Friday 31 August 2012


Ales (or 'Nairo'#4).

Entertainment culture & 'Nairo':

Entertainment in all, should not be confused with Popular culture, and as the latter is more or less Political in its ways, and while the former, can be said to be somewhat intellectual in its ways that is. For those in 'Nairo', when it does come to thinking Entertainment, then let it all be primarily, based around or centered that is, the drinking of Ales actually (and not Beers, Spirits or Wines either) {and with Sprite to be the most popular of these Ales, and with Ales too, and as emanating in all, and from Canada too, highly recommended too actually}.

The Docudrama

The Docudrama (or 'Nairo'#3).

Popular life & 'Nairo':

What they do call Popular life in all, could in all again be said to speak of, customs and traditions in all, and as seen in 'Nairo' too that is. In all ways even, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, Popular life in 'Nairo' in all (and as with attempts to seek out Fame or Iconic status even), does in all ways even, go along and with the customs and traditions too, and that one does engage in, and as with this even, referring to being Popular in all, and a Worldwide level too that is. In all again, the very belief that, it is possible to create many a custom and tradition too, and highly suited for 'Nairo' in all, but Worldly in their ways too, and by in all, watching many a Docudrama {or even the reading, and of what they do call Lit. actually (and not Literature either)} {and as with the fine example, of works published by Dover Publications that is}. In all, if one truly does wish to watch Television/DVD, then let it in all again, truly be a Docudrama you are watching.


Spices (or 'Nairo'#2).

Cuisine & 'Nairo':

For those living in 'Nairo', is to in all again tell them that, the popular in all, eating of Victorian styled Foods that is, and as a natural Diet too, is not truly 'Nairo' in spirit, but that instead, learning how to create Indigenous forms of Cuisine in all, and as highly based around Spices too that is, is the very way to go actually {and as with this even, rather Worldly in its ways that is} {and furthermore, the replacing of Chicken, and even 'Nyama Choima' too, and with Rabbit meat in all too even, and as a more or less staple meat diet too, and for those in 'Nairo' too that is}.

The Poster Club

The Poster Club (or 'Nairo'#1).

The Pop Critic:

For those living in 'Nairo', is to perhaps tell them in all again, and of just whom they are in all, and as the most basic of Human beings too that is. That in all, one will truly find that, while living in Nairobi as a whole even, or even in Kenya and as a whole too perhaps, there is a strong tendency in all, and for one too, to simply in all again, Criticize, just about anything to be seen out there actually. In all ways even, is to perhaps mention that, all of you, and in 'Nairo' too, are by nature, Pop Critics that is {meaning in all that, the Criticizing and of just about anything out there too, and from a Popular perspective too that is} {and as with looking even, and at a poorly made Shoe for instance, and truly wondering or pondering even, if the manufacturer in all, does employ drunkards that is}.

In all, while in Kenya and 'Nairo' too, one will find that being a Critic in all, does come by default even, but in all again, for those in 'Nairo', being a Critique in all again, is actually what is called for and by nature too that is. That in all, it is advised (and as Health practise too actually), to in all again, indulge in writing out some of ones thoughts in all (or expressing them and in just about any other manner too, but as freely as possible that is), and as a Pop Critic would too perhaps, and as with this even, not only the basis of an Indigenous Publishing industry in all, and in 'Nairo' too, but that in all again, a Wealth of Knowledge/Information in itself, and that can be interpolated in all again, and from such efforts too that is.

In all again, at the very least, this does call for the founding of a Poster Club, and as with furtherly saying that, this does speak of a Popular Hangout, and for many a Critique too (or even a Pop Critic that is), and as with the further belief that, Posters in all, are actually truly somewhat even, perfect in their ways actually, and that in all again, they cannot be truly criticized that is {and that in all too even, anything out there and that cannot be truly Criticized in all, does in all ways even, deserve its own Poster and of a kind too actually}.

The Quest

The Quest.

The Quest (or 'Nairo' in 4 Parts).

Thursday 30 August 2012

Moby Dick

Moby Dick.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again, is to truly tell them that, when facing just about any painful situation in all (frustrations, pains, annoyances etc.), then they in all again, should in all ways even, view themselves, and from more or less a problematic perspective too, and very much too, as none other than Captain Ahab himself actually (and of 'Moby Dick' fame too that is) {and as with this in all again, referring to the open/general readership Oxford World Classics version that is, and not the original American (Boston) versions either}.

Thursday 16 August 2012



Physical Realities & 'Nairo':

Most have truly heard, of the myth, and of the famed Atlantis too. It too in all again, said very much, a Civilization, and which was truly perfect in its ways, and such that, life for every single person, being or creature in it too, was in all ways truly even, a bliss of a kind actually, and that in all ways truly again, no one in all, could truly really say, what Atlantis truly was like (it being nothing perhaps), or even truly in all again, how it did truly work like (and as with it said now, everything too perhaps).

In many a way, and to cut a long story short, the above narration in all, does speak of Atlantis, and as Civilization too, but truly in all again, Atlantis as Myth that is.

To speak of 'Nairo' though, and along the lines of the famed Atlantis, is to in all ways even, speak of it, and from the perspective of Atlantis and as Physical Reality in all that is {and not Reality truly either}. That in all, one could very well imagine up Atlantis, and from the very perspective of a Panacea for instance (a solution to all of ones problems, ailings or illnesses even), Occultic Signs & Symbols (and with this truly speaking of Signs even, and as with the Sun too, bursting out in all, and in a Heavenly manner too perhaps, and from behind a Cloud(s) that is, and all this in all again, symbolizing good or bad fortunes in all that is), Fate, Destiny & Karma (and as with truly finding, ones life calling that is), the Supernatural (and as with the most unlikely of occurrences or events in all, truly capable of happening, and in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi, or even Nairobi as a whole too that is), and finally in all again in the very form of Stigma (Nairobi in all, and as a place too, where nothing bad, terrible or evil even, could ever happen to one that is, and despite perhaps, hearing of such events in all too really).

