Monday 29 October 2012

The Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa.

To speak of the Horn of Africa, is to in all ways even, speak of a sphere of life perhaps, heavily even, dominated in all, and by what they do term Mass Media and Mass Communications too. In all, it does refer to viewing the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia), and with Somalia in many a way too, at the very center of it all actually. To speak of K'naan too, is to in many a way even, speak of his novel approach, in bringing together Mass Media, and Mass Communications too, and as specifically even, referring to the Music Video above, which in many a way, speaks of Mass Communications in all, and not Mass Media, and as some would warrant it perhaps. In all, the song in itself, directly appealing to those who do live in the Horn of Africa, and from the very perspective of Mass Communications too, and not Mass Media in itself actually {and with the Mass Media in itself, the attire or fashion, more or less somewhat American in its ways, but with the Message, Mass Communications aspects of it, very much suited for those struggling in one way or another, and in the attempt to succeed in all, and while living in the Horn of Africa too that is}.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility.

 The African Memory:

of Pyramids, ⇄, of Triangles, ⇄, of Lengths⇄, of Heights⇄, of Rules, ⇄, of Measures.

of Africa, Continent, ⇄, of Lengths⇄, of Heights⇄, of India, Subcontinent.

Living in Africa, can be a rather difficult experience for many, and who in many a way, don't truly recognize just how Temporal in nature in all, anything that does occur within Africa truly is. That in many a way, the biggest problem faced in all, and while living in Africa too, very much has to do, and with actually creating a Memory of a kind and and of ones experiences too, and while living within Africa that is {or risk feeling very much numb in all, and as if, one has no true memory in all again, and of what did actually happen, 5 minutes ago for instance}{the inability in all again, to actually distinctly remember in all, a fond Memory in all again, and that did actually happen 6 minutes ago for instance}.

In many a way too, in order to help those in 'Nairo' {or Anatolian Nairobi too, to be exact}, develop a kind of African Memory in all, and that does ground them {and as with speak too even, and of Security issues in themselves}, and to Africa in itself  too{and as with the feeling too, and of being adept in all, and at sorting out or dealing with any issue or problem and that does arise in all truly even}, is to in all again perhaps best mention that, what they do term Social Responsibility in all {and as with assisting someone who does suffer an incident of a kind perhaps}, is in many a way truly, the prime or major way even, and of actually creating an African Memory in all again {and as with the feeling that, one is at home in Africa in itself too}, and in many a way too, Social Responsibility in all again, and as a form of Memory too, and for those in Anatolian Nairobi or 'Nairo' too even, and as the main form of Memory in all again, needed to successfully operate around Nairobi in itself that is, and as with truly feeling in all, Worthy in nature, Successful by nature too, or even truly again, Happy, and at just about every moment too that is {and as with Social Responsibility in all, and for a 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi too, very much in nature somewhat truly Arab that is, needed in all again, to primarily feel African in all, and as with knowing that, one does actually live on the African Continent in itself, and as compared in all again, to endless dreaming of one day in all, being married to a Non-African Beauty out there perhaps, or even truly again, basing ones Identity in all, and on attachments/relations in all again, and outside the African Continent too that is}.

Monday 1 October 2012

Logical Frameworks

Logical Frameworks.

Logical Frameworks does hereby refer to actually, and to a simple mere existential form, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and that can very well serve as a form of Government, Administration and even Bureaucracy too (or Cultural Identity too that is). In many a way really, it does speak of how one in all again, does perceive Time and Space in themselves actually {and as with this referring even, to general problem solving in all, Design/Status issues, or even Security issues in themselves too that is}.

In helping define such a Logical Framework in all, and for those in 'Nairo' too, is to perhaps best in all again, divide it into three main sections:
  • Warehouses
  • Private Clubs
  • Cultural Formations
Warehouses here, does not actually only refer, and to Storage Facilities in themselves actually, but in many a way too, to various forms of technology and such as Data Warehousing in itself too perhaps, but also, and in many a way truly, to it all as a form of Government, and as with speak truly even, and of Data Management in itself, and as associated in all again, and with Warehouses in all, and as a form of Local Government too that is.

Private Clubs in many a way, does speak of not only Administration in itself, but in many a way truly, speaking of general problems solving in all, Status issues, and even Security issues in themselves too that is. In all, speak too even, and of making real in many a way, all of what has been discussed or written about, and in this Blog 'Nairo' too that is.

Cultural Formations, and as with reminding those in 'Nairo' in all that, Culture in 'Nairo' in general, Anatolian Nairobi, or even the Horn of Africa too {Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia}, is not truly European in its ways, Western/Modern in all, or American truly either, but in many a way truly even, somewhat Victorian in all again, somewhat Brit too, but in many a way truly, coming to take its very own form, and in the very form too, and of what they do term Media Studies, Cultural Studies and even Communication Studies too that is.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Thursday 27 September 2012

Social Games

Social Games.

Game Theory & 'Nairo':

Does anything of interest, ever truly happen out there anymore? Many a person buying into Media today, might be fooled into believing it as such, that something of great interest actually does go on, and when in reality, a good way to judge all this, is from the very perspective too, and of the Social Games in all, one might very well observe taking place, and just about anywhere out there too that is. In all, is to first tell those in 'Nairo' that, Anatolian Nairobi in all, will not be defined and by the oft known cliches of Shopping, Entertainment stops, or even City Economics too, but in all ways truly even, by what they do term Social Games in all {and as with the three aforementioned aspects in all again, Shopping etc., to be born of Social Games too that is}.

In all ways even, the very belief that nothing does go on out there, does very much have to do, and with the low or poor quality even, and of Social Games too, played all over that is. That in all, the Western/Modern World in all, has seen to it that, a fall in all forms of Social interactions in all {and as replaced too by violence, crime and addictions of all kinds too}, has actually taken place, and that in all again, those in Anatolian Nairobi, and as in helping simply make the place truly interesting perhaps, should in all ways even, study Social Games, and from the very perspective too, and of the Social Contract, and also Game Theory in itself too that is {that Social Games in all, are the most base of civilized existences, and that in all again, the very World today, does see to it having Social Games in all again, and more or less of the Ghetto, Elitist or even the Mad Villageman variety too, and that in all again, this does speak of civilization in all, and today too that is, at probably its lowest levels in all, and as seen throughout History too that is}.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Persona

The Persona.

