Sunday 12 August 2012

News Media

News Media.

DAP & 'Nairo':

The acronym DAP here in all, does actually stand for Development, Advancement and Progress too.

It was mentioned in all again though, and in a previous posting too ('Rites of Penance' entry), that 'Nairo' in all (but with all this very well in all again, speaking of the whole of Nairobi too), that speak of survival in Nairobi in all again, is truly in all, highly based around the world of News Media actually. However though, one does find that in Nairobi in all, News Media, has taken the very form of mere gossip in all, and as folks in all again, just merely sit around talking about nothing much, and while waiting for the inexplicable, and to happen too that is. In all ways even though, is to mention in all again that, News Media in all, actually does work far much better, and in Nairobi as a whole too, and as compared to Cultural formations that is, and for an unknown reason too actually {that in all again, outside Nairobi, Cultural formations do work much better, than News Media in all truly does}.

However though, most do not truly know, what in all again, does truly constitute for News Media in itself {they believing News Media in all again, to be merely simply in all again, all about reporting what can be reported in all that is}. News Media though, does have a mathematical basis to it all, and in the very form too, and of what they do call Statistical Inference. That in all, News Media, and Statistical Inference too, does in all ways even, speak of taking a statistical fact in all (or a statistic too), and in all ways truly even, truly pondering, just how real or truthful in all (and not probable either), the statistic or statistical fact truly is.

In thinking of News Media and as just explained above that is, is to in all ways even conclude that (or even deduce truly even that), News Media at its best (and as with it taking Statistical Inference and to its very heart too), does in all ways even, speak of the modern International Prize Award, and as with such awards truly even, associated in all again, and with winning outputs in all, that do heavily even, take Statistical Inference and into account too that is.

In all ways even, and in the hopes of truly improving News Media and in 'Nairo' too that is {but with all this referring even, and to the whole of Nairobi too}, is to then in all again, point out a number of International Prize Awards, and whose awardings in all, and at the very least too, can help improve on News Media and in Nairobi as a whole too, and as primarily based around, these awardings in all again, heavily even, not only strongly taking Statistical Inference into account, but that in all again, the very awarding of these awards, is also truly in all, heavily based around Statistical Inference in itself too {and as with furtherly adding that, not only is Statistical Inference to be found at the very heart of good News Media, but in all ways truly even, what they do call Occultism, does strongly in some ways even, take into account not only News Media in itself, but also Statistical Inference truly too}.

International Prize Awards & 'Nairo':

1. The Nobel Prizes (all of them).
2. Palme d'Or (and for those obsessed, and with wanting to be French perhaps)
3. The Webby Awards
4. Miss World
5. The European IST Grand Prize
6. The CLIO Awards
7. The Pulitzer Prize
8. The Ovation Awards
9. The Peabody Award (and as with this referring even, to helping bring the influence of Television, and very much under ones control too that is)
10. The Carnegie Prize