In all again, for those in 'Nairo', when one does think of the potential of the place, do not attempt to equate it, and to New York, London or Paris either, or even truly again to famed Cities of old (and as with 'Nairo' even, very much modeled around them too), but in all ways truly even, do think of 'Nairo' (or even Nairobi as a whole too), and from the very perspective of Atlantis, and as Physical Reality in all again, and as just mentioned above too, and in the 5 points in all, stated above in all too that is.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

the Parrot & the Warthog

the Parrot & the Warthog.

Those in 'Nairo' in all, do in all again recognize similarities, and between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania too, and as mainly arising, and from the EAF & EAC in all {the East African Federation, and also the East African Community too}.

In all again though, those in 'Nairo', might not be as quick, and in noticing similarities in all again, and between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too. That in all, this does speak truly even, and of what they do term general Play too, and as with the case even, and of meeting a long lost friend too perhaps. In many a way though, general Play in Kenya, is often today, defined by the Buffalo, and with that in Ethiopia, by the Hyena, and finally in all again that in Somalia, and by the Lion too actually. Traditionally though, this has not been true for the three places in all, and as general Play in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, has often truly been the same in all, and in the form of the Warthog too actually.

In many a way though, talk of general Play in 'Nairo' in all (or even Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), does today in all (and as with the rest of Nairobi too), take the form of the Rabbit, Giraffe or even the Rhino too, and when in reality, general Play (and as with speak too even, and of interacting at a Party for instance), and in 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi too, does in all ways even, speak of becoming one with the Parrot, and in general Play too that is.


Kikuyu culture.

Democratic Republic Ideals & 'Nairo':

Those who do live in 'Nairo', Nairobi as a whole, or even Kenya in itself too, do truly know of the highly sedentary even, cultural existence/atmosphere in all, and that has come to be created in all again, and by the Kikuyu people too. That in all, when one does think Kikuyu culture in Kenya, one should in all ways even think Personal & Group Identities, and just how in all again, Kikuyu people have come to destructively shape or condition even, these two Identities in all, and in all ways even, helping circumvent Kenya away, and from operating very much as a Democratic Republic too that is.

To speak of Kenya and as a Democratic Republic too, is to in all ways even, tell one that, Kenya has always been a country of Settlers too, and not one of Natives either. What this does mean is that, speak of those said to truly belong in Kenya, is speak even of, and of what they do term Indigenous peoples too, and not Tribal peoples either {and as with the rest of Africa too, and minus Ethiopia and Somalia too that is}. In all again, Indigenous, does speak in all too even, of alienable cultures in all, co-existing harmoniously and with each other too, and as compared in all again, to the Tribal world in all that is (and as seen in the rest of Africa too, and outside Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia that is), and which in all again, does speak even of rather rigid Political structures too, and as compared to the far more fluid world of Indigenous peoples in all {they being far more Cultural in nature too, and not truly Political either}.

In many a way, while Kenyan History is often poorly written and from the perspective of Natives and the Tribal too (and as with attempting to speak even, and of African migrants from the Congo Basin in all, settling in Kenya, and simply then living rather poor nomadic lives too) {and as with furtherly stating that, Black African languages in Kenya, are primarily of Nubian origins/extraction, and not Congo either actually}, Kenyan History in all again, can best be written, and from a Settler/Indigenes perspective too, and as with it even, referring to Swahili/Victorian cultures, Settler Communities (they even European, American or even merely Farmer and City dweller too), and finally in all again, Arab presences in all {and as with this even, speaking of Italian groups in Kenya too that is}.

In all again, the latter view, that of Settlers/Indigenes, and as with they even, said believed true/good speakers of English in general too, did in all too even, come to generally define Kenya and as a Democratic Republic too that is, and as with this even, speaking of the utmost liberty and freedom in all, and in creating Personal & Group Identities too, but something in all again, that has come under severe attack in all, and from in all ways even, the very rather recent too, and post-independence in nature actually, development, and in what some do call Kikuyu culture too that is {and as with it even truly in all again, a cultural phenomenon in all, and bringing together, not only White, Brown and Black skinned Kenyans in all again, but all this too, happening very much, and under the name of 'Family Gatherings' and Festive occasions too that is} {and as with the case even, of some of the members of the Leakey family, referred to in all again as, 'White Kikuyu' that is}.

In all again, while the speaking or understanding even, and of the Kikuyu language in all, is deemed necessary and for one to be a true Kikuyu too, being a secular Kikuyu on the otherhand, does speak in all ways even, and of attending many a 'Family Gathering' or Festive occasion too (and as with they even, occurring on the daily and the everyday too), and as with this in all again, speaking of coming to define a Personal & Group Identity too that is, that one could very well call Kikuyu, but with this in all ways truly even, coming to reach troubling heights in all, and as with saying that, if what they do call a Democratic Republic, can be said to generally speak of a Kenyan (National) Consciousness in all, then one does find that Kikuyu culture in all again, coming to not only somewhat define Kenyan (National) Consciousness in all, but in all ways truly even, the derailing in all again, of Democratic Republic Ideals in all, and as defined previously, in Pre-Colonial/Colonial Kenyan Victorian legislature too that is {that in all, Kenya and during the Colonial/Pre-Colonial eras too, did function rather well, and in a Victorian manner too, and before the so termed struggled for Independence, and by disenfranchised groups in all, poor speakers of English too, fighting for a place, and in a very much Victorian Colonial society too, and as seen then in Kenya too that is}.