Persona Develoment & 'Nairo':

Those living in Nairobi as a whole, might be in many a way even, aware that, there does exist even, a serious Character formation problem in the place. That in many a way even, Nairobi as a free place, does speak in all ways even, and of the rather many differing Social Images and that are acceptable to most that is, it though, is highly restrictive in all again, Nairobi as a whole that is, and when it does come, to Personality formation {that in all, the steady decline perhaps, and of Nairobi and from past Decades too, does very much have to do, and with the lack of freedom in all, and as with regards, to expressing oneself freely, and when it does come, to ones Personality that is}.

However though, Nairobi's biggest problem, does truly lie even, and with the issue of Character development in all. That in all again, those in Nairobi, are actually ready to accept any kind of Character in all, and into their social circles too, and as with this even, referring to Thieves and Robbers in all again, steadily even, interacting, and with the most prominent of peoples too {and as with saying that, those in Nairobi in all again, appear to have no known mechanism in all, and on just how perhaps, to go about judging the kinds of Characters in all, they do come across that is (and as with many even, deemed in all again, rather legit in their ways, and as with they perhaps even, fitting in many a way, and into the Designs perhaps, and of the place too, Nairobi, that is}.

In all, is the promoting of the above work 'The Handmaids Tale' and by Margaret Atwood too, and as with it even, believed to have rather good standing Social Images, Personalities and Characters too, and that many in all, could very well take even, and as a standard too of a sort, and for Nairobi as a whole that is {that in all, it is best perhaps to treat this work, and as a kind of a Security defense mechanism in all, and as with it even, speaking in general, and of what is acceptable and what is not, and when it does come to Social Images, general Personalities and Characters too in all, and as a work too and in many a way even, highly believed suited for a Nairobi as a whole, and as with the attempt even, to turn into a World City too that is}.

Friday 7 September 2012

The Economic Statute

The Economic Statute.

and as with this truly referring even, and to Potency in itself too, and as with speaking in all again and of just how in all, to truly judge even, the Potential, and of just about anything deemed Worthy, of Value, or even of Significance too that is.

The Political Manifesto

The Political Manifesto.

and as truly even, speaking of what they do call Cogency, and as with this referring even, and to just how in all again, one truly does choose to live life out, and in just about every moment too, and of ones life that is {and whether introverted or extroverted too, emotional in nature, or even choosing to be rude and while knowing in all again, and of any repercussions in all, and to ones life and those of others too, and as with regards to such actions that is}.

The Social Mandate

The Social Mandate.

and as truly speaking even of, and of issues pertaining to Efficacy in itself, and as with this referring even, and to the doing of right and wrong, and in any sphere of life too that is.

The Religious Affidavit

The Religious Affidavit.

and truly even, speaking of issues pertaining to Validity in itself that is {and what in all again perhaps, is Reality, Physical too, and what is not either}.

Legitimacy (0)

Legitimacy (0).

The question of Legitimacy today, has very much fallen to truly defining even, what does constitute modern city life in itself actually. That while in the past, Legitimacy truly had to do, and with defining Man in himself, and as with regards truly even, to issues having to do with Genealogy & Descent too, Legitimacy today though, has truly fallen and to levels in all again, truly speaking of Lawfulness and Legalization in all, and as with this truly even, and as with speak of modern Authority too, speaking in all again, and of just whom in all, has a Defendable Right in all truly even (and not truly constitutional either), and in truly belonging in all, and to any said Entity (mainly Political) too, and as with speak too even, of Membership in itself that is.

To perhaps attempt to make all this much clearer, is to in all again speak of the very fact that, most today, do associate surviving in all again, and in the World today, and with living, and in a modern city too that is. That in all, while the past/olden Worlds in all again, did very much see life in all, and as truly based around Towns and Communal/Community life too (and with Cities in the past too, in all truly even, associated with all forms of Political Gatherings actually), the modern World has very much seen to it, the very extinction too, and of Nature oriented Communities/Communals in all, and as based around Towns too, and all in favour, and of highly congested modern cities too that is.

To fully understand this much better, is to best in all again truly see, Political Organization, and as it did very much happen too, and in the past/olden Worlds that is, and as compared in all too even, and to the Modern World too that is. That in all, Political Organization in all again (and speak too even of all other forms of Entity creation too), could be reduced and to just four things actually (and as with they even, highly Individual in their natures that is) {and as with this referring in all too even, and to Self-Reliance & Self-Independence in themselves actually}: Religious Affidavits, Social Mandates, Political Manifestos and Economic Statutes. That these four, were all that were required (and in a basic sense too), and for one in all again, to be truly able, to conquer just about any known/unknown Territory too, and deemed rather inhabitable and by Man too that is.

All the above though (Self-Reliance & Self-Independence too that is), has in all ways truly even, been put aside, and in favour of a way of surviving on Earth, and believed in all again, as having its roots or origins too, and in South America that is {and a way of surviving too, and that does in all again, associate Political Organization, and with the following four: Urbanization, Modernization, Westernization, and even Industrialization too}.

Urbanization in many a way, today poorly believed to speak of the building in all, and of Urban centers or Urban communities too, actually does speak in all truly even, and of Design & Architecture in themselves, and when it does come to the designing of modern cities too that is {and that in all, most out there, don't truly know what an Urban center or an Urban community truly actually is: it being in all again, not a true Community, Communal or even a Town either that is, but in all ways truly even, a kind of Village, and akin to that seen in Africa in all truly even}. That in all again, and unknown to most too, most modern cities in all, do take to the planning, and of an African Village too actually, and as its basic Design that is, and in all ways truly even, attempting to build on it all, and by bringing all such basic Designs (or Urban centers and Urban communities too), together that is {and along the lines even, and of Security Measures too actually}.

