Wednesday 16 October 2013

The African Report

The African Report.

Many in 'Nairo', might not truly know what to make of Africa. Africa in all ways even, is a rather big place actually, and with lots of differing people in it. However in all, one does find that, Africa's problems, are often not well theorized in all actually.The belief is that, Africa as a poor place in all, or filled with poverty too, has to do and with Africans not being intelligent people that is.

This in most ways truly even, is actually not true. Africa's problems, are actually more psychological, and not intellectual truly either. To in all again begin speak of Africa in all, is to in all ways even ask those in 'Nairo', to basically perceive Africa as existing in the form of the 'Horn of Africa' too (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia), but in many a way too, Africa in all, and as basically extending, and politically too, and into only Eastern Africa that is.

To begin speak of Africa in all, and as with this referring even to what does constitute African Identities, is to in all ways even speak of how Africa is represented in the Media in all actually. That in all ways even, many today in all, do represent Africa actually, and from the very perspective, and of so called African Voices too that is [and speak even and of what does constitute African Accents in all]. This has not been true in the past, and as with representing Africa, from African Voices, does in many a way even, speak of Neo-Colonialism too, but that in all again, in the more recent past (before Colonialism in all), Africa was always represented, and from the perspective of African Bodies that is [and as with speak even, of many an outsider to Africa, in many a way even praising African Bodies, but also in many a way too, associating such Bodies, and with Slavery actually]. The World of African Bodies, can in many a way even, be associated with Shaka Zulu for instance, but Africa's History is much older than that. It goes back to the Egyptian times, where African Identities, where often based around African Images of Respect [and as with this even not only speaking of the Pharaohs of Egypt, Nubia and Taharqa for instance, but also of Benin/Dahomey in Africa too that is]. In all ways even, when one does think Africa, it is still best to think of it, and from the very perspective of African Images of Respect that is.

To attempt in all again, to put the Horn of Africa into perspective, and as with regards to African Voices, African Bodies and African Images of Respect, is to also speak of how the Horn of Africa in all, does differ from the rest of Africa actually [that in all again, the Horn of Africa, is not well defined and as with regards to these three markers of Identity that is]. When we do speak of African Voices and the Horn of Africa, is to also speak of many a person in the Horn of Africa, having a Victorian like Accent actually. The question of African Bodies and the Horn of Africa too, is a difficult question in all, as African Bodies in the Horn of Africa, are perceived as being Maasai like, when in reality, they are more Habesha like actually. To speak of African Images of Respect, is to best associate them, and with an unknown History in many a way, and of the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia actually), and that does speak of Christian Ethiopia, and the very world too in all, and of Prester John actually.

To speak of Africa and poverty in all, is to in all ways even also speak of just whom Africans are and as psychological beings too. That in all again, the Horn of Africa, does differ from the rest of Africa, and as with regards to all this. In Africa in many a way, poverty in all, does speak of whom Africans outside the Horn of Africa, are, and as psychological beings too. That in all, this does also speak of Africans, psychologically too, as having to maintain images and forms of respectability, and at all times too, and so as to feel psychologically well adjusted that is. The failure to do this, create images or forms of respectability that is and at all times too, often results in poverty actually. This is not true of the Horn of Africa though, where poverty in all again, actually does go with Mental sicknesses and illnesses too that is. That those in the Horn of Africa in all, are actually probably more mentally sick or ill, and as compared even, and to the rest of the Worlds population that is. In all ways even, social problems in the Horn of Africa, should not be perceived from an intellectual perspective in all (and as with speak of intelligence and gaining an education too), but in all ways even, from speak of mental sicknesses and illnesses, and as many a person in the Horn of Africa, and well-educated too, never does fulfill their full potential in all, and due to many a mental sickness or illness that is [and as with many a person in the Horn of Africa, if not all, having suffered from a bout of suicide that is].