In all ways even, in helping many in Kenya, understand the destructive impact of Kikuyu culture in all, and in its hampering in all again, the proper development and functioning even, and of not only Kenya as a whole, but 'Nairo' too that is, and all based around having those in Kenya too, very much create Personal & Group Identities in all, and that are in accordance somewhat, and with Kikuyu culture in itself too, but in all ways truly even, Kikuyu culture and as coming to replace Democratic Republic Ideals in all, and that do in all again and as with subjugation too perhaps, require one to be a good/true speaker of English, and as in finally adding that, Kikuyu culture and as coming to define Kenyan (National) Consciousness in all, does require everyone to somewhat speak even, the Kikuyu language in itself, and as with an opinion even, one of the more backward Languages and culturally too, to be seen all over the World that is {and as with saying truly that, what does make the Kikuyu people and culture, seem somewhat formidable in itself, is the organizational structure in all, and very much Pattern like too, that is very much associated with it, and as with saying that, its a Pattern oriented structure in all, and not Design oriented either, that very much appears to have overcome the limitations of the Kikuyu language in itself (it somewhat now intermixed even, and with Kiswahili and English too), and one too, this Pattern oriented structure, that in all ways even, has proven to be rather detrimental and to just about all other Kenyans too (and as based around Kikuyu culture bonding in all, and with Government in Kenya too), and in all ways even, coming to hamper not only the development of a Kenyan (National) Consciousness in all (a Kenya for all), but in all ways truly even, hampering in all again, Individual success and by limiting (and via social discrimination too that is), just how all other Kenyans, do create Personal & Group Identities that is} {and as with all this even, speaking of Kikuyus in all, as the main harbingers, and of Tribalism in Kenya too that is}.

In all, what will follow below, is in many a way even, a detailed expose in all, and of Kikuyu structural organization too, and as with saying that, once those in Kenya, do actually see it (and as with seeing or understanding even, how it does define our everyday experiences too), then in all, it will probably in all ways even, merely fall apart, and enabling Kenya too, to get back on its feet, and as based around very much operating, and in a secular manner too perhaps {and along the lines of Democratic Republic Ideals that is}.

In all ways even, what will follow below, is a detailing of the Kikuyu, and from a Settler/Indigenes perspective too, and which in all again, might very well surprise one in that, Kikuyu people in all, actually do come from afar and wide (and as including Asia or even America too), and in many ways even, this speaking of Kenya in all, and very much as a Settler country too (Farmers & City dwellers), and not as a Native/Tribal country either {and filled with rigid even, Political structures in all that is}.

1. Kikuyu Customs and traditions: With this having come to be defined in all again, and by Brown skinned African Sectarian groups and as coming in from Asia {and as with African Sectarian too, referring to their possessing Religious practises in all, and similar in Design, and to those seen in African Religious practises too that is}, and as with furtherly adding that, many of these groups, were formerly even, of the Kamba tribe in Kenya, and in all ways even, what does make the Kamba and Kikuyu too, similar in all, and in Customs and traditions too that is.

2. Kikuyu traditional lifestyles & music: With this in all again, speaking of Nilotic presences and within Kikuyu culture too (and such as the Samburu or Kalenjin for instance), and as with these groups too, heavily having come to define Kikuyu tradtional lifestyles in all and as based around Kikuyu tradtional music too, but surprisngly enough, one also seeing elements, or populations too, Black skinned, and as coming in from the Muslim/Islamic world, and as seen in the Middle East and Central Asia too actually {and as with reminding one that, these lifestyles, somewhat poverty stricken in nature even, are mainly found in the rural areas of Kenya, and are hampered in all again, and by their being truly based around Kikuyu traditional music too, and simple in its ways actually, and as with this music even, defining Personal & Group Identities in all, and in rural Kenya too that is}.

3. Kikuyu government: It in all again, consisting of Towns in all too even, that many would primarily consider Kikuyu in culture, and totally so even and as with government in such towns in all (and such as Murang'a, Kiambu, or even Nyeri too perhaps), having come in all again, to be strongly defined even, and by Brown skinned groups too, and as coming in from the Bantu-Cameroon world actually {and as part of the so called Congo Basin too that is}.

4. Kikuyu Folk culture: Kikuyu Folk culture in all, does speak in all ways truly even, of Kikuyu Folklore in all again, and as used in not only seeking out Personal success, but in all ways truly even, forming what one could call Kikuyu City/Town identities in all, and in all ways truly even, this segment of Kikuyu culture in all, actually originating in all again, and with African Sectarian Black skinned Asian groups, and who did in all ways even, migrate from Asia in itself, and in seeking out employment in Kenyan Farms too, and during the Pre-Colonial and Colonial eras of Kenyan History that is {and as with reminding one that, Black skinned peoples are to be found everywhere in Asia, and such as the Hindus or Tamils even, but with some on the otherhand, very much having African-like hair too that is (and due to being African Sectarian too actually)} {meaning in all again that, these groups (Blackskinned African Sectarian Asians) actually do look and speak like straight haired Black Asian groups in all, and as to be seen in Asia too that is}.

5. Kikuyu religion: And with it in all again, actually somewhat Jewish in nature (and as with speak even of some of its practises), and as brought in by African Sectarian Black skinned groups, and as found today even, in both Israel and Jordan too {and in many ways even, what does make Kenya today, somewhat Israeli like in nature too that is}.