Modernization on the otherhand, does speak in all truly even, and of many a modern city today too, being swamped all over, and by new arrivals and of all kinds too that is, and who in all again, are truly supposed to find ways or means even, and of surviving, and with as little help as possible that is. In all, Modernization does speak in all truly even, and of what one could call a Standard Identity (it in all again, used to define Individuality and in past Societies too that is), and as with it truly speaking even of, and of a person too, highly defined only, and by ones Personal Preferences, Personal Choices & Personal Wishes too that is {and with Modernization in all again, attempting to define equality and fairness/justice in all, and by truly speaking of limited Resources in all again, and when it does come to ones Standard Identity that is} {that in all, and in modern cities filled to the brim even, and with all forms of migrants to it too, one has to create fair and equal environments for all, and by speaking truly even perhaps, and of Standardization, and as with it too, the attempt in all again, to define those who do live in a city perhaps, and via certain said Standard Identities too, and in many a way even, creating Class Hierarchies in all, that can truly be said to be the most discriminative, racist and even sexist, and of all other hierarchies in all again, to be seen in History in itself too that is: and as with this even, speaking of life in the Modern World, highly taking a militaristic/militant component to it all, and as with regards truly even, to daily survival that is}.

Westernization in all ways truly even, does actually speak of modern city life in all {and in all again, what are the true benefits, and to be obtained truly even, and from living in a modern city that is, and as compared in all again, and to living in just about any other form of Political existence that is}. In many a way, one does find that, the solution to all this, what Westernization truly is, does probably truly lie with the very belief that, Media, and as seen in modern cities too, is far more exciting perhaps, and as compared to that seen too, and in just about any other place/existence that is {and as with this even, not truly true today, and as with saying that, many an Internet Forum or Blog even, Communal too, does offer far more exciting possibilities and to life in itself, and as compared to what one could truly refer to as Western, Modern, Urban or White/Nationalist Media too that is} {and as with White/Nationalist Media too, truly speaking even of whiteskinned peoples in all again, and as coming to strongly define or set the standards in all, and for Media too, highly having to do with Nationalist Identities that is} {and as with all this even, modern city oriented Media in all, coming to truly define, Citizenship, and in many a place too that is}.

Industrialization and in the Modern World in all, is highly an exaggerated term, and for what truly does go on, and as with regards to most Industry seen out there actually. That in all, Industrialization today, does speak even of Commercialization in itself actually, and as with this referring even, to the producing or manufacturing too, and of just about anything and that does fall under mass consumption too, and as with this truly referring even, to not only qualitative products or services in all again, but in all ways truly even, and to basic even, Necessities and Amenities that is {and something in all again, and as with traditional Ironworking techniques too, produced in all, and on a local level too, and not, on an International level even, and as with speak too, and of Manufacturing today that is} {and with Production today, regional in its ways even and as with speak even of a Country too, but with Manufacturing, rather International in its ways actually (and as with Kenya today too, an International Exporter even, and of good quality food products, but as Amenities too that is)}.

In all, what the above four Urbanization, Modernization, Westernization and even (modern) Industrialization/Commercialization too, has truly resulted in (and as with its impact on Man too that is), has been the Displacing and of Man, and from himself too that is. That in all, Man and in his Modern World too, has very much seen parts of himself (and as with speak too even of his Soul perhaps), become part of his everyday environments (or Materiality too), and as with the Car (or Car Engine too), coming in all again, to truly even, defines ones Soul that is {and as with its dynamics and thought systems in all, the Human Soul that is, very much a part of the dynamics and thought systems too, and of the Car and Car Engine that is}.

As a finality, is to in all again even, speak of Legitimacy and in 'Nairo' too, and as with this referring even, and to turning 'Nairo', and into a true Home and for those who do choose to live in it, and on a full-time basis too that is {and as with this furtherly speaking even of, truly defining ones Rights in the place, and along the lines of Validity, Efficacy, Cogency and even Potency too} {and as with this referring even, and not to Monetary issues in themselves, but in all truly again, to Productivity issues in themselves actually (and as with Productivity here too, referring in all again and to Generative abilities that is, and of all kinds too, and as including even, the ability in all again, to truly generate a Happy atmosphere in all, and for everyone in a room too for example)}. In all, is to remind the reader that Religious Affidavits, Social Mandates, Political Manifestos and even Economic Statutes too, do in all ways truly even, speak of a basic and primary way too, and of understanding Life in itself, how to live it or what specifically even, to actually do with it that is, and in many a way even, does in all again speak of someone and with a deep understanding of life in itself, and who in all again, does choose even, to live frugally perhaps, and simply in all again, enjoy life even, and in its most basic sense too that is {and as with this speaking even of, and of a life spent in service too, and towards a certain cause too that is}.

'Nairo' & Legitimacy:



or 'Nairo' Beleagured {Validity, Efficacy, Cogency, Potency}.

Thursday 6 September 2012


Idolatory (or Taboo#4).

or the viewing of death, and as a final rest, and not a passage either.


Blasphemy (or Taboo#3).

or the viewing of sin in itself, and from judgement, and not temptation either.


Bloodshed (or Taboo#2).

or the viewing of vice or hell, and very much from escapism, and not mortal sin either.


Fornication (or Taboo#1).

or the forfeiting of virtue, glory or heaven, and all in favour of foolhardiness too that is.



or 'Nairo' Endangered (regression, suppression, depression, oppression).


Legendary (or the Underdog in 4 parts).

The Underdog

The Underdog.

or 'Nairo' Besieged.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Recording Artist

The Recording Artist.

The 4 Immortals & 'Nairo':

The Recording Artist, truly actually does differ and from the Musical Artist in all, the Musician, or even truly again, the Music Star {or what some do call the 'musician' actually}. The Recording Artist in all, actually does record music, that does speak of many a test, trial or tribulation too, and just how in all again perhaps, they did in all, overcome it all {and as with many a Rap Artist too, pretending in all again, to being actually in all again, a Recording Artist that is}.

In all, this entry, does actually speak of whom we all are, and when in all again, we do actually face a trial, test or tribulation too, and as with furtherly stating that (and musically speaking too that is), those in 'Nairo', are very much like Recording Artists in all truly even, and when pondering in all again, a trial, test or tribulation too, and of any kind that is {and as opposed even, and to the writer and of what some do call in all, a Narrative that is, and who in all again, very much do deal with the very same issues too that is}.

