Sunday 27 October 2013



Many in 'Nairo' in all, might have heard of the theory and of Africa, and as a Hopeless Continent too that is. This in many a way speaks of Africans in all, as not only not being Dreamers in all, but in all ways even, Africans as easily even giving up, and on anything they attempt to do that is. To speak of those in 'Nairo' in all, and in the above African context too, is to not only tell them in all and of whom they are in all again when they do easily give up, but in many a way too, whom they are as evolutionary beings in many a way actually [and as with this speaking even of making 'Nairo' a rather reknowed place that is]. That in all, giving up and in 'Nairo' too does go along, with ones Voice actually [or even the very act and of losing ones Voice that is]. That in all again, when those in 'Nairo' in all do lose their Voices, they are pretty much Primitive in their ways, and when they feel as such in all, then in all again, the very act of regaining their Voices, very much has to do, and with St. Paul that is.