6. Kikuyu language: Falsely believed of Congo/Niger-Kordofanian origins too, the Kikuyu language is actually in many a way even, a vernacular and a slang too actually, and with it in all, not only having words from the Nubian languages, Kiswahili and English too, but in all ways truly even, a gramatical structure, similar in all, and to language in all again, and as spoken in the Middle East too actually {and as with the Middle East even, having other Languages to it and other than Arabic too, and with the Kikuyu language in all and on the otherhand, somewhat Hebrew-like in nature/grammatical structure too, and as with its origins even, said believed to have originated and with African Sectarian workers in all, and as coming in too, and from the Middle East that is}.

7. Kikuyu Elitism: Speaking in all again, and of Kikuyu groups and as seen in Nairobi and Nyeri too, and with this in all again, referring to Kikuyu Humour and Expressionisms in all, and as with it even, of Kikuyu Folk and Congo origins too, and which in all ways even, has come to give rise and to a world of Nefarious activity in all (and as with this even referring to bribery, corruption or even prostitution in itself too), and that in all ways even, all this coming to define Kikuyu Business in Kenya, or even coming to truly affect the Kenyan Government in itself, and due to the somewhat high number of Kikuyu employees in all, and to be seen in it too that is.

8. 'Nyeri': 'Nyeri' in all, does speak of a core Kikuyu culture, that highly does center around 'Family Gatherings' and even Festive occasions too that is {and as with they even, not only defining everyday Kikuyu life, but in all ways truly even, truly centered in 'Nyeri' too that is}. In all, what can be truly called Kikuyu culture, is not only the two defining segments of Kikuyu life mentioned above, 'Family Gatherings' and Festive occasions too, but that in all ways even, this does speak of Kikuyu peoples, coming collectively and as one, and as with regards truly even, to speak of Monetary difficulties in all that is {that the Kikuyu and as Modern/Western too, does in all ways even refer to their housing many a cultural/tribe Investment Fund in all, and as with the Kikuyu too, and as with speak even of Modern/Western Identities in all again, seeing themselves primarily, and as Investors too that is}. In all ways even, it is in this segment of Kikuyu life, and where one in all again does find White and Bi-racial groups in all, and as part of Kikuyu culture too, and as with they even, viewed in all again, and as Business partners of a kind, or even Managers in all, and of Kikuyu Investment Funds too that is.

9. Kikuyu Nationalism: In all ways even, this referring to a Kikuyu Money economy in all, and as based around Kikuyu commercial and trade based activity too, and as with this somewhat merging even, and with the very world too of Kikuyu Real-Estate endeavours in all (and as with this furtherly even referring to Kikuyu Investment Funds in all), and in all ways too, all this merging with the very world of Kikuyu Politicians, Kikuyu Employees in Banking, and even truly again Kikuyu Educational endevours in all, and in Small Business, trade and commerce too, and in all ways even, a sphere of Kikuyu life too, and very much associated in all again, and with Kikuyu women too that is, and known to many a Kenya too, and as 'Ugenya' that is {and as with this even, speaking of Kikuyu Exclusionism in all, and of other peoples in Kenya too, and not only from general Kikuyu life that is, but also very much in all too even, speak of Kikuyu attempts in all, to control the Banking Industry in Kenya too that is}.

10. Kikuyu Country: In all ways even, speaking of the proliferation and of Kikuyu peoples too, and in Kenyan Administrative and Bureaucratic Units in all, and within Government too that is and further speak too even, of Kenya in all, and in (National) Consciousness and general Identity too, very much starting in all again, to become Kikuyu in nature, and as with Kikuyus in all, attempting to define Law and Ethical practises in Kenya too, and facing stiff opposition in all again, and as mainly from the Luhyia and Luo tribes of Kenya too, and as with some of them even, Luhyia and Luo, deemed sellouts even, and in the Kenyan Media too, and by their becoming Kikuyu in all that is {and as with they even, destined to benefit in all, and from any gainings perhaps, and as arising even, and with Kikuyu Nefarious activity for instance}.

In all again, is to not only remind one that Kikuyu culture in all, is not only centered around its language (or vernacular and slang too), but in all ways truly even, having at its very heart, a culture highly based around ones Body mechanisms in all (trigger, repair, feedback, response etc.), and as with this too, what the Kikuyu language in all, is truly centered around: ones Body mechanisms that is {and as with Kikuyu people even, known to annoy many a person even, and rather easily too perhaps, and by triggering in all, envy or hate even, and as with this even, primarily speaking of what does constitute of Kikuyu Power & Dominance in all, and amongst those in Kenya, who can very well be said, to be African/Modern/Western in their ways too that is}.

In all, Kenya and Nairobi too (Nakumatt), and as a functionable place in all again, does speak of prominent Swahili Families in all, and as fully engaged in most of Kenya's Manufacturing, Agriculture and even Merchant Trade too, and as with saying truly that, it is these Swahili Families (and somewhat Victorian in their ways too and while within Kenya that is), that do in all run Kenya and from the Private Industry sector too, and with Public Institutions/Industry in all again, and now somewhat operatable and due to the efforts of President Kibaki, still somewhat underfire perhaps, and from Kikuyu elements, and who do in all again, love to engage in Nefarious activities that is.