In all truly even, what this does truly mean is that, whom we are and when we do think test, trial or tribulation too, is very much in all again whom we are, and when out and about in all, and seeking to experience life and to its fullest that is {and as with truly even, seeking out a transformational experience in all that is}. In many a way even, one does find that, those in 'Nai' in all again, do tend to seek out transformational experiences in all, and by having others, speak good about them, or even truly again, having others 'eye' them in all, and with as much jealousy, envy or self-hatred too, and as one could truly possess that is {and as with this even, speaking of life in 'Nai', and as socially frustrating too that is}. For those in 'Westernized Nairobi' on the otherhand, transformational experiences, very much sought out, and by seeking to Party and as much as possible too, and in all ways even, in a rather exclusive manner too that is {and as with Partying, and with 'who-is-who', and in just about any sphere of life too that is (and in the name too, and of very much losing oneself, and while doing all this that is)}. In all, those in 'Nai', attempting very much to gain self-approval or approval in all truly even, and in very much a similar way, and to the Musical Artist too, and with those in 'Westernized Nairobi', attempting to equally do as such, and in a similar manner too, and to the Music Star that is (or musician truly even) {and with Michael Jackson for instance, while a Musician in all, having sang many a song, and as a Recording Artist too actually}.

In all, who are those in 'Nairo' and when they do seek, to actually go out, and in the name of fun, adventure or transformation too? In all ways truly even, they can be said to be or classified in all truly even, and in just about the following 4 different ways that is {and ways too perhaps, that can be best described, and in what one could refer to as Cubano Spanish that is}:

1. Colonialista: A Social figure in all again (and as with the rest mentioned below too), very much musically inclined in all, and along the lines of 'playing' a Guitar too (and with this referring in all too even, and to a combination in all and of strumming, picking or plucking Guitar strings that is), and as with this furtherly referring even, and to a Social being perhaps, very much driven to dominate others in all, and by being rather Unpredictable too, and with the true goal in all, and of showing another perhaps, how inferior their ways are, and too one or others too that is {or just how in all again, they truly are and as Uncivil beings too that is} {and unpredictable too, and by actually truly being funny in all (and not humourous either), and rather unknowingly too perhaps, and in ones ways too that is} {and a figure in all again, rather vilified in all, and as with those who do know about the figure, choosing not to speak a single bad word, and about the figure in all, but instead, seeking to hide ones thoughts and about the figure in all again, and to oneself that is}.

2. Imperialista: A Social figure in all again, very much musically inclined, and along the lines of 'strumming' a Guitar (or concentrating in all truly even, and on playing Chords mainly too that is), and in all again, attempting to be truly enviable and to another perhaps, and by truly in all again, appearing as rather Attractive even, and in a Humourous manner too, and while choosing in all again, to create no bonds at all, and with just about any other person out there that is {and all in the name too, and of being Aesthetically Attractive actually (and as with ones Habits too), and not Physically Attractive truly either} {and a person in all again, rather memorable in all and as with speak too even, of creating rather positive memories for all and that one truly even, can truly take advantage of and in bringing change to ones life too that is}.

3. Fundamentalista: A Social figure in all, very much musically inclined, and along the lines and of a person who does 'pluck' Guitar strings (meaning in all again, a person playing two or three strings at the same time, and very much Chordal in their ways too that is), and in all truly even, a person in all again, appearing discriminative to another, and along the lines, and of showing superior Etiquette, Manners & Modesty too, and in just about anything done too that is {and a person truly even, isolative in nature, and when it does come to just about any form of social contact in all, and as appearing even, to be the positive exception in all, and to just about any rule or happening too, and in 'Nairo' or Nairobi as a whole too that is}.

4. Royalista: A Social figure in all, very much musically inclined, and along the lines of 'picking' Guitar strings too (meaning in all again, one who does truly choose in all too even, to use a Guitar Pick in all, and while playing the Guitar that is}, and in all truly even, a person in all again, who does choose to impress others in all again, and not only via Speech/speech or ones Voice truly even, but in all again, via engaging in all, and in Artistic behaviour too actually, and with the end goal truly even, and of exposing another and as liking one too, and before in all again, one does choose to move along (or change their ways even), and as a stranger very much would that is {and in all again, a person truly in all, liked by everyone, but caring not to know a single soul, and as such, living life rather freely in all truly even}.

In all truly even, the above 4 'Immortals', does speak in all again, and of 'Nairo' and Nairobi as a whole too, and as a World City actually {meaning in all again, those from outside Kenya in all, and choosing to live in 'Nairo' too perhaps (and on a part-time basis too and of a kind that is), can truly in all again, turn to any of the above four Social figures in all, and in truly enjoying their stay in many a way, and in Nairobi as a whole too that is, and before choosing to leave in all again that is {or stay even, and in the belief that, Nairobi in all, could very well be the place, where the most unexpected and of all happenings too, transformational in nature, is bound to happen to one that is, and in the name too, and of the above four Social figures in all, the Occult, or even Social Justice in itself too actually}.

The Secret

The Secret.

Popular Imagery & 'Nairo':

There are those who do live in Nairobi in all, and truly do wonder, just how in all again, to go about getting recognized, and favourably too, and by general Society that is {and as with this even perceived, and by many a person/fool even, and as the very key too, to attaining happiness in Nairobi or Kenya and as a whole too that is}. That in all, most do falsely believe that, making lots of Money, or even truly again, being acquainted with certain forms of Material Wealth in all (and as including owning a Mercedes Benz too, or even befriending those in all, viewed as somewhat truly Elitist in nature that is), will in all ways truly even, get one recognized, and favourably too, and in just about every arena too, or facet even, and of life and in Nairobi too that is.

Truth be told, the desired to be accepted, respected or even appreciated in all, and in Nairobi too, actually does lie in, and in attempting, to make oneself, and as Visible that is, and as one can be {and not Popular truly either} {and with being Visible in all, speaking in all again truly even, and of being spotted even, and as being at the right place in all, and at the very right time too, and probably in all again, truly doing even, the right thing actually}.

One of the most interesting perhaps, aspects of life in Nairobi in itself, very much has to do with the very fact that, industry (or Decentralized Industry in itself too), has very much come to be defined, and by the most interesting of forces in all truly even: those having to do, and with Popular Imagery in itself actually. That in all, industry in Nairobi or the Horn of Africa too perhaps, is not German like in its ways (and speaking even, of developing a Work ethic and as with this too, a major part of many a German identity in all that is), or even truly again, not American-like either {and speaking in all again, and of attempting to seek out approval in all, and as including self-approval even, and in the form too perhaps, of being awarded in all, an Award, or even truly again, a Prize of a kind actually}. In the Horn of Africa though (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya), industry in all again, appears to be highly driven, and by Popular Imagery in itself actually {and as with this even, speaking of being as Visible and as one can truly be, and as with this even, a key in all again, and of living life easily, and as one truly can, and in the Horn of Africa too that is} {and with being Visible here, speaking in all again even, and of oneself, being at the right place, and at the right time too, and having the right thing in all again, happening to one that is}.

