Thursday 9 August 2012

The Coin Flip

The Coin Flip.

Future perspectives:

Many in 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi in itself, do in all ways even, have problems thinking about the Future in itself. In many a way, this very much has to do, with just how in all, they do perceive themselves, and from a Historical perspective too. That in all, those who do view 'Nairo' in itself, Anatolian Nairobi too, or even Kenya in itself too perhaps, and highly from the perspective of the Country {and as with speak too even, and of Western/Modern History in all that is}, do in all ways even, truly have problems thinking about a good future, and one too, that is not in alignment, and with Material Acquisitions in themselves that is.

In all, many do tend to think of the Future, and from more or less a Group perspective {and as with speak in all too even, and of just how they do create Historical Identities in all that is}, but in many a way too, and for those who do want to gain true Independence in many a way {and as with regards truly even to free thought, individuality, or even Identity in itself too}, is to in all ways even, very much promote, the very trick too, and of the Coin Flip/Toss that is {and as with this even, talking of looking at just about anything, and from more or less a profit/loss perspective that is, and in all ways even, judging the potential and of just about any idea thought up too, and from more or less, the very same exhilarating feeling, and that one does experience/'get', and on performing a Coin Flip/Toss too that is}.