In many a way, the biggest threat to Kenya, does lie with Kikuyu Nationalism in all (and the Kikuyu attempt in all too even, and to control Banking in Kenya too), and as with furtherly saying that "Ugenya" in all, can very well be perceived, and from the very perspective too, and of other such Nationalistic endeavours in all again, and as with speak too even, of the so termed "Uarabuni" for instance, and with it in all again, speaking of the Swahili world, and as attempting to spearhead Democratic Republican change in all, and within Kenya too, and as very much based around what they do call "Majimboism" actually, and as with this even, referring to making Kenya in all again, very much Victorian/Swahili in nature too and as with "Majimboism" too, not segregative in nature and as the Kenyan News Media might report, but actually in all again, viewing Kenya in all, and from a Settler/Indigenes perspective too, and not a Native/Tribal perspective either, and as the Kikuyu often do falsely tend to present themselves that is (and as with some Kikuyu too, and as with 'Nyeri' even, very much having their homes, and in America too for instance, and as Green Card immigrants that is)} {in many a way too, speak of "Majimboism" in Kenya, is to speak in all again, and of the likes of Kenneth Matiba too for instance}.

In finality, a final perspective and on "Ugenya" (Kikuyu Nationalism), "Uarabuni" too, and what in all again, some do call "Uzunguni". "Uzunguni" in all again, speaking of the attempt in all, to define Kenyan (National) Consciousness, Personal & Group Identities, and even Democratic Republic Ideals, and as based around Academic and Cultural Book/Media Publishing in all, and Indigenous to Kenya too, and as based truly on publishing only in Brit, Victorian and British English too actually {and as with saying that, the Blogger in all, 'Ali Baba', does in all ways even, view Ugenya in all, and Kikuyu culture too, and from the very world of Academic and Cultural Indigenous Book/Media publishing, and as with this referring even, to donations in all, and as coming in, and from the German Embassy/Consulate in Kenya, and also, the Goethe Institut too perhaps}.

of Kikuyu Nationalism, "Ugenya" & Kikuyu Country:

Great Britain

of Great Britain.

Common/Commoner Identity & 'Nairo':

When we do speak of a Commoner (or the Commons truly again), we are in all ways even, referring, and to whom we are in all, and as everyday problem solvers too that is{and from attempts in all to pay of our bills, or even truly again, where we do in all seek to do our weekly shopping perhaps, or even finally, what to do in all, if we do hurt our knees for instance}. In all ways even, and unknown to many a person in 'Nairo' too, Nairobi as a whole does require one to mainly in all, operate very much and as based around a Commoner Identity too (and speak too even of the Commons that is), and as compared to places in Ethiopia, Somalia and the rest of Kenya too, or even a City and such as New York or London too for instance, and where in all again Cultural and Political Identities in all, do play a major role, and in the everyday lives of the people too, and despite the rather popular belief in all too that, places and such as the United States of America for instance, heavily today, do operate based around a Commoner Identity that is, and when in reality, they truly do operate and heavily around, Political or Cultural Identities too that is {that in all, despite what professional success you might attain in America, one will probably be shocked to discover that, a local Musician in all, or even a Landscaping/'Lawn Services' expert too, is probably far much more valued in Society, and as compared to a University Graduate, a professional too, and from a highly recognized even, National North American University for instance}.

The problem though, and with Commoner Identities in all (and as with this referring even, and to the Commons too, and as a place in all again, where Commoners in all, do heavily operate in: and as with the fine example of a popular shopping mall for instance), is that, they can make life heavily sedentary in nature, if in all, they are not well understood that is. In attempting to help one understand not only the Commoner Identity in all again, but Nairobi as a whole too (and as a place too, where Kikuyu cultural existence, has very much come to define everyday life that is), we in all again must speak of a base Media in all, and that did once define Colonial and Pre-Colonial Nairobi in all too, and as with speak too even, of living everyday life out that is. In all, a base Media, one could very well describe as Great Britain too.

What they do call Great Britain, should in all again, be distinguished and from the Victorian world in itself. For the Victorian world in all again, did actually very much exist, and much more grandly too actually, and in Kenya that is, and as compared to England in itself too, and wherein in all again, one truly does find that, what is often termed Victorian culture in England, was in all ways even, Media actually, and as emanating from Britain in itself, but in all ways truly even, actually referred to as Great Britain that is {and as with telling one that, the terms Britain, Great Britain or even Imperial Britain too, do actually refer to Media in all, and as with Britain specifically speaking of European Media in all again, Great Britain to Media and as seen in the Victorian world, and finally Imperial Britain, and as Media in all again, that is very much actually Worldwide in nature too that is}. In all, Great Britain, and as primarily even, referring to Media, and in the form too, of Historians in all, and as once associated in all again, and with the Victorian World (but with they not truly Victorian either), and as with further speak too even, of Queen Victoria's attempts in all, to somewhat reform the World even, and during the Victorian Era too, and by having Historians and from Great Britain in itself, travel all over the World, and attempt in all again, to fully truly document it, and in the very hopes even, and of helping bring about some form of change, and as primarily based even, and on merely doing all this (Victorian Society in London), or even truly again, attempt to bring change Worldwide and via Media/Publishing in itself, and as emanating, from Great Britain too that is.

In all ways even, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, what has made Kikuyu culture far more prominent in Nairobi and as compared to other cultures in all again, has very much to do with the fact that, while other cultures in all, are based around poor Media in itself, Kikuyu culture in all again, has a defining factor to it all, and whereby one will discover that, at its very heart, and as with speak of psychology too, is a culture in all again, and heavily based around ones Body mechanisms in all (trigger, repair, feedback, response etc.), and which in all again, can make one feel rather out of control even, and as with regards truly even, to dealing with ones environments that is {and as with saying that, Kikuyu people in all, do know how to trigger animosity in others, self-destructive too for instance, but in all ways truly even, is to also tell those in 'Nairo' that, Media in all again, and as emanating from Great Britain in itself, was highly based around all this too, Body mechanisms, and that in all ways even, the reading of works and by Historians from Great Britain too for instance, can be of great help even, and in creating a Commoner Identity that is, and one too, heavily based around Body mechanisms in all actually}.