In many a way though, those in 'Nairo', will truly notice that, Nairobi today, and as a rather 'useless' place even, can truly be said, to be dominated in all, and by two major industries {and as with they even, not of any great benefit in all, and to those who do live in Nairobi as a whole too that is}. And with they being in all again, the Transport/Transportation industry in all, and even truly perhaps, the Jua Kali industries in themselves actually. That in all again, one will truly find that, it is on a Sunday truly even, when Nairobi as a whole, is truly at its very best even, and when these two above mentioned industries in all again, Transport/Transportation and Jua Kali too, are not in operation, and in most ways truly even {and with Transport/Transportation in all, and as an industry in all again (and as with Matatus too for instance), dominated by those, and in 'Nai' too, while the Jua Kali industries in all again, are in all truly even, truly run and owned, and by those in 'Westernized Nairobi' too that is}. In all again, two industries, working rather poorly in all (and making Nairobi, and during the Week too that is, looking rather Third World in its ways that is, while Sundays on the otherhand, does have Nairobi in all, feeling very much like an International city perhaps, and when these two industries in all again, are not in operation either, and in just about any manner too that is}. In all again, nothing wrong with these two industries in all, and other than saying that, they are truly run in rather poor manners/ways, and by those who do engage in them that is, and as with saying that, the end goal of these industries in all (or industry in itself too), and in Nairobi or the Horn of Africa too, very much has to do, with making as much money as possible, and while offering the poorest or shoddiest too, and of services that is {and when the true key to succeeding in these industries in all again, does truly lie perhaps, and in helping create the very right kind of Popular Imagery too, and as with this referring specifically even, to having ones products or services in all, rather Visible to most that is (meaning in all again that, ones products/services made available in all, and at the right time, the right place, and truly even, to the right people in all, and in a rather fashionable manner too that is, and not efficient truly either}.

What will be proposed below, are 4 main industries in all {and as with industry in all again, not truly Small-scale Industry, but Industry in all, truly capable of being decentralized that is}, and that those in 'Nairo', can truly engage in, and as with this even, referring in all, and to why those in 'Nairo', would seek out a general Schooling Education that is, but also, truly reminding those in 'Nairo' that, the key to being accepted, recognized or appreciated even, and as truly belonging to Nairobi in itself (and as with speak of being a Political force in all), does very much have to do, and with Popular Imagery in all (and being as highly Visible too that is), and not, with being well Educated, or even truly again, with attempting to be as highly Elitist, and as one can be that is {and with Elitism here, speaking in all, and with the ability to rule, and socially too, and over others lives that is}.

1. The Self-Help industry: Perhaps the most undiscernable, and of the industries recommended herein that is, but the Self-Help industry in all again, truly speaking of, and of not only Personality and Character Development in particular, but truly in all again, of being a great Communicator that is {and making the Self-Help industry in 'Nairo' too perhaps, rather unique in its ways that is}. In all, this does speak of Personal Aesthetics/Habits, and in Nairobi as a whole too that is, and as in truly saying that, most peoples of Nairobi in all, are truly wanton in their ways actually, and as with this even, making Nairobi as a whole, one of the worst places to live in (and as with speak of Disgust levels too that is), and in the whole wide World too perhaps {and all due, to most actually, and in Nairobi too, have rather poor Habits to them, and aesthetically speaking too that is (and as with how they do laugh for instance), and making life in Nairobi in all, rather disgusting and on the average too that is}. In all, the Self-Help industry here, probably hard to imagine up, and as with truly dealing even, and with Indecency, Pitiful states, and even Abnormal behaviour in itself too (and with Abnormal too, referring to the belief that one should be treated exceptionally well, and not morally truly either), and in all ways truly even perhaps, hard to make real, and due to those in Nairobi too, not willing to change at all, and as with regards even, to Pitiful states, Indecency or even Abnormal behaviour too {but in all ways truly even, this speaking of just about any avenue in all, to be used, to help those in Nairobi in all, truly change, and as with regards truly even, too all this (and if this too, does truly include in all too even, propositioning Government in all, to create a Religious police that is)}. In many a way, the Self-Help industry, and as the very true key, to finding happiness in all, and not only in Nairobi in itself, but also, in the Horn of Africa in itself too that is.

2. The Legal Funding industry: The Legal Funding industry, does speak in all too even, and of those, good Creative Writers in all, and of Legal Documents too, and as with regards truly even, to propositioning, and as with further speak even, of a Proposal that is, those in the Funding Industries in all (Non-Governmental or Diplomatic too), to truly help even, and in helping turn Nairobi as whole even (or even parts of the Horn of Africa too), and into a reknowed City in all truly even {and as with comparisons too that is, and to just about any other City in the World actually} {and all this too, speaking of the added Cultural benefits in all and to those in Nairobi as a whole even, and due to making recommendations in all again, that will come to impart a certain said experience in all (or memory too perhaps), and to a wide ranging number of peoples, and who do associate themselves in one way or another, and with Nairobi too that is} {and as with this furtherly even saying that, all this does speak of truly discerning in all again, the rather wide ranging effects, that holding a highly popular 'International Film Festival' for instance, and in Nairobi too, can have for one, and for just about anyone else involved too that is} {and as with furtherly truly adding that, this in all again, truly perceived even, and as a rather new way of living in all, highly memorable and prolific too, and as with this truly even, speaking of living out a life, and as designed very much in a circuit like manner actually, and all based around, highly Creative even, folks in all, truly coming up with all forms of Proposals in all again, that will have those involved in all, not only making lots of money from it all, having work to do (and in the form of self-employment even), visiting all kinds of places in all too really, or even truly again, having the best of Memories in all to tell, and to those even, who chose not to get involved that is (and as with this even, speaking of what Anatolia in itself, is truly all about: the best Memories in all, that life could ever truly possibly offer, and of the Amazement kind too that is)}.

