak and of the Moi Regime in all, for the truth in many a way, does point at the former Kenyatta Regime that is. For Harambee surprisingly enough and to many, and as said Developmental Philosophy too, does actually have its roots, and in speak of Drama, and as very much encompassing, what some in Kenya, do in all describe or term as Ukoloni, Uhuru and even Uingereza too that is [and with Uingereza, speaking of the very known fact that, there was a time, many a famed Person, did in all choose to make Kenya, their very home that is].

Harambee though, and as said to speak of Drama, is not well understood or said well defined in all, and by most that is, for other than speak here and of (African) Whisks, Simis or Leather Jackets too for instance, Harambee, and in speak of 'Nairo' too for instance, does speak of Drama too, and that could in all even be said to speak of Cinema that is [and if not speak of Uhuru truly either].

In all, and in referencing Ukoloni here (and as basically said African Humour), or Uhuru (and as basically said African Ceremony too), and if not Uingereza (and in speak here of the African Safari, and of African Ritual too), Developmental Philosophies and as having to do with Kenya/Africa, do often fail to take into account, that African/Kenyan life, and as versus that said Somali too for instance, is often truly lived around speak of Drama/Communications that is. That in all, Kenyan life here, and in Dress/Custom too, and as perhaps best  said perceived and in speak of Cinema, but that in speak of what is said believed, to add up in life, and in basic speak here of Esteem too, or speak too and of what manner/way is said best and in proceeding that is (and not follow-through truly either), speak now, and of Kenyan Identity today, and as simply said tied down, and to speak of the Ancestral, and if not speak of the very term here, Alumni that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Harambee, and as said Drama, and if not Developmental Philosophy too, does in all even speak of the very works of Philosophers, and as said here not Modernist truly either, and such as Alain Baidou, Jacques Ranciere, Jacques Derrida, Giorgio Agamben, Michel Foucalt etc., and who in all, do hint at a manner of living, and that can be interpreted and as said African/Kenyan too, and in speak now and of the said European Identity (Diplomatic), and if not that said simply Victorian too that is (Nairobi), that Kenya today in all, does possess that is.

In finality, all this simply hinting, and at what they do term Performance Studies that is.

Sunday 18 January 2015


of Cinema.

Link1 -> Link2.

In the now too that is, saying, or claiming that, what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Cinema too that is, [Link], can and in all, be as said as Descriptive, Depictive, and of what was and in all, said of, and of said Colonial lifestyles too that is, [Link], East African, Kenyan, Nigerian, and if not and as said as such, Colonial, East African, Kenyan, Nigerian, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Gauging, Measuring of life too that is, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Taste too that is.

Of such said Taste too that is, Colonialist, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Hunter too that is, Colonial, [Link], of the said Adventurer too that is, Victorian, [Link], of the said Kenyan Heat too that is, East African, African, the Kenyan Sun, African, East African, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Bookworm too that is, [Link], "Kenyan", [Link], [Link], the Kenyan Day, [Link], East African, African.

Of such said Taste too that is, of Cinema, the Photographic, of said Kenyan Cuisine too that is, of Kenyan Dishes, of Kenyan Food, [Link], and as in all too that is, said as, Definitive, Defining, and of one too that is, and if not in said Immediacy too that is, the Immediate, of said Instancy too that is, the Instant, or if not in talk too and of, and of said Cinema too that is, African, and as said now, perceived, referenced, as such, in Taste, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to its said Characterizations too that is, Fashionings, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Contrasted too that is, of Comparisons, and if not in a said too that is, of Film, [Link], or if not, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Penchant too that is, of Partiality, of Inclination, of Preference, or if not of the said Cinematic too that is.

of Contrasts.

Rich Also Cry - KBC TV, the 90's.

Friday 16 January 2015

American Art

American Art.

American Art, and as with it all now asking of us, what it is, we do care to know of, or understand too, and in speak too now, and of our being perceived as Selfish that is. However, another view of American Art, does ask of us, whom/who in all we are, and as said Unrepentant/Perverted too that is. There is another held view though, that does in all say, American Art, does in all even refer, and to speak of Remonstrance in itself, and as with it all even now referring, and to speak of Evolutionary Psychology/Theory, and as said American too that is [and speak too of those, who do in all question, where the Future does lie, and in speak of Evolution, and not in speak specifically of Political life, and as said culminating and in speak of History in itself that is]. Finally, American Art, and as now asking of us, and of what we do believe to speak of the hopeless, useless or boring, and in Experience too (African talk here), or speak too and of what is said to constitute and for the General, Average or Typical, and in Experience too, but further speak too, and of the Display in itself, and in speak now and of what does constitute for Human Expression/Behaviour, and as very much associated, and with speak of the Exhibition in all, and in further speak here perhaps, and of American Culture in all again, and as now coming to influence most of the World, and in speak of the very manner/way we do choose in all, and in Expressing ourselves, and as said to speak of the Exhibition, and not, the Showcase truly either (and as seen/found in the most of the World that is)].

In all and finally though, American Art, and as simply asking of us to ponder, and in speak too now and of the defining of Success, and as said to refer and to speak of Relationships, History, War, etc., just whom/who in all we are, and with Exertion in itself that is.

(Madonna - Ghost town)



N.T.Wright, and in his celebrated, works, 'The New Testament for Everyone' Set, and speak too of the 'Christian Origins and the Question of God' Series, and as now said here, and to speak of Ceremony/Ceremonials, and in said 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too that is.

In all, and to Vic and Bik (Link1, Link2), this very post, believed now and to speak and of 'Nairo' that is, and in a said believed Nutshell too that is.