In helping make all this a reality, is to perhaps in all again truly then, tell those in 'Nairo' that, they should in all ways even, consider Lavington and in Nairobi in itself too, and as a general Commons and for those in 'Nairo' in all {meaning in all again that, the very place too and where one in all again, wants to pay their Bills in, meet a close friend too, or even the place truly even, to generally hold a party that is}, and that in all again, general survival in Nairobi and as a whole too, and as with speak of Individual simply walking around that is, or even as a Commoner truly again, does speak in all ways even, of associating oneself and with the general views in all, and of Mankind too perhaps, and as seen in Media in all, and as emanating from Great Britain too that is (and which does also refer, and to the very world of 'British Historians' in all), and as with their general views in all again, and cultural norms too, believed rather highly suited even, and for not only Nairobi as a whole, but also, the rest of Kenya too that is.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design & 'Nairo'.

News Media

News Media.

DAP & 'Nairo':

The acronym DAP here in all, does actually stand for Development, Advancement and Progress too.

It was mentioned in all again though, and in a previous posting too ('Rites of Penance' entry), that 'Nairo' in all (but with all this very well in all again, speaking of the whole of Nairobi too), that speak of survival in Nairobi in all again, is truly in all, highly based around the world of News Media actually. However though, one does find that in Nairobi in all, News Media, has taken the very form of mere gossip in all, and as folks in all again, just merely sit around talking about nothing much, and while waiting for the inexplicable, and to happen too that is. In all ways even though, is to mention in all again that, News Media in all, actually does work far much better, and in Nairobi as a whole too, and as compared to Cultural formations that is, and for an unknown reason too actually {that in all again, outside Nairobi, Cultural formations do work much better, than News Media in all truly does}.

However though, most do not truly know, what in all again, does truly constitute for News Media in itself {they believing News Media in all again, to be merely simply in all again, all about reporting what can be reported in all that is}. News Media though, does have a mathematical basis to it all, and in the very form too, and of what they do call Statistical Inference. That in all, News Media, and Statistical Inference too, does in all ways even, speak of taking a statistical fact in all (or a statistic too), and in all ways truly even, truly pondering, just how real or truthful in all (and not probable either), the statistic or statistical fact truly is.

In thinking of News Media and as just explained above that is, is to in all ways even conclude that (or even deduce truly even that), News Media at its best (and as with it taking Statistical Inference and to its very heart too), does in all ways even, speak of the modern International Prize Award, and as with such awards truly even, associated in all again, and with winning outputs in all, that do heavily even, take Statistical Inference and into account too that is.

In all ways even, and in the hopes of truly improving News Media and in 'Nairo' too that is {but with all this referring even, and to the whole of Nairobi too}, is to then in all again, point out a number of International Prize Awards, and whose awardings in all, and at the very least too, can help improve on News Media and in Nairobi as a whole too, and as primarily based around, these awardings in all again, heavily even, not only strongly taking Statistical Inference into account, but that in all again, the very awarding of these awards, is also truly in all, heavily based around Statistical Inference in itself too {and as with furtherly adding that, not only is Statistical Inference to be found at the very heart of good News Media, but in all ways truly even, what they do call Occultism, does strongly in some ways even, take into account not only News Media in itself, but also Statistical Inference truly too}.

International Prize Awards & 'Nairo':

1. The Nobel Prizes (all of them).
2. Palme d'Or (and for those obsessed, and with wanting to be French perhaps)
3. The Webby Awards
4. Miss World
5. The European IST Grand Prize
6. The CLIO Awards
7. The Pulitzer Prize
8. The Ovation Awards
9. The Peabody Award (and as with this referring even, to helping bring the influence of Television, and very much under ones control too that is)
10. The Carnegie Prize

Saturday 11 August 2012

1215: The Year of the Magna Carta

1215: The Year of the Magna Carta.

Nairobi as a Worldly City:

It has been mentioned before that, Nairobi as a whole in all, and from the very perspective too, and of Anatolian Nairobi in itself, is to be very much perceived in all, and as a Worldly City too that is. This in all ways even, does speak of a Nairobi in all again, and a place in all ways too, and where people from all over the World, could very well choose to make a home in, and on a full-time, or part-time basis too that is. As a result, those in 'Nairo' in all again, probably do wonder, just how in all, they should accommodate perhaps, the differing kinds of peoples in all, one would very much see in Nairobi and as a whole too {and as with this referring even, to 'Nai', or even 'Westernized Nairobi' too that is}.

In all again, is to tell those in 'Nairo' in itself too that {or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact}, that when they do think of coming together, and with other groups of people, and as to be seen in Nairobi as a whole too, let it then in all ways even, be very much in the same spirit, and along the lines of that seen with the Magna Carta too perhaps {that in all, this does refer in many ways even, to those in 'Nairo', and with Worldly or even International ambitions too that is, and with this in all ways even, speaking of the general spirit in all, required in all again, to get things moving, and not only in 'Nairo' in itself, but wherever in the World too that is, one does seek out fame and fortune in themselves actually}.

Official Wear

Official Wear.

Official Wear & 'Nairo':

The Vested Sweater (or the Sweater Vest too), and as Official Wear in all, and in 'Nairo' too that is.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Heaven & Hell

Heaven & Hell.

