Saturday 11 August 2012

1215: The Year of the Magna Carta

1215: The Year of the Magna Carta.

Nairobi as a Worldly City:

It has been mentioned before that, Nairobi as a whole in all, and from the very perspective too, and of Anatolian Nairobi in itself, is to be very much perceived in all, and as a Worldly City too that is. This in all ways even, does speak of a Nairobi in all again, and a place in all ways too, and where people from all over the World, could very well choose to make a home in, and on a full-time, or part-time basis too that is. As a result, those in 'Nairo' in all again, probably do wonder, just how in all, they should accommodate perhaps, the differing kinds of peoples in all, one would very much see in Nairobi and as a whole too {and as with this referring even, to 'Nai', or even 'Westernized Nairobi' too that is}.

In all again, is to tell those in 'Nairo' in itself too that {or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact}, that when they do think of coming together, and with other groups of people, and as to be seen in Nairobi as a whole too, let it then in all ways even, be very much in the same spirit, and along the lines of that seen with the Magna Carta too perhaps {that in all, this does refer in many ways even, to those in 'Nairo', and with Worldly or even International ambitions too that is, and with this in all ways even, speaking of the general spirit in all, required in all again, to get things moving, and not only in 'Nairo' in itself, but wherever in the World too that is, one does seek out fame and fortune in themselves actually}.