Friday 20 July 2012



Living in Nairobi in all, can be rather difficult, and for those too, who do not know, just how to go about envisioning pain and suffering in all, and between themselves too actually. One though does in all find that, for many a said Third World City in all, pain and suffering in all again, are often envisioned, and in the form too, and of Servitude and slavery in itself actually {and as with this speaking even, of being poorly paid, and not having enough money in all again, and to enjoy life in itself that is}. On the otherhand, with those cities deemed Second World in all again, one does find that, pain and suffering in all, is often envisioned, and in the form too, of having to work hard and long, and just to be able to survive that is, and in all again too, just not having enough time in all, and to simply enjoy oneself that is. Finally, with many a First World City in all again (and as with First World, Second World and Third World too, referring in all again, to just how the Modern/Western World, does define living standards in all), one does find that, pain and suffering in all again, are highly defined too, and from the perspective, of security issues in all {and in all again, not being able to truly enjoy life and as one would like, and other than engaging in a few in between, high profile, festive and celebrity occasions in all that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, pain and suffering in the City (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), does take the form of, a general lack in inertia, and as with regards truly even, to doing just about anything too that is {and as with this even, not truly speaking of boredom or ennui in itself, but in all again, the general lack in all, and in the enthusiasm too, and as with regards truly, to just about anything too that is}. In all again, such a general lack of enthusiasm and in life too, speaking of being regretful in all, and as with purposely even, having missed out on many an opportunity too, and that did come by even, and rather easily too, and to one too that is.

In all ways even, is to tell those in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise), that, when they do think of pain and suffering in all, then they can in all again, turn to a work and by Aldous Huxley too ('Eyeless in Gaza') {and a work too, of not only Victorian Era origins in all, but actually written in all again, and in the kind of Brit English too, and as once spoken before and in Colonial Kenya too actually}, and as with it even, displaying in all, what a life driven and by a lack of inertia too, truly is like {the repercussions that is, general problems faced, and even many a solution too perhaps, and as with regards even, to truly thinking it all out that is}.