Death and the Saints:

Many in 'Nairo', might very well have a big problem in all, and on thinking of Life in itself too that is (and as with this even, referring to Individual Success too), and in a more or less Mystical fashion too that is. That in all, Success, and Life in itself, is often highly perceived and from an Intellectual perspective too that is, and as with saying that, not only do most in the World today, fail to reach the very heights of Intellectual Thought, and as perhaps seen in 18th Century Revolutionary France too {and as with Intellectual Thought in itself, a driving force, and for just about anything else, that does occur in a Society too that is}, but that in all ways truly even, Mystical Thought, does speak of perceiving Life and Success in itself, and at even far much higher levels, and than Intellectual Thought in itself does provide for that is {and as with this even, a great way of viewing European History in all, and as with Intellectual Thought reaching its heights in France too, and with Mystical Thought on the otherhand, very much Arthurian Europe in its ways actually}.

In all ways even, when it does come to thinking of Life, Success and even Heaven & Hell in themselves, and in 'Nairo' too, is to in all ways even, tell those in Anatiolian Nairobi in itself that, the very world of the Saints too, does not have to do, and with Religion (or Theology too that is), or even Christianity in all, but in all ways truly even, with Occultism {and as with the first Saints too, first seen in the Greek-Egyptian world, and not in Italy truly either} {and with the Greeks on the otherhand, not truly having Saints in their Worlds, but Messianic/Saintly figures actually, and such as Jesus too for instance}.

In all ways even, is to attempt to introduce those in 'Nairo', and to just how in all, the Saints, do perceive Life, Success and Heaven & Hell in themselves, and from not only, an Intellectual perspective too, but in all ways truly even, from a Mystical perspective that is, and as very much seen, and in the book/work posted above that is: The Wisdom of the Saints.

Annotated Myth

Annotated Myth.

Saints, Myth/Drama & 'Nairo'.

The Coin Flip

The Coin Flip.

Future perspectives:

Many in 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi in itself, do in all ways even, have problems thinking about the Future in itself. In many a way, this very much has to do, with just how in all, they do perceive themselves, and from a Historical perspective too. That in all, those who do view 'Nairo' in itself, Anatolian Nairobi too, or even Kenya in itself too perhaps, and highly from the perspective of the Country {and as with speak too even, and of Western/Modern History in all that is}, do in all ways even, truly have problems thinking about a good future, and one too, that is not in alignment, and with Material Acquisitions in themselves that is.

In all, many do tend to think of the Future, and from more or less a Group perspective {and as with speak in all too even, and of just how they do create Historical Identities in all that is}, but in many a way too, and for those who do want to gain true Independence in many a way {and as with regards truly even to free thought, individuality, or even Identity in itself too}, is to in all ways even, very much promote, the very trick too, and of the Coin Flip/Toss that is {and as with this even, talking of looking at just about anything, and from more or less a profit/loss perspective that is, and in all ways even, judging the potential and of just about any idea thought up too, and from more or less, the very same exhilarating feeling, and that one does experience/'get', and on performing a Coin Flip/Toss too that is}.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Rites of Penance

Rites of Penance.


In all ways even, living in 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, or even truly again, the 'Horn of Africa' in itself actually, can be rather difficult and in many a way too, and due in all again, and to the widespread presence too, and of (News) Media in itself too that is. To better understand this, is to in all ways even know that, not all regions or places of the World, do properly function, and as based around News Media too actually. That in all, News Media, a phenomenon in all again, truly associated, and with issues of Stability & Instability in themselves, and as with other regions/places of the World too, highly functioning around, Cultural formations actually. To better understand this, is to know that, places or regions and that do highly function around Cultural formations in all, are also highly based around living life, and as primarily based Religion or Philosophy in themselves actually. The World though of News Media in all, does however dictate that, those who do engage in it, do in all ways even, find a way to Cleanse themselves, and in a manner too, rather different in all, and from that associated in all again, and with Cultural formations too that is {and as with the case even, of the Rite of Penance in itself actually}.

In all, the very world of News Media, going rather well, and with the ability in all again, and for one to become heavily tainted even, and in Memory too, and as with even saying that, the very realms of a huge Car accident in all, does not actually occur in those places/regions, and as having life in all again, highly based around Cultural formations and Religion or Philosophy too, but in all ways truly even, places in all again, where people do survive, and as based around News Media in itself actually.

In all, speak of Cleansings here, and as not truly based around Penance in itself too, but that in all again, in those places where (News) Media in all, does tend to rule over peoples lives, and as especially with regards to living everyday life too, is to then tell many a person that, Cleansings in all again, don't only speak of being tainted in memory in all, and as with one too, having done something wrong, but that in all again, society in itself, can treat one rather unjustly, and as with it even, passing harsh judgement, and on those deemed rather short for instance, or even truly again, those possessing in all, the wrong kind of skin colour, or even those having, the wrong kind of Ancestral Heritage that is {and as with all this even, speaking of those places, that do heavily operate in all, and as based around News Media in itself actually. And as compared even, and to those places that do function in all, and as based around Cultural formations and Religion or Philosophy in itself too, and which in all ways even, are moderated somewhat, and by the Rite of Penance/Confession in all, and as seen in the Catholic Church too for instance} {and as with furtherly adding that, News Media in all, only does appear to work rather well, and on a Localized level too, and not, a National or International level either; and all this due in all again, and to what has just been spoken about and above too that is}.

In all ways even, Cleansings, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and as based around the confessional in all perhaps, to be highly associated in all again, and with not only Mary, Queen of Heaven in herself (and as with prayer too), but in all ways truly even, via the readings in all, and of the works in all again, and of St. John of the Cross too that is.