3. The IT (Information Technology) industry: The IT (Information Technology) industry, should not be confused and with the Computer Industry in itself, or even the Software Industry too that is. The IT industry in many a way, is that part of the Computer world in all, highly even, decentralized in its ways actually, and particularly speaking of Computer equipment manufacturers too, and of all kinds too that is {and as with all this furtherly speaking even, and of what they do call Enterprise (and not Business or Entrepreneurial activity either), and in the Computer world too that is}. In all, Enterprise, and as with this referring even, to simply helping improve or make better, and on a daily basis too perhaps, just about anything, and that can be processed, and by the IT industry in itself too that is {and with this in all again, referring to the equipment or gadgets in all, associated with IT too that is}. In many a way, four main sectors of life in Nairobi in all, can truly benefit, and from the IT industry: Publishing, Art/Music, Securities, and Finance too actually. And with Publishing here and in all again, referring to not only Internet Publishing in itself (and speak of being a Freelance Writer too that is), but in all ways truly even, all about being a Copywriter perhaps (and speak even of mass consumption that is), an Editor (and further speak even of mass media), and even a Publicist too (and speak even of mass communications that is). Art/Music, referring in all again, to the very use of IT technologies in all, to truly promote Art/Music, and that could very well be said to be beneficial in all, and to a certain audience too that is {and whether Local, or even International too actually} {and as with this even, truly speaking of being a Scout, and for all forms or kinds even, and of Talent too} {In many a way, a good way of thinking of all this, is to think of it all, and from Germany's Popular Entertainment sector that is, and not America's either}. Securities, and as with this referring even, to truly helping come to define, what in all, truly does stand for Wealth, and even Money in itself too, and within Nairobi as a whole too that is, and even the Horn of Africa too perhaps. Finally, the Finance industry in all, and as truly perceived even, and from the ability to create a rather successful even, Advertising, Marketing or Branding campaign even, and as with truly knowing even that, it is actually going to be a success, and that in all again, any products or services to be promoted in all truly even, are those, which do fit, the profile in all, and of an already created Advertising, Marketing or Branding Campaign too that is {and as with this truly even, speaking of Black-Box mentalities/logic, and when it does come, to the Finance industry as a whole too actually}.

4. The Arts & Crafts industry: The Arts & Crafts industry, does not speak truly even, and of the creations of Arts & Crafts in themselves actually, but truly in all again, the using of such Arts & Crafts, and in just about all forms of festivities, occasions, gatherings, celebrations etc., and to be held just about everyday of the week too, and for all sorts of Audiences that is, and who do happen in all, to be within Nairobi, and at that specific time too that is {but with this in all again, speaking of just how in all, to truly spur business in all again, and in a place and such as the Village Market Mall for instance, and on a Saturday morning too for example}. In all again, all this speaking truly even, and of one in all again, truly capable of becoming a Cultural Ambassador that is, and as with this truly even, speaking of a highly Popular person in all, living within Nairobi in itself too, and capable of being International or truly even, Worldly that is, and in their ways too actually {and not having to resort to Models, Actresses/Actors or even rather prominent Businesspeople too, and for all this that is}.

In all truly even, one should be reminded that, the main goal of the 4 industries above, has nothing to do with making money in itself, but in all ways truly even, the attempts to make life in Nairobi, and for everyone in it too, rather Memorable that is (and as with this speaking even, and of Formulating an Identity too actually), and in all ways truly even, these four industries in all, perceived even, and as the main way truly, and of bringing together, all those who do live in Nairobi in itself actually (or simply merely even, those visiting it too that is), and in all ways truly even, the very attempt, to make oneself as truly Visible as possible, and in not only Nairobi perhaps, but on the World scene too even {and as with reminding one truly that, living in 'Nairo' or even Nairobi as a whole too, does best work actually (or truly only does work actually), and as based around formulating an Identity that is, and with all this in all again, speaking in all truly even, and of creating or experiencing even, that one rather Memorable episode in all (and not event truly either), and that will in all again, carry one truly even, throughout ones life that is, and as with finding acceptance, respect or appreciation even, and in Nairobi too, rather difficult in all, and for a place in all again, more or less filled with Individuals, truly capable of being rather selfish even, and as with life in it in all again, truly centered around News Media in itself actually (and not cultural formations truly either)}.

In all, is to tell those in 'Nairo', one can truly envelop themselves in the above 4 industries in all, or truly even immerse oneself that is, and in these 4 industries, and as with this even, speaking of what they do term a Whirlwind life in all, and one capable too, and of carrying one in all again, and to not only just about every corner of Nairobi in itself too, but also truly even, the whole wide World in itself too actually {and as with perhaps even, best viewing all this and in all again, and from the Legal Funding industry in itself, and further speak even, and of being a Creative Writer too that is}.

Tuesday 4 September 2012



Basic speech & 'Nairo':

What they do call Espanole, in all truly even, actually does refer too, and to a kind of Spanish, that is heavily Media driven in all, and not truly Gramatically correct that is {meaning that, learning Espanole, will not make one truly understandable, and as with speak of Cultured speech too that is, and to most Spanish speakers either, and to be found in Spain, Europe, or just about anywhere else, Grammatically correct Spanish, is spoken in all truly even}.

When one does think of 'Nairo', and from the perspective of Basic speech {and as with Basic speech too, differing from Speech in itself, and as with the latter too, more or less Intelligence driven, and with the former, referring in all again, and to general Thought Systems in all actually}, one will be surprised to learn that, various forms of Basic speech, have often been seen in traditional Nairobi actually {and as with truly even, attempting to call 'Nai', 'olden Nairobi', or even 'Westernized Nairobi', 'historic Nairobi' too that is} {and with 'olden Nairobi' in all again, speaking of a change in Materiality in the place, while 'historic Nairobi', does speak in all ways truly even, and in a change in general behaviour too, and as with regards truly even, to Aesthetics in all, and the very attempt even, to appear Cool perhaps, and in Nairobi too (and as with all this referring even, to speak somewhat, and of the history of Aesthetics in Nairobi too), while 'traditional Nairobi' in all again, does speak of the history of Nairobi in itself too, and as a formerly rather cultured place too that is (Colonial, Pre-Colonial and Victorian Nairobi that is)}.

