Sunday 6 October 2013



Allow me to get deep on this posting. We live in a World today, defined in many a way, and by our being compromising in all too really. This in all, actually does speak of just how w do Present ourselves, and further speak even, of retaining our innate Selfs, and when we do this, and as in not creating attachments or connections to others, we do not truly wish to know, and when we do communicate with them that is. The birth and rise though, and of Modern Communication systems in all, and also Modern Transport systems too and as include Modern Flight even, has resulted in a World of many compromises, as we now in many a way  even, Present ourselves to each other, and in manner that does speak even of immediate familiarity. That in all, due to modern communication systems in all again, and also modern transport systems too, we are in many a way one, and due to the rather similar ways in all, we do Present ourselves to each other, and on a Worldwide scale too that is.

To offset all the above though, is to speak in all again, and for those in 'Nairo' too, and of what they do term Espanole in all. That it in all again, is a form of Spanish actually, and not too popular in Spain either, and one which, when spoken (and as with regards even to speech patterns and pronunciation too), does allow for one to be authoritative in all, but in all ways even, speaks of a language in all again, that does allow for one to Present themselves, and in novel manners too (espanole in all, and when as spoken in its English form that is), and that could help one offset, the way we do Present ourselves in the Modern World, and as with speak even, and of us all as rather similar to each other that is. In all again, Laurence Fishburne and as Morpheus too, and in the movie the Matrix, very much speaking in all, Espanole actually, and in its English form too (and as with speak of pronunciation and speech patterns), and in all ways even, very much the way those in 'Nairo' in all, should in all learn how to present themselves actually, and on an International level too that is [but also within Anatolian Nairobi in general too]. In all again, Espanole and in its English form, similar in all again, to just how the likes of Isaac Hayes speak, and in concluding this post, wish to salute an old compadre of mine (but not really so), and by the name of Victor Okello too, and who did attend St. Mary's School in Lavington, Nairobi with me, and as with he even, truly 'Nairo' actually, and a fine speaker of Espanole, and in its English form too that is.