Sunday 5 August 2012



African Geo-Politics:

Africa in many a way, has been at the very heart even, and of a rather interesting movement/phenomenon in all, and Lingual too, and that has very much come to affect, alot of the World too that is. To understand in all again, why Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt in all, truly remain somewhat distinct in name and character too, and all over Africa that is, has very much to do, and with the very fact that, they have been involved in more or less socio-political movements in all, and that in many ways too, did come to shape just how in all, these societies in all again, did politically and socially evolve too that is. Nigeria for instance, has been at the very heart even, and of what they do call Africanisation (the attempt in all, to find an equivalent, and to just about any phenomenon or cultural symbol too, and as to be seen in many another place that is, and giving birth even, and to the very interesting world too, and of Nigerian Scholarship that is). South Africa on the otherhand, has been at the very heart of Westernization, and the attempts in all again, and for South Africa too, to mainly in all, strongly identify, and with the so called English speaking World too, and as with it said even, to mainly consist of America, Canada, the UK, and Australia too. Egypt too, has in many ways fostered, the very rise even, and of Americanisation in all, and just about everywhere else in the World too, but especially, in those places deemed Third-world in all that is.

It is however in Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya in all, where Anglicisation in all again, and as a cultural and political movement, does arise actually. Anglicisation in all again, can in many ways even, be termed Euro in its ways actually, and as with this even, referring to the converting in all perhaps, and of European culture in someways, and into an Anglicised/English form too that is {and which in many ways even, does see many a European name for instance, become Anglicised in some ways, and as with this even, a practise in all, primarily associated, and with European, Victorian, British and Italian groups, and as once seen in Colonial, Pre-Colonial and Victorian Kenya too that is}.

In many a way, this is what has made Kenya in all, somewhat similar to Australia and Canada even, as both places in all again, have truly adopted, the very practise of Anglicisation in all, and into their realms/Worlds that is {and as with Canada even, having Anglicised Irish names to it, and with Australia on the otherhand, having Anglicised German and Scottish names to them actually}.

In all again though, it is deemed truly that, Kenya in all, is at the very least, much more Euro in its ways actually, and than Australia or Canada truly is {and as with the latter two even, rather Western/Modern in their ways that is}, and as with Anglicisation too, truly speaking of the amalgamation in all, and of many a European cultural practise too, and as with this even, referring to just what Euro in all again, truly does mean actually {the very idea or fact perhaps, that a European cultural practise in all, is pretty much capable, and of working rather well even, and in Kenya too for instance}.

In all, for those in 'Nairo', the recommended adopting of Anglicised Portuguese names too, and as with furtherly saying that, European styled Religion, and in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too, can very well be termed 'Occidental Christian' actually (and as with it even, differing in many a way perhaps, and from European Religion in itself too), while Anatolia in itself again, is best in all, truly associated even, and with Biblical names too that is.





Friday 3 August 2012



Why do we suffer?

While those in African Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, (Link) , and as said as a whole too, do and in all ways even envision suffering in itself, and from the perspective too, of Ritual (and as with regards truly even, to Personal Ritual in itself actually), those in 'Nairo' in all again, might very well have difficulties in all, truly envisioning a life, and as based around taking suffering, and into the whole equation too that is.

In many a way, most of us living and in the present/modern World too that is, have been conditioned in many a way, to think of suffering in itself, and from the very perspective too, and of attaining Success in itself that is {that Images of Success are in all, presented to one, and as believed tantalizing even, and in all ways even, the road there, is also very much presented too, and as with regards truly even, to what kind of suffering in all, one has to endure} {In many a way even, a rather dictatorial way of suffering in all, as in many a way too, Images of Success in all, and if Popular too, can very well be taken away from one, and leaving one very much forsaken in all, and about life in itself too actually}.

While in all, those in African Anatolia in itself too, do very much envision suffering, and from very much creating Personal Ritual in all {from everyday prayer, and to rigorous exercise routines too}, those in 'Nairo' in all again, do in all too even though, seek to suffer and in a rather different manner/way too: this being in all again, associating oneself, and with a tale or story in all, that does inspire one in all again, to very much reach out in all and attempt, to simply endure any form of suffering in all that is. In many a way, 'Saints, Sacrilege and Sedition', is very much such a tale even, and as with it even, simply having those in 'Nairo', truly think congenially even, and of what kind of suffering in all, they do actually wish to endure, and in their lives too that is {and even if, this does speak of general employment in all, and just how hard one in all again, is truly thinking of suffering in life that is}. In many a way too, and as with the anti-thesis even, so is the Collins Classics edition of 'The Three Musketeers' in all, very much too that is, a great help perhaps, and as with regards to all this that is.

Finally, is to also refer to 'Durnham-Nairobi' in all again, (Link), and where suffering in all too really, is very much Mythic in nature (and as based around the Planet Pluto in itself too), but also truly even, speaking of the Collins Classics edition, and of 'The Man in the Iron Mask' too.

Song, Suffering & 'Nairo':

Thursday 2 August 2012



While those in 'Nairo' in all again, do in all truly see East Africa, and from the very perspective too, and of Anatolia in itself {'Arab East Africa' that is}, and in all again perhaps, do truly see Eastern Africa in all, and from the very perspective of Rhyme too { see the 'Rhyme' entry}, it is then advised in all ways even perhaps, and to those in 'Nairo' in all again, that when they do think of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia and as one too, then they should in all ways even, view it all and from the very perspective too, and of Abstinence that is {and as not only, a cultural way of living that is, but that in all again, Abstinence, is whom those in 'Nairo' truly are, and when they do visit Ethiopia or Somalia and in all ways truly even}.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Shadow Archetype

The Shadow Archetype.

The Shadow Archetype and 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise).

The Gathering of the Saints

The Gathering of the Saints.

'Nairo' and History in the Making.