In all again, and as with speech even, a major basic identifier, and for those living in Nairobi in itself too and as a whole even (it containing in all again, far much more numerous forms of speech in itself, and as with this even, referring to Nairobi and as a rather small place even, or actually truly again, as a rather huge place actually), 4 main forms of Basic speech in all, will be introduced below, and as having been prevalent before, and in Nairobi in the past too (or 'Nairo' too actually), and as with Africanization and Westernization in Nairobi, speaking in all again, and in a fall in the levels (quality), and of Basic speech in all, heard in the place actually.

1. Brit speech: The form of speech that did define Nairobi, and during the Colonial times too, and as with it even, a speech rather sophisticated in its ways, authoritative, and one in all again, truly used even, and in Work related issues that is. The kind of speech in all again, one will find and in the poetry/prose too for example, and of William Yeats too that is.

2. Euro speech: There is a form of Basic speech, that one could very well call 'Euro', that was more or less prevalent, and in Pre-Colonial Nairobi too perhaps, and as with it spoken truly even, and by European populations in all, living in Kenya back then. In all, a form of speech that did come to define the very world of Relaxation and Entertainment too in all, and in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Nairobi too, and as with it truly even, the form of speech that those who do live in 'Nairo' in all too even, do in all turn too, and when seeking out Entertainment, or even truly again, seeking out to Relax in all truly even {and a form of speech too, one will find and in the 'Secret Seven' series too, and by Enid Blyton that is}.

3. Americo speech: There is a form of Basic speech, one could very well call Americo, that did come to be rather prominent in Nairobi as a whole (but amongst its Brown skinned populations too), and one too, very much American in its ways actually. Its the kind of speech, one does hear and in a movie perhaps, and such as Wayne's World 1&2 (and with Wayne and Garth too that is), and surprisingly to most, this kind of speech was used in Nairobi once, and in all again, did come to create Class distinctions in Nairobi in itself, and as with certain Brown skinned populations in all, and who did speak it, coming in all again, to be termed 'Babi' that is {a term in all too even, referring not only to Babylonian Civilization in itself actually, but also truly even, speaking of believed pretentious ambitions, and by those who did speak it that is}. In all, a speech often used to create camaraderie, and friendships and within 'Nairo' too, and the main form of speech in all again, used between the different Sexes/Genders, and in 'Nairo' too that is.

4. Espanole: There is a form of Basic speech, one could very well call Espanole, and as mentioned way above, a Media driven form of Spanish too, that in all ways even, is truly suited for 'Nairo' in all again, and as with it truly even, truly helping counter, the rather huge problem of helping define a general Aesthetic in all (or pleasant look too perhaps), and within Nairobi too that is {and as with speaking of Landscaping too perhaps}. That in all, 'Westernized Nairobi' has taken over, how in all again, Nairobi as a whole does look Aesthetically, and in many a way even, making Nairobi look far more 'modern African' in its ways, and than it should look/be perhaps {and as with it even, Nairobi as a whole too, originally always having had a Brit, Victorian or even British look to it all actually}.

In all, for those in 'Nairo' is to categorically state that, Language, is actually a most crucial issue in all, and not only in Europe too perhaps, but in Africa truly even. That in all, Political and Social spaces in all again, and in Africa too, are highly defined, and by Language in itself actually {and not Wealth Accumulation either, or even Educational attainments that is} {that Language, and in Africa too, is power in itself actually}. The difference though, and between the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya), and the rest of Africa too, is that, Lingua in all, is totally used even, and in Africa and outside the Horn of Africa too, while speech in all again, is truly used even, and in what they do call the Horn of Africa too actually. The trouble with Nairobi as a whole though, is that, while speech is totally used even, and in 'Nairo' too, 'Westernized Nairobi' in all again, does actually use Lingua in all, and as seen in the rest of Africa too, while 'Nai', and troubling enough too, does use Vernacular in itself, and as with this even, referring to a form of Tribal slang, way much backward in its ways actually, and than Lingua truly is {and making 'Nai', that part of Nairobi, one does fully associate even, and with all forms of Depression and Mental Illnesses too, and in many a way even, the Nairobi too, and of Mental hospitals and Psychiatrists all over too that is (and speak too even, of poor Self-Images in all that is)} {and as compared in all again, and to 'Westernized Nairobi' too, whose problems in all, are more or less Social in nature (and speaking even of poverty in Nairobi itself too), and as with this referring even, to poor Social and Political Images in all that is}.

In all again, what is been truly said here is that, to survive in just about any part of Africa, not only, does one have to truly master Language in itself, but in all ways truly even, learn to wield it, and as efficiently as possible too {and as with survival here too, truly actually speaking of making the place, Africa that is, feel very much like a Home actually, and one too, with as few of problems in all, and as possible that is} {and with this in all again, not speaking of attaining Success either actually} {and all this even, speaking of the difficulty of living within Africa too, and where one in all again, has to truly master Language in itself, and in order to simply feel at Home actually, and comfortable too, and within the Continent that is, and on doing this, then actually in all again, truly attempting to seek out Success in itself that is (and as compared to other parts of the World too, where mastering Language in all again, does actually go hand in hand, and with Success in itself too that is)}.

For those in 'Nairo' again, the above four forms of Basic speech in all, to be truly mastered that is, and in the attempt, to feel truly at Home and in Nairobi/'Nairo' or even 'Africa'/the Horn of Africa in itself too, but in all ways truly even, what they do term 'Ubaguzi' in all, and in Kenya too perhaps, speaking of Class distinctions in all, and as highly based around speech in itself that is {that in all, outside the Horn of Africa, the use of Lingua in all, is actually the norm, and with the Horn of Africa in itself, actually having the use of speech, and as the norm that is, and as with truly furtherly saying that, most peoples in Nairobi, do not actually know any form of speech in all, but instead, truly using Lingua and Vernacular too, and which has led in many a way, and to the rather chaotic environments, and that one does find all over Nairobi too that is}.

William Yeats {and basic Aesthetics similar in all, and to Espanole that is}:

Monday 3 September 2012

Business 101

Business 101.

Polemics & 'Nairo':

To speak of Polemics and 'Nairo' in all, is to actually, not only truly speak of just how to survive in all, and in the place too actually (and as with speak too even, and of Financial stability perhaps), but in all again, what kind of success in all, is truly worth ones while that is {and as with furtherly stating that, those in 'Nairo', can in many a way even, truly survive or support themselves even, and as Saints too perhaps, and by associating themselves in all again, and with the rather many Religious Institutions/Groups, many International too, and to be seen in the place that is}. In all though, Polemics and 'Nairo', does speak in all truly even, of what kind of success truly, to chase in life actually {and as with the Religious belief even that, Life in all, is filled with Abundance and Hope all over that is}.

