Thursday 31 October 2013



For those living in 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi too, one might have noticed a general African Mentality in Kenya in all, and that does speak of viewing everyday life, and from the perspective of fighting it out too. In many a way even, when one does think of Kenya today as such, one finds that it is the Kikuyu people, the Luo and even the Abaluhyia to some extent, who are believed the best fighters of of us all that is [and as with speak even, and of meeting the demands and necessities and of everyday or daily life too that is]. For those in 'Nairo' though, and even Anatolian Nairobi to some extent, is to tell them that, when they do think of whom they are as Fighters, and as with fighting it out and in seeking out what one desires or wants, and not necessarily getting into a real fight that is, then in all ways even, the above Biography of Jimi Hendrix, can be of great use in all, and on simply learning how to fight oneself out of any situation for instance that is [or merely even, getting out of any undesirable situation that is].

*out of humour too, one might have noticed that, Jimi Hendrix kind of looks like a rather mean Hobbit actually.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings.

Re-Inventing Africa

Re-Inventing Africa.

Many in 'Nairo' have probably heard of the phrase 'Re-Inventing Africa'. In many a way, most don't truly know what it actually means other than supposed talk of invigorating Economic life in Africa that is. This is not actually wrong in all, and as with speak even of George Ayittey too perhaps, but that Re-Inventing Africa, speaks of taking the old in all again, and making it new that is. In many a way, the very idea of Re-Inventing something, speaks of taking the old in all, and attempting to make it new, and from a contextual, conceptual or even logical perspective that is. 

In all ways even, Re-Invention in all, is a way of living life and over the generations too, and that is somewhat uniquely African in all, as it also does speak of what some do term the 'Old School' actually. In many another part of the World, living life out and through the decades or generations in all, does differ in many a way actually. In America for instance, it speaks of Americans as being more overtly creative than the rest, and as with this creativity even, more or less Localized in its ways actually [and as with all this even, speaking of having Economic life remain as active as possible that is]. In Europe, the exchange of Intellectual ideas in all, and between differing Cultural existences and some even Local too, does lead in many a way to the prolonging of life/existences, and through the Decades or Generations too that is. In Asia, prolonging life/existences in all, speaks of participation and between differing groups of people actually, and as with this even at the heart of Asian Creativity too [whom in all, to include for instance, and when one celebrates life for example].

In 'Nairo' though, Re-Invention and while working around a Brit Memories framework, does in many a way even, speak of the lives of the Saints actually. In many a way, this does speak even and of re-living the lives.experiences of the Saints in one way or another, but that in all again, the lives of the Saints, are more versatile than most believe them to be, and as with re-inventing their lives in all, speaking in all even again, and of borrowing from a Movie, a Novel or even the Bible in itself actually.

Re-Inventing 'Nairo':



St. Anselm.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Perspectives on History

Perspectives on History.

Many in 'Nairo' today, have been in many a way, conditioned, molded and shaped even, to viewing just about anything that does happen in their lives, and from the very perspective of Modern History too. In all again, and as with Modern History very much British too, this does speak even of viewing, not what happens in Kenya today truly, but what happens to one actually, and from the very perspective of British Colonial History in Kenya, and as with this referring even, and to not only speak of Political Hegemony in all (or Political domination too that is), Western standards of beauty, and even speak of Modernity too [or viewing in all again, ones life in all, and from the very perspective of needed Help, Aid or Assistance too]. In all again, a reminder, that all this does speak even and of how one does view what happens in their lives, and not around them truly either, and as with speak even truly, and of what does constitute Reality in all, and in all ways even all this too, from the very perspective of noticing things in all again, and even from a direct fashion too that is.

