Thursday 10 October 2013

Nairobi: A Historical Timeline

Nairobi: A Historical Timeline.

The following posting in all, actually is based on the attempt, to make those in 'Nairo' (and even Anatolian Nairobi too), feel very much at home and within Nairobi in itself actually. It in all ways even, does simply speak of giving one a timeline in all, and of Nairobi too, and one based around many a spot in the place, and that did in many a way, come to define life in Nairobi in itself too.

Nairobi in the Sixties, and as very much low-key even, and as with Independence too having been declared in all, but with many a social tension, and at the very least between those now termed African and Kenyan too, and as versus those who were part of Kenya's Colonial Government in all, and as with regards even, to basic interactions that is. In many a way too, Nairobi as very much centered, and around the Norfolk Hotel too.

Nairobi in the Seventies, very much having not too much of economic activity going on, as the Kenyatta Regime in many a way, was now proving itself somewhat corrupt, and in many a way too, life in Nairobi in all, as somewhat similar to that seen in 'My Life in Crime' and by John Kiriamiti too, and in many a way, life in Nairobi in all again, and as centered around the New Stanley Hotel actually.

Nairobi in the 80's, sees in all again, a Nairobi in all too really, very much Family oriented in its ways, and as with speak even of Church going activity, or even speak of many a popular Eatery too, but in all ways even, life for the average person as very much going along with KBC programming actually, and with life in the City in all, very much centered around the Florida 2000 (F2) Night Club too.

Nairobi in the 90's, sees an explosion in Media in all, and as with the entrance of American inspired Media actually, and despite the efforts of the Moi Regime in all, to prevent the entry of such Media into Kenya actually (and as with perhaps President Moi knowing that it could all very well ruin Kenya, and from a Class perspective too), and at the very least even, all this speaking of KTN actually, but in all ways really, Nairobi then as somewhat memorable, and as centered around the Carnivore Restaurant too actually.

Nairobi in the 2000's is in many a way, very much a disastrous place, as economically in many a way too, Kenya is now pretty much a  disaster even, and there does exist a mentality in many a way and amongst many a Kenyan too, to actually leave the place, and as with life in Nairobi then, centered in many a way and as very much around the Kengeles Bar & Restaurant too.