Tuesday 7 August 2012

Rites of Penance

Rites of Penance.


In all ways even, living in 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, or even truly again, the 'Horn of Africa' in itself actually, can be rather difficult and in many a way too, and due in all again, and to the widespread presence too, and of (News) Media in itself too that is. To better understand this, is to in all ways even know that, not all regions or places of the World, do properly function, and as based around News Media too actually. That in all, News Media, a phenomenon in all again, truly associated, and with issues of Stability & Instability in themselves, and as with other regions/places of the World too, highly functioning around, Cultural formations actually. To better understand this, is to know that, places or regions and that do highly function around Cultural formations in all, are also highly based around living life, and as primarily based Religion or Philosophy in themselves actually. The World though of News Media in all, does however dictate that, those who do engage in it, do in all ways even, find a way to Cleanse themselves, and in a manner too, rather different in all, and from that associated in all again, and with Cultural formations too that is {and as with the case even, of the Rite of Penance in itself actually}.

In all, the very world of News Media, going rather well, and with the ability in all again, and for one to become heavily tainted even, and in Memory too, and as with even saying that, the very realms of a huge Car accident in all, does not actually occur in those places/regions, and as having life in all again, highly based around Cultural formations and Religion or Philosophy too, but in all ways truly even, places in all again, where people do survive, and as based around News Media in itself actually.

In all, speak of Cleansings here, and as not truly based around Penance in itself too, but that in all again, in those places where (News) Media in all, does tend to rule over peoples lives, and as especially with regards to living everyday life too, is to then tell many a person that, Cleansings in all again, don't only speak of being tainted in memory in all, and as with one too, having done something wrong, but that in all again, society in itself, can treat one rather unjustly, and as with it even, passing harsh judgement, and on those deemed rather short for instance, or even truly again, those possessing in all, the wrong kind of skin colour, or even those having, the wrong kind of Ancestral Heritage that is {and as with all this even, speaking of those places, that do heavily operate in all, and as based around News Media in itself actually. And as compared even, and to those places that do function in all, and as based around Cultural formations and Religion or Philosophy in itself too, and which in all ways even, are moderated somewhat, and by the Rite of Penance/Confession in all, and as seen in the Catholic Church too for instance} {and as with furtherly adding that, News Media in all, only does appear to work rather well, and on a Localized level too, and not, a National or International level either; and all this due in all again, and to what has just been spoken about and above too that is}.

In all ways even, Cleansings, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and as based around the confessional in all perhaps, to be highly associated in all again, and with not only Mary, Queen of Heaven in herself (and as with prayer too), but in all ways truly even, via the readings in all, and of the works in all again, and of St. John of the Cross too that is.