In all ways though, and as with the attempt to reset one, and to a more realistic and functionable Reality, and as compared to that put out by the Media today in all (it very much British too that is), is to speak in all ways even and of how the Victorians in all, did view the World actually [and what too, did happen to one in it that is]. That in all again, for the Victorians, what did happen to one could be perceived from the very perspective even, and of one or others too, as being stupid, ignorant, foolhardy or even pretentious that is [and as with the Victorians even, having been proud of themselves, and as being rather down-to-earth that is]. In all ways even, the viewing of Reality, as eventually even, opening up one to all new sorts of experiences in all, and via changing ones behaviour too in general, and as with this resulting even, to viewing life anew, and as based on noticing new realities in all, and that one did not previously even, know to exist that is.

Sunday 27 October 2013



Many in 'Nairo' in all, might have heard of the theory and of Africa, and as a Hopeless Continent too that is. This in many a way speaks of Africans in all, as not only not being Dreamers in all, but in all ways even, Africans as easily even giving up, and on anything they attempt to do that is. To speak of those in 'Nairo' in all, and in the above African context too, is to not only tell them in all and of whom they are in all again when they do easily give up, but in many a way too, whom they are as evolutionary beings in many a way actually [and as with this speaking even of making 'Nairo' a rather reknowed place that is]. That in all, giving up and in 'Nairo' too does go along, with ones Voice actually [or even the very act and of losing ones Voice that is]. That in all again, when those in 'Nairo' in all do lose their Voices, they are pretty much Primitive in their ways, and when they feel as such in all, then in all again, the very act of regaining their Voices, very much has to do, and with St. Paul that is.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Life's Passage

Life's Passage.

Many in 'Nairo', might probably in all have a difficulty thinking of just how to plan out ones life in all. In many a way even, for some, this does speak even of just how to present themselves and in a Honourable and Respectful manner too, and to anyone within their midst that is. All this in all ways even, is not something simple to answer, and as with speak even of the fact that, lives in 'Nairo' in all, are actually rather Individual in their ways that is. To help one though and as with regards to all this, is the source above 'The Conscious Interlude', and one which might help one in all again, learn how to think about life, and by basically in all again, perceiving life, and in a philosophical and metaphysical manner too that is.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

The African Report

The African Report.

Many in 'Nairo', might not truly know what to make of Africa. Africa in all ways even, is a rather big place actually, and with lots of differing people in it. However in all, one does find that, Africa's problems, are often not well theorized in all actually.The belief is that, Africa as a poor place in all, or filled with poverty too, has to do and with Africans not being intelligent people that is.

This in most ways truly even, is actually not true. Africa's problems, are actually more psychological, and not intellectual truly either. To in all again begin speak of Africa in all, is to in all ways even ask those in 'Nairo', to basically perceive Africa as existing in the form of the 'Horn of Africa' too (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia), but in many a way too, Africa in all, and as basically extending, and politically too, and into only Eastern Africa that is.

To begin speak of Africa in all, and as with this referring even to what does constitute African Identities, is to in all ways even speak of how Africa is represented in the Media in all actually. That in all ways even, many today in all, do represent Africa actually, and from the very perspective, and of so called African Voices too that is [and speak even and of what does constitute African Accents in all]. This has not been true in the past, and as with representing Africa, from African Voices, does in many a way even, speak of Neo-Colonialism too, but that in all again, in the more recent past (before Colonialism in all), Africa was always represented, and from the perspective of African Bodies that is [and as with speak even, of many an outsider to Africa, in many a way even praising African Bodies, but also in many a way too, associating such Bodies, and with Slavery actually]. The World of African Bodies, can in many a way even, be associated with Shaka Zulu for instance, but Africa's History is much older than that. It goes back to the Egyptian times, where African Identities, where often based around African Images of Respect [and as with this even not only speaking of the Pharaohs of Egypt, Nubia and Taharqa for instance, but also of Benin/Dahomey in Africa too that is]. In all ways even, when one does think Africa, it is still best to think of it, and from the very perspective of African Images of Respect that is.

To attempt in all again, to put the Horn of Africa into perspective, and as with regards to African Voices, African Bodies and African Images of Respect, is to also speak of how the Horn of Africa in all, does differ from the rest of Africa actually [that in all again, the Horn of Africa, is not well defined and as with regards to these three markers of Identity that is]. When we do speak of African Voices and the Horn of Africa, is to also speak of many a person in the Horn of Africa, having a Victorian like Accent actually. The question of African Bodies and the Horn of Africa too, is a difficult question in all, as African Bodies in the Horn of Africa, are perceived as being Maasai like, when in reality, they are more Habesha like actually. To speak of African Images of Respect, is to best associate them, and with an unknown History in many a way, and of the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia actually), and that does speak of Christian Ethiopia, and the very world too in all, and of Prester John actually.

To speak of Africa and poverty in all, is to in all ways even also speak of just whom Africans are and as psychological beings too. That in all again, the Horn of Africa, does differ from the rest of Africa, and as with regards to all this. In Africa in many a way, poverty in all, does speak of whom Africans outside the Horn of Africa, are, and as psychological beings too. That in all, this does also speak of Africans, psychologically too, as having to maintain images and forms of respectability, and at all times too, and so as to feel psychologically well adjusted that is. The failure to do this, create images or forms of respectability that is and at all times too, often results in poverty actually. This is not true of the Horn of Africa though, where poverty in all again, actually does go with Mental sicknesses and illnesses too that is. That those in the Horn of Africa in all, are actually probably more mentally sick or ill, and as compared even, and to the rest of the Worlds population that is. In all ways even, social problems in the Horn of Africa, should not be perceived from an intellectual perspective in all (and as with speak of intelligence and gaining an education too), but in all ways even, from speak of mental sicknesses and illnesses, and as many a person in the Horn of Africa, and well-educated too, never does fulfill their full potential in all, and due to many a mental sickness or illness that is [and as with many a person in the Horn of Africa, if not all, having suffered from a bout of suicide that is].

Saturday 12 October 2013



There are those in 'Nairo' in particular, and Anatolian Nairobi to some extent too, and who do wonder what a true Memory of the place in all, is truly like [and alongside the creation of Individual Memories, and as seen in the Social Responsibility post too that is]. To speak of this, is to speak in all again, and of Brit culture even, and as it did exist in Victorian/Colonial Kenya too (and as with speak even, and of Lavington in Nairobi too actually), and as with it somewhat even much similar, and to the song above by Sugar Ray: Under the Sun that is. In all ways, this said for those in 'Nairo', and who might get sidetracked, and by many a 'fool' even, wanting to talk to them all the time about Women, Money and Sex in itself too, that such lifestyles in all again, don't exist in Saint driven 'Nairo' actually, and that Memories in all and in 'Nairo' too, and also Anatolian Nairobi to some extent, are very much similar in all again, and to those seen in Brit culture actually.

Carla Gugino

Carla Gugino.

Thursday 10 October 2013



Nairobi: A Historical Timeline

Nairobi: A Historical Timeline.

The following posting in all, actually is based on the attempt, to make those in 'Nairo' (and even Anatolian Nairobi too), feel very much at home and within Nairobi in itself actually. It in all ways even, does simply speak of giving one a timeline in all, and of Nairobi too, and one based around many a spot in the place, and that did in many a way, come to define life in Nairobi in itself too.

Nairobi in the Sixties, and as very much low-key even, and as with Independence too having been declared in all, but with many a social tension, and at the very least between those now termed African and Kenyan too, and as versus those who were part of Kenya's Colonial Government in all, and as with regards even, to basic interactions that is. In many a way too, Nairobi as very much centered, and around the Norfolk Hotel too.

Nairobi in the Seventies, very much having not too much of economic activity going on, as the Kenyatta Regime in many a way, was now proving itself somewhat corrupt, and in many a way too, life in Nairobi in all, as somewhat similar to that seen in 'My Life in Crime' and by John Kiriamiti too, and in many a way, life in Nairobi in all again, and as centered around the New Stanley Hotel actually.

Nairobi in the 80's, sees in all again, a Nairobi in all too really, very much Family oriented in its ways, and as with speak even of Church going activity, or even speak of many a popular Eatery too, but in all ways even, life for the average person as very much going along with KBC programming actually, and with life in the City in all, very much centered around the Florida 2000 (F2) Night Club too.

Nairobi in the 90's, sees an explosion in Media in all, and as with the entrance of American inspired Media actually, and despite the efforts of the Moi Regime in all, to prevent the entry of such Media into Kenya actually (and as with perhaps President Moi knowing that it could all very well ruin Kenya, and from a Class perspective too), and at the very least even, all this speaking of KTN actually, but in all ways really, Nairobi then as somewhat memorable, and as centered around the Carnivore Restaurant too actually.

Nairobi in the 2000's is in many a way, very much a disastrous place, as economically in many a way too, Kenya is now pretty much a  disaster even, and there does exist a mentality in many a way and amongst many a Kenyan too, to actually leave the place, and as with life in Nairobi then, centered in many a way and as very much around the Kengeles Bar & Restaurant too.

The Pink Panther

The Pink Panther.

Sunday 6 October 2013



Allow me to get deep on this posting. We live in a World today, defined in many a way, and by our being compromising in all too really. This in all, actually does speak of just how w do Present ourselves, and further speak even, of retaining our innate Selfs, and when we do this, and as in not creating attachments or connections to others, we do not truly wish to know, and when we do communicate with them that is. The birth and rise though, and of Modern Communication systems in all, and also Modern Transport systems too and as include Modern Flight even, has resulted in a World of many compromises, as we now in many a way  even, Present ourselves to each other, and in manner that does speak even of immediate familiarity. That in all, due to modern communication systems in all again, and also modern transport systems too, we are in many a way one, and due to the rather similar ways in all, we do Present ourselves to each other, and on a Worldwide scale too that is.

To offset all the above though, is to speak in all again, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and of what they do term Espanole in all. That it in all again, is a form of Spanish actually, and not too popular in Spain either, and one which, when spoken (and as with regards even to speech patterns and pronunciation too), does allow for one to be authoritative in all, but in all ways even, speaks of a language in all again, that does allow for one to Present themselves, and in novel manners too (espanole in all, and when as spoken in its English form that is), and that could help one offset, the way we do Present ourselves in the Modern World, and as with speak even, and of us all as rather similar to each other that is. In all again, Laurence Fishburne and as Morpheus too, and in the movie the Matrix, very much speaking in all, Espanole actually, and in its English form too (and as with speak of pronunciation and speech patterns), and in all ways even, very much the way those in 'Nairo' in all, should in all learn how to present themselves actually, and on an International level too that is [but also within Anatolian Nairobi in general too]. In all again, Espanole and in its English form, similar in all again, to just how the likes of Isaac Hayes speak, and in concluding this post, wish to salute an old compadre of mine (but not really so), and by the name of Victor Okello too, and who did attend St. Mary's School in Lavington, Nairobi with me, and as with he even, truly 'Nairo' actually, and a fine speaker of Espanole, and in its English form too that is.

Friday 4 October 2013



For those in 'Nairo' is to perhaps alert them, and of just whom they are, and as Evolutionary beings in many a way too. That in all truly, it was mentioned before that, evolution in 'Nairo', is targeted towards becoming as pure as possible, and this in many a way even, does speak of Sainthood in itself actually. In all, when those in 'Nairo', do think of whats most perfect of all things in all (and as with speak even of pureness in itself), then let it in all again, either match, or go along with Red Mercury that is [and as with Red Mercury too, perceived in all as being the most perfect of substances, and that those in 'Nairo' in all again, are very much evolving and in matter and blood too, and into something similar in all, and to Red Mercury that is] [in all again, that which does match Red Mercury can be said to be permanent to 'Nairo' in all, while that which does go along with Red Mercury, can be said to be partial/temporary, and to 'Nairo' in itself too that is].

Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Abnormal & Normal

The Abnormal & Normal.

Speak of Lawful frameworks and in Anatolian Nairobi / 'Nairo' too.

Tuesday 1 October 2013



As it was mentioned before, living life in Anatolian Nairobi in all, is very much based around Commoner Identities. This in many a way, does speak of getting around Nairobi in all, and in a rather intuitive fashion that is. This does differ even, and from places in America for instance, and where everyday Identities in all can be rather Political (and as with only truly living in a neighbourhood and such as Harlem or the Bronx), or even rather Cultural even (and as with living in a Gated Community, and as with the example of the TV show 'Desperate Housewives').

The problem with Commoner Identities, very much has to do with issues pertaining to Taboo, and distractions in all. That in all, it can involve interactions with others, and which if not well understood in all again (and as with speak of the differences between those in Anatolian Nairobi and those outside it too), can very well even lead to the tainting of ones memory, or even the shattering of ones Self too.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all, is to attempt to give them a picture in all again, and of the people in all too really, that they do meet on an everyday and daily basis too, and as with Nairobi today somewhat rather chaotic in its ways, stressful by nature, and even disappointing and as with regards to efficiency issues in all.

In all again, there are about, 4 different types of people in all, you will meet in Nairobi, and on an everyday basis too.

The first group, speaks of people in all, and who do strongly Identify even, and with Ancestral Identities in all too really. In many a way, this does not speak of tribal languages in all, but actually of traditional attire/clothing, ornaments and even traditional names too. In many a way too, this speaking even of the Maasai people in Kenya, Somalis in Kenya, Indian Communities, and also Muslim Communities too. In many a way too, this group very much institutionalized, and by Educational Institutions in Kenya that is.

The second group of people you will meet in Nairobi on an everyday or daily basis, are those who strongly create Identities, and as based around speech patterns too actually. This does not speak of tribal languages specifically either, but in all ways even, and of slangs, and such as Sheng for instance. In many a way too, speak of populations from rural Kenya living in Nairobi in all, and in all ways even, many in 'Nairo' in all again, might find themselves amongst this group, and as with many in 'Nairo' too, possessing American like speech patterns that is. In all again, this group of people, and as very much institutionalized, and by Religious Institutions in Kenya, and as with this group even, very much living Community oriented lifestyles that is.

The third group of people you will meet in Nairobi on a daily or everyday basis, speaks of those who do create strong Identities even, and as based around Materiality in all. In many a way, this group strongly attempting to associate themselves, and with International presences in Kenya in all again, and as with this mainly speaking of White skinned peoples in Kenya too that is. In all, a group of people who attempt to own fancy cars, real good homes, or even friendships and of the international mold too. In all, this group as attempting to Institutionalize themselves, and with Institutions in all, and that do go with White skinned peoples in Kenya that us [and as with this even referring to some Educational institutions, or even Religious Institutions too].

The fourth group of people you will meet in Nairobi on a daily or everyday basis, speaks of those actually, and surprising enough, strongly acquainted even, and with Kenya's Hospitality, Entertainment and Touristic spots in all. A group, that does speak of Celebrity figures in Kenya, and as with this speaking even of many an outsider coming in from the rest of Africa in all (and as with the musician Bamboo for instance, Ugandan, or even the case of Chinedu too), and in many a way even, this group finding itself somewhat institutionalized, and by Serikali too (or Government Officials that is), and as surprisingly enough, it is Serikali, that is actually behind Kenya's Celebrity scene in all. In many a way too, the Nairobi of alcoholics and people with Biashara mentalities in all (or the making of all kinds of deals that is), and all over. In many a way too, the Nairobi that is most strongly associated, and with Kikuyu peoples too.

In all, for those living in Anatolian Nairobi, meeting with the above groups of people in all, could lead to interactions harmful to one, and as with case of the tainting of ones memory in all (and as with speak even of deep anguish that is). In all again, speak of St. Michael, and as with helping one deal with the stressful conditions one finds in Nairobi today, and as with helping define Taboo, and at an Individual level too.

Anatolian Nairobi, Alternative Rock and Taboo:

House Music

House Music.

House Music, Decency/Indecency and 'Nairo' too, and speak even of the Swahili term Ufinazi.