There is a novel way perhaps, and of viewing Economics in all, and within Kenya too. While most out there, and in Kenya too that is, do tend to view Kenya Economically, and highly from Manufacturing and Finance too, the best way in all again, to actually view Kenya Economically, is from the perspective of its Peoples: they in all again, capable of being classified as either Employed (and as with a Job too that is), or even Workers truly too {and as with the News Media in Kenya, always only truly focusing, on Job Employment that is, and not on Workers either, and such as Carpenters or Iron workers too, and who in all again, are trained in many a Skill or Trade too, and as with the News Media in all, giving a rather false picture even, and of Kenya's Economic Hopes too perhaps, and as with Kenya too, having too many of a Worker that is, and having no work to their names either, and simply in all again, seeking out many a creative person in all, and to put their skills in all again, and to work that is}.

In all, is to perhaps tell those in 'Nairo' that, there are four main Disciplines in all, that they could engage in actually, and in helping find not only readily available Work that is, but in all ways truly even, becoming Self-Employed and in all ways truly. These four Disciplines in all, can be stated as follows:

1. The Middleman: A term perhaps, that many who have studied Accounting and in Kenyan High Schools too, are knowledgeable about. In all, the Middleman can best be said, to be a Deal Broker of a kind actually. In all truly even, a person, highly Cultured in their ways, and is truly knowledgeable in all again, and of Business and Ethical practises too, and in the very least in all again, a person who does bring together two or more capable persons in all, and for the benefit or the good even, and of everyone else that is {in all, the brokering of a deal, that will affect the Masses even, or even truly again, a person one could call a Business Innovator, and as with 'he' even, truly helping improve, and on a Businesses products/services too that is (and along the lines too, of such products/services in all, viewed in all again, and as now being sophisticated or rather cultured too that is)}. In many a way, for those who do make or gain ground in this, the opportunity to go International even, and as with one truly, not truly in all again, a Cultural Analyst perhaps, but truly even perhaps, a 'Business Expert' actually, and as with truly realizing that, two differing Businesses in all, can come together to create Novel products/services in all again, and for a rather new even, segment of the Market that is {and as with truly even, attempting to tell Daimler-Chrysler in all, whom their real Market, truly was}.

2. The Intermediary: In all again, speaking of a person, one could very well call a Business Consultant. In all, the Intermediary, is a person in all again, at the very least even, and as with seeking employment too perhaps, truly knowledgable and in helping in all again, Streamline actually, what they do call Business processes that is. At the very least too, a person in all again, and in charge truly even, of creating Field Reports (and as with this speaking of Field Research too that is), and Field Research too, and as with helping a Business in all, truly create a Profit margin, that they could very well be truly proud off that is {meaning in all again, a person, capable of turning just about any Operation, and into one again, rather Independent in its ways that is (and as with speak of little or no breakdowns at all that is), and in all again, at the very least too, very much involved and in what they do call Business Design actually (a person in all again, who does Design Businesses in all truly even, and before in all again, selling them, and to a bidder of a kind that is)}. In many a way, the Intermediary, and as coming to rule Business in Nairobi even, and as with 'he' truly even, truly capable of helping Design small cities and towns too, and as functioning truly too, very much around Small Businesses in themselves actually {and something in all again, needed in Kenya or even the Horn of Africa too (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya), and at the very least even, a person in all again, that the Mayor's Office in Nairobi, would very much like to know actually, and as with many of Nairobi's City Design problems in all, capable again, and of being solved, and by a Business Designer/Consultant too that is}.

3. The Subsidiary: In all again, speaking of a person, one could very well call a Business Advisor. In all, a Business Advisor, is someone who can in all again, be termed a Technical Analyst of a kind actually. They in all, do actually deal with, a Businesses Efficiency and everyday Technical problems too, and as with they even, offering alternative solutions in all, and some thought up readily too, and in helping deal with any forms of technical problems, hitches, blocks, drawbacks, snags, stoppages, interruptions etc., and in many a way even, offering many a technical product or service too, and to many a Business out there in all that is, and as with perhaps attempting to tell or explain even, and to many a competing Business too, how their solving in all and of common problems together, can truly in all too even, not only lower their risks of collapsing in all again, but in all truly even, helping raise Business Competitiveness and Culture too, and as with this referring specifically even, and to the branching out and into as many other possible Business opportunities, and by truly understanding, what it is a Subsidiary in all, does actually do, and how in all again, a Subsidiary in all too even, can truly help them branch out and into as many other Business opportunities too that is, and by defining the common/ordinary problems in all again, to be truly faced and by doing as such that is.

4. The Auxiliary: The Auxiliary in all, does refer to a person one could very well even, call a Business Consul. In all, a person in all again, who truly simply in all, does analyze many a Business out there, the products and services they do have to offer, and simply in all again, does attempt to take advantage of opportunity in all, that the Businesses under study in all again, are truly missing out on {and whether this does speak of, being far more even, competitive, and as compared to the Businesses studied (the Tributary), or truly even again, the offering of products/services and that are Supplementary and to the Businesses being studied too, or even truly again, the offering of advice in all, or consul too, and to many a Business out there (and as a Co-operative for instance), and on just how to protect their turf that is (and if a society for instance, does truly call for it that is, and for a Business too, thinking of closing down perhaps)}.

In all again, while the Middleman is capable of going International and in his ambitions too perhaps {New York, Sao Paulo, London, Paris, Mumbai, Tokyo, Canberra or even Dubai too}, the Intermediary and as with 'Nairo' too, very much becoming a key figure in all, and in helping transform City life, and in just about every part and in the Horn of Africa too (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya), and with the Subsidiary in all again, and in 'Nairo' too that is, and via the Horn of Africa in all, helping bringing together Businesses, and in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East too that is, and finally with the Auxilliary in all, helping connect Businesses and on a Continental scale too, and between the Horn of Africa and the rest of Africa that is, or even between the Horn of Africa and Europe too, or even truly again, helping connect Businesses in Africa, and with those in Europe too actually.

'Ali Baba'

What they do call 'Bootstrapping', and as the recommended Business modus operandi, and for those in 'Nairo' too: